Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
Intent: An ammunition type suitable for slugthrowers, scatterguns, and shatterguns, designed to be especially effective against Sithspawn.
Development Thread: Underground members raid an alchemy/genetics facility, 30 posts.
Manufacturer: Silk Holdings Galactic Alliance
Model: Aurek Charge
Affiliation: The Underground / Galactic Alliance
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Material: Standard ammunition casing/propellant; impact payload containing a proprietary substance as described below.
Classification: Ammunition for slugthrowers, including scatterguns and shatterguns
Size: For handheld weapons and some larger weapons (ie, defensive flak cannons, vehicle-mounted turrets, etc.)
Length: Comparable to standard ammunition for these weapon types
Weight: Comparable to standard ammunition for these weapon types
Ammunition Type: Bullets, buckshot shells
Ammunition Capacity: Dependent on weapon
Effective Range: Comparable to standard ammunition for these weapon types; dependent on weapon
Rate of Fire: Dependent on weapon
Special Features: Increased effectiveness against Sithspawn
Description: Aurek Charge ammunition is available in sizes compatible with most of the handheld and vehicle-mounted slugthrowers/scatterguns/shatterguns/rippers/flak cannons used by the Underground. Its anti-personnel and anti-armor capabilities are, broadly speaking, comparable to or lesser than the capabilities of standard ammunition for these primitive weapons. In most circumstances, it is considered a less effective ammunition type, though dead is dead.
What sets Aurek Charge apart is its payload of a proprietary substance designated Sira-13, packed inside bullets or around buckshot, etc. Sira-13 is a unique alchemical substance, a short-lived viral weapon created by the alchemist Rave Merrill, and taken by the Underground from one of Rave's genetics/alchemy facilities. Sira-13 stores well, but loses its ability to reproduce within an hour after exposure to the heat and impact of being shot from a gun. Sira-13 was Rave's final sanction, her last-ditch control method in case of Sithspawn revolt. Sira-13 aggressively attacks the cellular structure of Sithspawn both ancient and modern, recognizing common Force-attuned genetic markers of alchemical processes. Sira-13 is debilitating and crippling, and can be lethal. Symptoms involve muscle spasms, acute respiratory distress, and skin lesions. Targets are generally impaired within a minute, infectious within fifteen minutes, fully incapacitated within half an hour, and no longer infectious after two hours, plus or minus reasonable amounts. Treatment generally involves large quantities of bacta or kolto, over a long period of time.
Aurek Charge ammunition is used very sparingly, only when the Underground believes it is about to come into contact with Sithspawn. The main rationales are threefold. First, too-frequent use of Aurek Charge ammunition increases the likelihood that a variant strain might somehow develop. Second, there is always the risk that enemy alchemists might be able to analyze Sira-13 and create some kind of antidote, though this would certainly require time and effort from top-tier alchemists. (Underground combatants issued Aurek Charge ammunition are counseled to use it in concert with incendiaries when possible.) And third, there are serious ethical questions involved in the use of this sort of weapon against Sithspawn, many of whom are creatures or beings altered against their will.
Primary Source: None
Development Thread: Underground members raid an alchemy/genetics facility, 30 posts.
Manufacturer: Silk Holdings Galactic Alliance
Model: Aurek Charge
Affiliation: The Underground / Galactic Alliance
Modularity: No
Production: Limited
Material: Standard ammunition casing/propellant; impact payload containing a proprietary substance as described below.
Classification: Ammunition for slugthrowers, including scatterguns and shatterguns
Size: For handheld weapons and some larger weapons (ie, defensive flak cannons, vehicle-mounted turrets, etc.)
Length: Comparable to standard ammunition for these weapon types
Weight: Comparable to standard ammunition for these weapon types
Ammunition Type: Bullets, buckshot shells
Ammunition Capacity: Dependent on weapon
Effective Range: Comparable to standard ammunition for these weapon types; dependent on weapon
Rate of Fire: Dependent on weapon
Special Features: Increased effectiveness against Sithspawn
Description: Aurek Charge ammunition is available in sizes compatible with most of the handheld and vehicle-mounted slugthrowers/scatterguns/shatterguns/rippers/flak cannons used by the Underground. Its anti-personnel and anti-armor capabilities are, broadly speaking, comparable to or lesser than the capabilities of standard ammunition for these primitive weapons. In most circumstances, it is considered a less effective ammunition type, though dead is dead.
What sets Aurek Charge apart is its payload of a proprietary substance designated Sira-13, packed inside bullets or around buckshot, etc. Sira-13 is a unique alchemical substance, a short-lived viral weapon created by the alchemist Rave Merrill, and taken by the Underground from one of Rave's genetics/alchemy facilities. Sira-13 stores well, but loses its ability to reproduce within an hour after exposure to the heat and impact of being shot from a gun. Sira-13 was Rave's final sanction, her last-ditch control method in case of Sithspawn revolt. Sira-13 aggressively attacks the cellular structure of Sithspawn both ancient and modern, recognizing common Force-attuned genetic markers of alchemical processes. Sira-13 is debilitating and crippling, and can be lethal. Symptoms involve muscle spasms, acute respiratory distress, and skin lesions. Targets are generally impaired within a minute, infectious within fifteen minutes, fully incapacitated within half an hour, and no longer infectious after two hours, plus or minus reasonable amounts. Treatment generally involves large quantities of bacta or kolto, over a long period of time.
Aurek Charge ammunition is used very sparingly, only when the Underground believes it is about to come into contact with Sithspawn. The main rationales are threefold. First, too-frequent use of Aurek Charge ammunition increases the likelihood that a variant strain might somehow develop. Second, there is always the risk that enemy alchemists might be able to analyze Sira-13 and create some kind of antidote, though this would certainly require time and effort from top-tier alchemists. (Underground combatants issued Aurek Charge ammunition are counseled to use it in concert with incendiaries when possible.) And third, there are serious ethical questions involved in the use of this sort of weapon against Sithspawn, many of whom are creatures or beings altered against their will.
Primary Source: None