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Private Audio Logs

Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter
Audio Log #1

OOC Note: These are for myself and to create background for those who want to read them, idk I'll try and make them entertaining as well, I'll jump around a lot probably cause then I can make a lot more of these rather than drag a single portion


Today I was asked a logical question, "If life is so precious, then why do you continue to both, leave it undocumented and waste it on training rather than enjoying yourself?" The question was not rhetorical, it was from the Quarter Master trying to talk people out of learning how to fight and shoot. Though when I went through the training a few years ago he said nothing of the sort, guess he likes the new guys better. It did get me thinking, what if I do document my life and travels, I think it would be fun and if I ever die people can get ahold of them and worship me as some sort of god or some crap.

I really did think about it for a short while before Lance yelled at me to go help him in the Medic tent, a man had slipped and had a deep laceration. This was a bad cut he was bleeding profusely, so we clamped the artery that had been snagged, sterilized the area and sewed it back up. He was then back to the hospital a distance away to get a graft. I told them I could do it, they said no, area wasn't sterile enough as we're in the middle of nowhere with a makeshift tent.

Well no where is an exaggeration, it would be more like basically no where. The firing range is a planet over from the main base and a fourteen hour trip to the nearest town. Other than that I haven't had too much of an eventful day, actually the sun's still up, but we have tonight off. My friends and I will most likely go play a party game or have a bit of fun with a sport, who knows, last time I had this time off we stole a Jeep and had to walk fifteen miles in full armor as punishment. Anyway I'm trying to figure out how to end this, maybe I could be like, oh my god, we're under attack or some crap to build up suspense for the next one.

I got it. In twenty-five years everyone will die, spooky. Now how do I turn this crap off.
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Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter
Audio Log #12

I don't know why people glorify battle, it seems like a brutal thing to happen, all the death that comes from it. I feel as I may have done so to a degree in the past, maybe as a child but less as an adult. We were on patrol earlier today when some assholes decided to start shooting at us. My friend, may he rest in peace, took a shot to the face. It must've been a large caliber because it blew half of his jaw off and the bones on the inferior aspect. Or it could've been angle, I don't really remember it turned into a daze of bullets and sounds.

The logical thing was to retreat, but the sergeant called to get to cover and stand ground. Battle definitely didn't feel filled with glory as the men who shot at us were in buildings hiding. I think the Mandalorians are just stupid for enjoying this. Watching your friends get blown apart by an invisible enemy. Finally after fifteen minutes and several calls to the artillery team, we had the building leveled.

I was positive that there were innocents in there, though I don't think I should bring that up to the CO. It was very traumatizing but I think I'll manage, maybe I'll just take a day or two off. Maybe the CO will let me act more lethargic for a while. While we won the fight, it appears that it cost us some good men and possibly some civilians. Though I will go along with orders as I joined understanding I would see death.

Anyway, I'm going to take a Siesta for the rest of the day, was given permission by the Colonel on base. I do hear that it's steak night at the local restaurant, maybe I can go try some, splurge a little on myself. Either way life goes on, ain't nothing stopping me from moving forward.
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Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter
Audio Log #76

Alright I don't really have much for this log except that I'm hammered. I was going to do this log before I went out with the boys, I..I just forgot, heh. Anyway I don't know time for a medical lesson or some shit. So as most people know there are 32 to 34 vertebrae in the spine. Well at least some people have that knowledge. The reason it's a range is because there are usually three to five in the coccyx, depends on the human.

Ha, depends, wait that wasn't funny. The parts that make up the spine are as-as follows. Cervical has seven vertebrae, the Thoracic has twelve vertebrae, Lumbar has five, Sacrum has five fused-vertebrae, and finally as stated the coccyx has three to five, usually four though.

Despite that there are weird anomalies on the stuff, the crap, the jargon, the long spinal thing. The spine. For example: There are seven vertebrae on the Cervical section of the spine, but there's a C9 nerve for the... wait C8 nerve, my bad, for the Brachial Plexus. Those holes in your Sacrum? Those puppies are for the Sacral Plexus that works with the Lumbar Plexus to get those legs movin.

You best be thanking whatever genius decided to come up with your body as they did a damn good job on the wiring. Though those aren't really damn anomalies, they're more of added benefits... Wait no, they're more like normalities.

Eh, I'm done with this crap, there's my audio log, some superficial crap about medicine, how unique. Anyway dumbasses, that means you future me, and whoever else listens, I'm going to go drink water, piss, and sleep. Hopefully I drink enough to beat the hangover.
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Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter
Audio Log #80

So it's been a while since I last updated this, maybe two, three years. Wait no it says 1 month, guess I just am way over-exaggerating. Eh who cares, only I get to see these. But anyway, I was looking around while on a job. Typical job, just go to planet, provide medical aid, walk away. They said "We need someone like you!" I was thinking, shocker, a planet overruled by gangs needs someone with medical knowledge.

I'm getting off topic, I was here to talk about this cool place I found. I got a picture, I'll upload it here so I can come back and claim it. Need to go get stuff from my last location. Maybe I'll offer nonpartisan medical treatment and the gangs will leave me alone.

The place I found was on like this far outside of town area and is completely abandoned. Apparently it used to be a farm but the owner left during a drought. There was little in there but still, I like it, out of the way with nobody for miles to bother me. Could make it a small house, though I'm not farming, that's boring.

Anyway I just wanted to update this and know that my loyal fan in myself will probably never listen to these back. Though I do have to upload the picture. Why is it being so slow? Oh, I didn't hit send. There it goes. Well alright, go away now.

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Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter
Audio Log #84

So today I was challenged in the art of long ranged shooting- Is that what you call it? Shooting contest or shoot thing and win. I don't know, but you get what I mean. This guy was like an award winning sniper, but he neglected to tell me that until he shot fifteen bottles off before I could get three. Though to his credit, he did give me tips and then won again when I rechallenged him. I look back on it now and feel like a moron for doing that. But I did improve, this time I got four bottles, so all I have to do is challenge him 11 more times.

Anyway, that was a small part of my day, I was on the planet because I needed to resupply. I had ran out of my food because when I was trying to eject my trash I accidentally ejected my fridge into the void of space. I don't even know how I did that, the buttons are nothing alike, I guess I wasn't really watching what I was doing. I did put a lock on that function like I should have a while ago. Live and learn I guess.

Though I will say, the food I got was really good, there was this fruit that I bought that was really good, unfortunately it was really expensive and I ate half my stock because I liked it. I guess happy chemical really makes you do stuff, but eh, I'll go back again eventually to pick more up.

But anyway, this was meant to be a minor update to my life as I've been gone a while doing random stuff, frankly I really don't know what despite doing it. I'm doing this to avoid moving stuff around my ship because I really don't want to. I guess I'll go do it. Wait, also, Tod, I put the barrel in the draw fourth from the right. Just incase I forget.
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Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter
Audio Log #103

I found a hat today, wide-brimmed. I thought it was nice so I bought it from the store owner, I think I'm rocking the look. I guess it was just destined to be.

A voice can be heard, but not discerned in audio recording, all attempts to amplify it and what it was saying were unsuccessful.

No, piss off, I don't care about that. I'll deal with it later. Sorry about that, was the person who I'm working for trying to get me to go do something for him. I have it all planned out already, I go later tonight and burn them out. Long story about the job, not going to go into details.

Though I am loving this hat, it just looks so good. On a different note, I got word of a prototype spacecraft being made by some company, starts with a V, Vlas, Vluus, Vass, I don't know, but I'm gonna go steal me one. Get me a limited edition model.

But anyway this was a short update to my logs, my one yesterday got corrupted so I've decided to record just another one.

I'll live the grand total of my zero listeners off with a question, 'Why eat food when it will only pass through.' I heard that at some
junkie on the corner of the road, thought it was funny. Alright computer thing, by-

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