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Approved Starship Auxilia-class Long Range Star Destroyer

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Travis Caalgen



  • Intent: To create a specialized long-range star destroyer to add to the Empire's starfleet.
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Manufacturer: The Galactic Empire, Imperial Department of Military Research
  • Model: Auxilia I-class Long Range Star Destroyer
  • Affiliation: The Galactic Empire
  • Production: Minor
  • Material:
    Quadanium-lined Durasteel Hull
  • Titanium-reinforced Alusteel Frame
  • Transparisteel Viewports
  • Turadium Blast Doors/Shutters


  • Classification: Long Range Destroyer
  • Length: 1,500 meters
  • Width: 500 meters
  • Height: 275 meters
  • Armament: Very High
    ​x28 Long Range Heavy Turbolaser/Ion Cannon Hybrid Batteries (Each battery has 2 turbolasers and 2 ion cannons each)
    3 fore
  • 6 port
  • 6 starboard
  • 4 ventral
  • 4 dorsal
  • 2 aft

[*]x6 Long Range Assault Concussion Missile Launchers
  • 3 port
  • 3 starboard

[*]x35 Quad Laser Cannons
  • 10 fore
  • 10 port
  • 10 starboard
  • 5 aft

[*]x30 Point Defense Laser Cannons
  • 10 fore
  • 10 port
  • 10 starboard

[*]Defenses: Very Low
  • ​Light Warship Deflector Shields
  • E-WAR

  • ​Combat Starfighters (0 squadrons; None)
  • Various Non-Combat Starships

[*]Maneuverability Rating: Moderate
[*]Speed Rating: Average
[*]Hyperdrive Class: 1.5 | Back-up 8.0

  • Warship Ion Drives
  • Warship Hazard and Damage Control Systems
  • Warship Life Support Systems
  • Warship Navigational Systems
  • Warship Sensors and Targeting Systems
  • Warship Communications Systems
  • Warship Environmental Control Systems
  • Warship Tractor Beams
  • Warship Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver and Encryption/Decryption Networks

  • Glass Cannon - Featuring dozens of heavy long range turbolasers and ion cannons, the Auxilia has a massive advantage over conventional warships in terms of dealing damage, especially from afar; couple with its faster maneuverability allows it to dart around just out of range of the enemy. This does come at a cost to its defense...
  • Fast - Along with its powerful armament, the Auxilia has had above-average thrusters installed; granting it a much-needed boost in its maneuverability while the vessel navigates the battlefield in search of optimal firing positions.

  • Glass Cannon - As stated above, with the masses of heavy weaponry installed, power drain and spacial requirements necessitated a thin hull and a light film of deflector shielding enveloping the ship; comparable to the average strength of an average frigate, poor for a star destroyer.
  • No Hangar - Spacial requirements also meant that no attack hangar was installed for combat starfighters. While this does not necessarily impact the ship's role as a long range destroyer, it serves as a great flaw should enemy starfighters break past its escorts.

Finally realizing that the Empire's quota of resilient heavy-hitting ships of the line filled for the time being, the Imperial Department of Military Research considered creating a vessel with the sole purpose of harassing the enemy while the slow-moving Imperial star destroyers moved within range. Thus the Auxilia-class Long Range Star Destroyer was born, a ship meant to sacrifice its starfighter complement and defensive integrity for fantastical weapons and swift speeds.

The success of the 'hybrid' batteries that were featured on the Warlord-class Destroyer/Carrier proved great enough that the engineers involved in the Auxilia's design felt it prudent to create a heavier version of the long range turbolasers and ion cannons, the batteries serving as the primary and almost sole weapon of the ship. The destructive capabilities do not stop there, as six long range assault concussion missile launchers; each able to fire a warhead that can severely damage capital ships, have also been added.

Along with the armament installed on the ship are powerful sublight thrusters, giving the Auxilia a minor but advantageous boost to its maneuverability, coupled with its long range weaponry allow it to turn faster on a whim and dance just outside the range of the enemy while dishing out barrage after barrage of punishing fire, no small feat for a starship.

These two aspects do come at a price, as the shielding and hull has been reduced to frigate-levels; meaning that it doesn't take much for the shields to falter and for the ship itself to be destroyed by a vessel of the same class or smaller, such as a cruiser. A lack of hangar opens the ship to reprisal from swift starfighters that break through the escorts that the ship would need, further being able to exploit the low defenses.
[member="Travis Caalgen"]
As this is closest in size and function to a cruiser, please look at the chart of examples, most notably to the Unique Cruiser and Heavy Cruiser.

The combinations of ratings you have is more in-line with something that is limited. If you decrease production to limited I can approve this.

Travis Caalgen

[member="Irina Volkov"]

If I increase the dimensions of the ship towards destroyer levels, may I keep the ratings and the production?

Travis Caalgen

[member="Irina Volkov"]

Done - I also removed all mention of the boost to the ship's speed in the strengths and description.
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