Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Audrey Starchaser

NAME: Audrey Starchaser
FACTION: The Galactic Alliance
RANK: Older, artsy sister
AGE: 22
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: Average
WEIGHT: Average
EYES: Starchaser blue
HAIR: Dark brown with serious bangs
SKIN: White but not as pale as [member="Spark Finn"]


  • Strong in the Force: Unlike the other Starchasers, Audrey is naturally adept at using the Force
  • Artsy: Audrey is talented artist who can draw, paint and loves make things. Let her knit you a sweater sometime and she’ll be happy
  • Free-spirited: Audrey lives up to the Starchaser name. She loves to explore and never stays too long in one place
  • Terribad pilot: Unlike other Starchasers, Audrey has a terrible sense of direction and will crash your ship
  • Rebel, rebel: Audrey is rebellious and rages against the machine any chance she gets
  • Overly idealistic: Audrey believes that people are inherently good and the world can be saved
  • Choice paralysis: Too many decisions tend to confuse Audrey, and if she has to make too many, she ends up just painting in her room for hours

True to playby Zooey Deschanel

Audrey Starchaser was born in space and raised on a ship called the Dawn Treader along with her younger siblings, twins Kinsey and Dax Starchaser. Their parents were doomsday preppers who instilled in Audrey and her siblings the benefit of preparedness and hoarding. Legend has it that most Starchasers excelled at piloting, but were weaker in the Force. Not so with Audrey; this Starchaser was exactly the opposite. Aubrey took to the Force like a duck to water, but her piloting skills needed major work. Maybe Uncle Coren could help her with those.

Speaking of Uncle Coren, when Audrey heard that he was spearheading the formation of the Galactic Alliance on Sullust, Audrey was all about that. Not only was she the Starchaser who was pretty decent with the Force, but she also had the overwhelming need to save the galaxy from its ills. Plus, her cousin Kaia was there, too, so it would be a regular family reunion. Maybe while she and Kaia fought the Sith together, they could find out what happened to her sister [member="Kinsey Starchaser"], who had not been heard from in ages.

Sekot Starship - Pulsar

Total Threads: 3 | Complete Threads: 0


Total: 0 | Complete: 0

Total: 2 | Complete: 0
Galactic Alliance : The Dawn of Vur Tepe | Social Thread [ongoing]
Make my way back home when I learn to fly [Galactic Alliance] [ongoing]
Galactic Alliance: Green to Red Machinehead (Pilots!) [ongoing]

Force TK
Mind Trick
Force Healing

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