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Avidon System

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Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member

Name: Avidon System
Region: Mid Rim

Suns: The Avidon System is a Binary Star System. The elder of the two is named Avi; which is the central star and the systems original sun, is a G class star. The younger of the two Suns named Don is an artificial sun. It was original a Gas giant sharing the same name as the star Avi. Through the means of Vong forming coupled with technology the mass of the Gas Giant was artificially increased. The fusion process was then enacted through the careful deployment of fusion based explosives to enact the process. This in turn created the Star now called Don, which is a K class star.

Moons: The Avidon system is home to a series of moons. In total there are twenty-five. However they are not all held in the gravity of a singular planet. Five of the moons are held in their orbit by the three habitable planets in the system. Each of these planets have been terraformed to create habitable moons. The remaining twenty moons are in the outer system. They orbit the star Don, and have been terraformed due to the former Gas Giants creation into an artificial sun.

Asteroid Fields: In total there are three asteroid fields that are part of the system. The first asteroid belt separates the Inner system with the Outer System. The second belt surrounds the Outer System. Just beyond this belt is the Avidon System Space Station which serves the entire system as a customs and security outpost. Beyond this small area of empty space is the third field. This Asteroid field is the largest in the system and surrounds the entirety of the system. The system itself has only one hyperspace corridor that allows for access to the system. This corridor is locked with hyperspace beacons which can only be detected by those whom are given the process access and identification codes to navigate the corridor into the system. This means that the system itself is fairly isolated and difficult to gain access to unless previously invited.

Stellar Objects: The Avidon system can be called home to various stellar objects. Some are spacial debris created by careless crews or smugglers that misjudged the shifting and moving asteroid fields. Other spacial debris are the remains of failed planets, comets and other stellar debris created during the formation of the system. These larger stellar objects are often utilized; having large storage hangers constructed within them.

Coordinates: Q-11; The system is roughly an equidistance from its neighboring worlds of Roche, Togoria, Charros IV, Bimmisaari and Metalorn.

Native Species: N/a
Immigrated Species: Primarily Humans with various other "slave" species.
Primary Languages: Galactic Basic Standard, Huttese, and Bocce
Government: System wide Oligarchy Barony
System Population: Roughly 3 Million
Demonym: Avidonians
System Affiliation: Currently Neutral
Culture: Primarily Humanocentric with various other alien cultures brought with the slaves.
Technology: Hyperspace Level

Name: Avidon
Orbital Position: Third Orbit
Moons: Three Habitable moons
Rotational Period: 26 Local Hours
Orbital Period: 375 Local Days
Class: Terrestrial
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: The world of Avidon contains a varied terrain of multitudes. It has vast grasslands and oceans with large peaks that jut up towards the heavens. Both the northern most and southern most poles are capped with glacial formations, snow and ice. the equator of Avidon is dominated by tropical and subtropical climates and regions. With few deserts as many have either been terraformed or turned into vast dry docks to produce vessels.

Major Cities: Avalon (Capital City)
Major Imports: Technology, Slaves
Major Exports: Raw Resources, Machinery, Tools, Vessels of varying sizes

Name: Danalia
Orbital Position: Second Orbit
Moons: One Habitable Moon
Rotational Period: 23 Local Hours
Orbital Period: 361 Local Days
Class: Terrestrial
Climate: Temperate though more arid with less rainfall
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Unlike its neighbor Avidon; Danalia is a more arid and mountainous planet. Most of the world is covered with vast tracts of foothills and badlands; which are broken apart and separated through vast mountains chains. The northern most and southern most poles are dominated by ice covered mountains which are slowly being carved away by glacial formations. While the world lacks an ocean or sea, it is dotted with many lakes and rivers; the water from which is often utilized in mining operations. Due to its terrain and mineral scans showing vast pockets of raw resources, Danalia has long since been a primary source of raw materials within the system.

Major Cities: Dasal (Central Starport and Mining camp)
Major Imports: Machinery, Tools, Mining Equipment, Mining Droids
Major Exports: Raw Materials

Name: Edenia
Orbital Position: Fourth Orbit
Moons: One Habitable Moon
Rotational Period: 25 Local Hours
Orbital Period: 377 Local Days
Class: Terrestrial
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Edenia is dominated wholly by a massive grassland that appears to cover the planet. Much like Danalia, it has no open ocean or sea to speak of; rather having vast amounts of natural springs, rivers and lakes. Ground penetrating radar has also revealed the existence of underground aquifers. The northern most and southern most poles have limited quantities of natural ice and minor glacial formations; being largely dominated by sparse tundra. Rolling hills and fertile soil near the equatorial belt provide perfect locations for mass farming, while the remaining grassland is used to graze Banthas, Nerfs and various other domesticated animals.

Major Cities: Eden (Capital and largest farming community)
Major Imports: Machinery, Tools, Slaves, Beasts of Burden
Major Exports: Foodstuffs and Textiles


The Avidon system was discovered countless years ago during the ancient times of the Old Republic. Its location was kept guarded due to its natural defenses in the means of its asteroid fields and the difficulty of navigating through these fields. Originally it was used as a base for smugglers in the area as it at that time only contained the singular habitable planet Avidon. In time with the smugglers being forced from the area due to the encroachment of the Republic and the hazards of war throughout the era between the Republic, Mandalorians and the Sith Empire; the location of the system was lost.

It would be thousands of years before its rediscovery at the hands of colonist seeking to find a better life among the stars. Settling on the planet Avidon and finding it to be perfect for agriculture; it wasn't long until farming communities and plantations sprouted up around the starport. Enter now the Magrath family, or rather the first original Magrath. The name of whom has long been forgotten except by few; was a colonist seeking his own fortune separate from his cousins on Coruscant who in time would be separated through the use of the term "Coruscanti Magraths" to denote a lesser and poorer branch of the family. This Magrath would build the foundation which was later added to by a successful line of Magraths that were born on the planet Avidon. In time the Avidon Magraths came to control or directly own much of the land on Avidon including access to the space port.

Secure in their fortunes, the Avidon System rode out the Clone Wars in relative obscurity due to its difficulty of accessing the system. During the Imperial Era and the rule of the Empire; the Avidon system was considered through the actions of the Magraths, to be aligned with the Empire. Producing raw materials and finished goods for the benefit of the Empire. During the New Republic Era and the following shifts of power in Government, the Avidon system once more returned to its own isolation. The system during these times was more loosely affiliated with the Hutts, providing secure storage of their illegal goods in exchange for large payoffs. This coupled with the vast wealth of the Magrath family from thousands of years of growth and the natural resources of the system they control provided for a rather wealthy life style.

The system itself would remain isolated throughout the years, even into the Legacy Era when it saw the rise and fall of a New Sith Empire as well as the foundation of the Galactic Trimunitive. For the next few hundred years the system began to make inroads in trading with neighboring systems. The Magrath family even went so far as to offer payment to Vong Shapers and other skilled scientist to Terraform the worlds within the System to make them habitable. This would also see the Gas Giant formerly known as Avi V become the Star Don which provided the necessary light to terraform and make habitable its twenty orbiting stars.

With the news and rumors of the Gulag Virus beginning to spread in its earlier days; the construction of a space station was brought to life. This station was set just beyond the second asteroid belt, and just at the end of the only navigable and safe corridor into the system; thus serving as a bulwark to protect the system. Coupled with the already natural defense of the vast asteroid fields, the Avidon system was effectively cut off and took a hard isolationist stance. Preventing any of their own from leaving the system, or even allowing refugees access to the system. Those few thousands of refugees that were lucky enough to be accepted after heavy medical screenings for any sign of the virus or other diseases or disabilities where permitted entry, though only to the less populated moons that orbit the star Don. Many hundreds of thousands of others were turned away.

This hard stance of Isolation is what would allow the Avidon system to live through the plague with relatively less deaths then many other neighboring systems. While it was not completely safe from the virus, harsh quarantines prevented the spread of the virus from ever reaching the inner most system; which in turn saved hundreds of thousands of lives. The system has only recently reopened its borders to trade, however they are very cautious as to whom is allowed access to the system, while still insisting that all those that do arrive undergo routine health checks and mandatory two day quarantines.

Notable PC's:
Baroness Raulyn Hawkshaw Magrath

Intent: To create a proper homeworld and system that shows the extent of the Magrath families wealth as that which has been accrued over thousands upon thousands of years. As well as providing a logical and reasonable backstory and means of survival for the Magrath family to allow their continued lineage and existence in the years during and following the Gulag Plague outbreak. Furthermore it is intended to be used in upcoming threads, focusing on both the Magrath family, the Baroness herself and the wealth of the Magrath family; done so primarily through a Grand Ball which will be used to judge how both the Magrath family under the leadership of the Baroness and the natural resources of the system shall lean towards their affiliation with a specific faction.
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