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Avalaen Ch’hazard

Avalaen Ch’hazard
"Don' touch my ship."
Force Sensitive
Strengths and Weaknesses
[SIZE=11pt]+ Mechanically Inclined[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]+ Highly Resourceful[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]+ Analytical Mind[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]= Perfectionist[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]= Disciplined[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]- Quick to Anger[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- Obsessive Compulsive[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]- Manipulative[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Avalean is a tall and lithe female with a rigid stature and horribly formal manner of both speaking and acting. While she keeps herself hygienic, she is usually covered in oil and gunk from crawling around the ship’s more cramped spaces while working on its repairs and upgrades. Shoulder length black hair is kept up and out of the way of her work, exposing a set of clawed scars running down the left side of her face that she detests explaining to people and so their origin is unknown. She rarely smiles and her countenance is almost always stoic, if not bored when she is not working on something.[/SIZE]​
Personal Items
[SIZE=11pt]Arsenal of Tools -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Like any good mechanic, she is always armed with a heavy utility belt laden with various objects of repair to keep the Vice running in top condition at all times.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Ewok Leather Jacket -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She hates those furry little bastards and boasts a coat literally made from their skin, dyed her favorite hue of beryl.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Personal Com -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] An [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]earpiece that she wears which is linked to Trecolt’s helmet and the ship’s communication systems so that she can communicate with her pilot hands-free[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Ascendancy Badge -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] A symbol of her former life as an agent for the Chiss Ascendancy, she still keeps it when she feels a need to bluff her way through certain situations.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Very little is known about Avalaen, save for the fact that she was once a Chiss Ascendancy Agent and quit for reasons she is more likely to strike someone for asking rather than sharing. She considers trying to delve into people’s personal lives to be rude and immoral. While she is not inherently aggressive, she has a severe streak that runs deep from her harsh and disciplined culture. This will sometimes cause her to lash out in anger at anyone who rubs her the wrong way, though like many Chiss she sees the value in playing the long game when it comes to seeking revenge. She has a highly manipulative skill set when it comes to dealing with people and can feign any manner of etiquette or personality type to make things work out in her favor, though this is not necessarily a positive trait. Highly intelligent, she has very little patience for ignorance or stupidity and as a result, often prefers to be left to her own devices tending to the ship. The Rampant Vice is her baby, and she cares for it more than its pilot Trecolt. Though, she does hold a certain fondness for the bounty hunter[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] and will do what she can to aid him in their mutually beneficial endeavors.[/SIZE]​
YT-2400 “The Rampant Vice”
Bounties Collected

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