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Avoria | Information Panel

Avoria Khaeus



As a natural-born Aeravalin, Avoria is slim and athletic compared to the other Draelvasier races. On the outside of the skin, external bone acts as light armour to protect the softer, vulnerable skin underneath meaning although real armour is essential for maximum protection, without it there is a still a small amount of protection.

Righteous and Pious are words usually used to describe Aeravalin and this is evident through Avoria. She usually has a passive aggressive attitude yet is able to compose and maintain a calculated yet agile mindset.

As part of her natural armour, there are a few additional assets that contribute to her appearance. The first of these being the helmet-like casing that houses the face, mouth and eyes with slits in a cross formation allowing sight and the ability to speak. The next will be the claws that are naturally sharp and rather dangerous should someone be on the receiving end.


+ Agile: Aeravalin's are extremely agile due to their slim physique and build. Though Avoria is shorter than typical Aeravalins...

+ Intelligent: Another racial trait belonging to the Aeravalins, Avoria loves to learn about anything new, whether it be species or materials, if it's new it's interesting.

+ Eloquent Orator: Avoria is very much an excellent public speaker. This was gained through quite a bit of practice and even allowed her to master Basic (language) alongside her native language, Draevasier.


- Aggressive: Avoria tends to come across as passive aggressive but this is seen more as a species trait than a personality trait. It's important to understand that this is not a personal trait but comes from her culture.

- Warmth / Heat: Aeravalins are sensitive to heat rendering too much of it dangerous and potentially life threatening. Though it can be tolerated Avoria is considerably weaker in warmer climates.

- Empath: As more of a personal trait, Avoria learnt to, unintentionally, pick up on and reflect emotions. Whilst this can sometimes be a blessing and an aide to her orator skills it can also be a curse if she doesn't want to pick up on emotions..

- Spiteful: Avoria is one to hold a grudge and will usually go out of her way to make it her mission to ensure a harsh message is surveyed if wronged. Typically not a good idea to get on her bad side as them claws are pretty sharp..




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