Auro Sebastian

Homeworld: Birthplanet - Coruscant/Resident of - Corellia
Name: Auro Sebastian
Faction: Undeclared/Underworlder
Rank: Adept/Knight
Species: Human
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Height: 6'4
Weight: 212 lbs
Eyes: Amber Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: Light/Caucasian
Force Sensitive: Yes
Profession: Bounty Hunter
Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Exceedingly intelligent
+Steady handed
+Sharp eyes
+Quick and Agile
-Self Destructive
Appearance: Auro is a tall and very stout Mandalorian man with broad shoulders, muscled from head to toe. He's in near perfect physical condition with the overconfidence to match his high opinion of himself. He has dark eyes and dark hair with chiseled features that have toyed with more than one woman's resolve in the past. He typically wears jeans or dark flight pants along with black, lace up boots and a brown leather jacket when not clad in armor and on the hunt.
Background: Auro was the youngest of three boys. The eldest, Alec, was naturally a rebel and very close to his impressionable brothers who were four and six years younger. By the time Alec was twenty, he'd been into smuggling practically half of his life with his brothers learning and growing into similar men. As Alec got older and his brothers Evander and Auro grew into men all their own, he began leading the trio in smuggling acts across the galaxy. It is said that the trio even got involved with Hylo Visz, Talon Karrade and Cade Skywalker on seperate, but multiple occasions. The three were became popular names among the smuggling world known as the "Sebastion Three" throughout the underworld that employed them on a daily basis.
One day, the three brothers plotted a smuggling of ammunitions and weapons from and industry that Auro hadn't been informed of. Breaking into the large cargo vessel, Auro and his two brothers lead a group of smugglers from the underworld crime rings on a campaign of theft of weapons that the Rebellion was going to pay them for very well. Picking up a box on the ship, Auro looked down at the label and saw the name of the industry. It read, "Sebastian Arms Corp." Wide eyed, Auro dropped the box to his two brothers surprise. He'd found out who they were stealing from the past few weeks and as he looked at his two brothers, an Imperial Guard detail flooded the room and a standoff ensued. Grabbing Auro, Evander threw him into the docked ship as a few of the other smugglers from the crime rings retreated to the ship. As the others were fighting, the pilot got cold feet and left the rest of the smugglers to die or be arrested there. Those smugglers dead or in jail included his two brothers.
After losing touch with his brothers, Auro was left with nothing and no one, and very little money at his disposal to figure out his next step. Wanting nothing more than to find his brothers or at least gather some information as to where and how they ended up, Auro went to the closest planet to him at the time, that planet was Coruscant. There Auro submerged himself back into the smuggling world and found himself part of another crew in no time at all as some of them had heard of he and his two brother's exploits.Almost a year later, Auro had done well for himself, but without his brothers at his side he quickly lost interest in his robinhood like life as a smuggler and soon decided that his time had been fruitless. Using the money he had made, Auro went to his homeworld and bought an apartment in Coronet, as if it would help him feel like he had a home somewhere always though it was barren and hollow not holding anything of value or worth. After that, Auro put the rest of his money into his ship, The Blindside, and began working as a freelancing smuggler in the Underworld.
Auro possesses a chipper personality with a playful sense of humor that can sometimes get under the skin of others. As he is a fan of rather strong drinks, Auro's typically good attitude can turn dark all too quickly if he allows himself to get too far gone. A stiff drink is his only enemy, for now.
Shy in regards to those he does not know, but friendly and open once he gets to know someone better. Loves to nickname those he gets closer to as a way to extract the stress and/or seriousness of any situation.Cheerful and holding a smile for those happy or sad, angry or displeased with him.
His ranged weapons consisted of two Retribution carbines and pair of dual DC-15 blaster pistols. The Retribution Carbine was his weapon of choice as a smuggler as he preferred ranged combat to getting up close and personal. In those days he used and old pair of D-44s, but the lighter weight and more compact design of the DC-15 side arms were so much more appealing to the man and so he scrapped the old guns and went with the new. Auro uses a DC-15A Blaster rifle for his long range affairs.
Ship: Blindside
Kills: 23, though none politically noteworthy
Bounties Collected: 23
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