Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Auction Auction Rules

The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Auction Rules
  • An auction's end time must be set when the auction begins.
  • Bids must increase by reasonable increments.
  • Minimum bid accepted for items up to 999,000 credits is 100.
  • Minimum bid accepted for items over 1,000,000 credits is 1,000.
  • Bids of goods, services, favors, etc. will be taken as legitimate bids and may receive preference over monetary bids, per the seller's prerogative.
  • No outrageous bids.
  • Like a merchant in the Marketplace, an auctioneer is responsible for verifying that bidders can afford their bids. Auctioneers can ignore bids at their discretion if they feel a bidder cannot afford to pay dubious bids.
  • Bidders who feel their bid was unfairly ignored can appeal to RPJs and/or Company Factory Judges for help.
  • Bidders who spam, attack other bidders, or generally make themselves a nuisance to the bidding in general will be asked to leave. Continued behavior after a polite warning will be reported to SWRP: Chaos RPJs.
  • Standard SWRP: Chaos Rules are in effect at all times. Failure to comply with these rules will warrant RPJ and/or Admin action upon the individual(s) responsible.
  • For any restricted materials, holocrons, or artifacts, please link the thread where you acquired the item into the auction.

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