Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Awake and sober (Daxton)

Light's were moving back and forth , The eye's of the strong man saw a blur as the room started clearing up. Was it over? Was the constant strain in his body really over? Sorrick was now awake, still strapped to the table. He felt fine but more aggressive , like a boiled anger . He screamed trying to struggle out , what was going on why was he alone? were was his master? " were is everyone ?!"

@Daxton Bane
Physical augmentation was never an easy job, this operation had ranked among one of his most complex successes considering he had used Gand Bone Worm Larvae. The vicious parasites bore deep into his apprentices flesh and slowly established a colony, their secretions would calcify his bones to the point were it could handle the additional mass they would introduce later.

Stripping off his blood soaked hospital gown, he toss it into the incinerator chute, before he considered what it would mean for his patient. Sure he would need to adapt his diet to include a steady consumption of raw meat, plus his already short fuse would probably be cut even shorter. Neither was a problem, considering it would allow him to be closer to the Dark Side.

Depending on his patient's stamina he could probably rest for a few days, then they would begin the back breaking physical training which lay ahead. But Daxton smiled as he considered the potential for chaos that this new weapon posed. If left to his own devices, he would probably cut a swathe of death and destruction miles wide, another pawn in his great game, destined for greatness perhaps. One thing he was certain of, the name Sorick Hoften was fated by the gods to be touched by Daxton Bane, the universe would writhe in the utter madness they would unleash.

Stepping into the shower naked, he summoned his female slaves to attend to his bathe that he might be cleansed and revitalized anew.

@Sorick Hoften
all sorrick remembered from the horrid surgery was the small little warms going into his body what the hell where they ? sorrick did not know , his eyes then turned to his master , as the slaves bathed him he then asked firm but quite " is the surgery complete is it over ?" would the muscular man be able to get even bigger and stronger then before? the question kept arising, as he tensed up trying to remember .... hopefully his master would be able to refresh his frustrated mind.

@[member="Daxton Bane"]
@Sorick Hoften

Daxton ignored the man strapped to the gurney, the apprentice would not feel the pain just yet, as the drugs haven't wore off yet. But when they do, it would feel that his body is constantly on fire. Bone Worm Larvae were nasty little creatures that sank deep into the flesh, ever so hungry the pain could drive their victim mad from the constant pain. The side benefit though was their excretions directly calcified the bones, strengthening it without the need of artificial struts. Once his frame could handle the extra weight, he would undergo a grueling regiment of drugs and exercise to augment is already sizable strength.

By the time Daxton would be done with him, he would be a walking juggernaut with death and destruction the foremost thing on his mind. The perfect weapon to unleash on the unsuspecting Jedi.

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