Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Aziraphale

Faceless... Truly invisible. No one. Who am I? I am no one, yet anyone.

In a vain attempt to keep what presence of self I do have intact, I've decided to write my thoughts here.

Do I have a name? I did once. No one alive knows what that really is. The game has become an addiction. I blend and meld so easily now it's like second nature. I have become fond of the faces I wear. I've gotten close to some of their acquaintances. I'd like to be 'friends' with someone but I can't afford such luxuries. For now, I've set my sights on an organization that would do me well to reside in for business and protection. Perhaps it requires a bit more work and nuanced changes but, I feel it will work nicely for my desires.

Soon enough I'll have to find someone I can share my affections with more freely. Right now I've been enjoying the freedom of sculpting my looks to attract others. We'll see how things develop from here.​

### Appearance:

In his regular human form, Aziraphale appears to be an average man with a head of red hair, but this facade belies the menacing and otherworldly creature that lies within. When fully transformed, Aziraphale's true form is a sight both awe-inspiring and terrifying: He is adorned with blackened horns that curl upwards, sloping back behind his skull, and long, black feathered wings that extend from his shoulder blades. He often wields unique weapons like violet electrical whips and custom daggers. His eyes, already piercing in his human form, become something far more unsettling in his transformed state.

### Personality:

Aziraphale is a creature of contradictions; he's as cruel as he is cunning, as sadistic as he is nurturing. On the surface, he presents himself as a menacing and sadistic individual, taking an almost perverse delight in making others, especially Ko, uncomfortable or scared. Yet, underlying this harsh exterior is a sense of purpose and perhaps even a complicated form of care. He is highly intelligent, calculating, and tactical. He has a wicked sense of humor and a love for the dramatic, shown through his daring and flamboyant fighting style as well as his sly, teasing interactions with others.

### Background:

Aziraphale's origins are shrouded in mystery, but what is clear is that he comes from another world entirely—a realm with formidable beasts like the dragons he so gleefully battles. It's likely that he has had military or assassin training, given his skill in hand-to-hand combat, weaponry, and strategic planning. Whether he has familial ties or obligations remains unknown, but his otherworldly nature suggests that he is possibly an outcast or exile from his home dimension. Some rumors might circulate that he was once part of a rebellious faction in his world, which might explain his expert grasp of insurgency tactics and his affinity for chaos.

### Occupation:

Though his full range of activities is not disclosed, Aziraphale operates as an assassin-for-hire in the current world he resides in. However, given his skills with the Force and his otherworldly origins, it wouldn't be surprising if he also engages in mercenary work that involves much higher stakes than mere assassination—perhaps even matters concerning the fate of worlds. His choice to land on an Imperial ship opens up the possibility that he has some loose affiliation with factions within the Galactic Empire, or at least some vested interest in their activities.

Aziraphale's work may also involve the collecting of "prizes" like Ko, individuals he deems interesting or valuable. Whether he collects them for personal reasons, as part of some grander scheme, or perhaps even as bounties is an open question.

His intricate combination of skill sets, affinities, and mysterious background makes Aziraphale a formidable foe or a dangerous ally—sometimes both at the same time.

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