Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Auction of Fate


Location: Palace of Popara the Great, Smuggler's Run
Stage: Auction House
Tags: [member="Acaleus Thorn"], [member="Chance Bonaventure"]

Smuggler's Run, an asteroid belt located in the Outer Rim. It was frequented by scum and lowlifes of all sorts, hoping to make an easy buck in the treacherous place. In one section of the area, however, floated an elegant space station home to the Hutt, Popara the Great. This palace of his was home to some of the most shady business in the galaxy, although the young Saria had no way of knowing all this.

Saria was led out of her cage to a small table where other servants began to put makeup on her, do her hair, put her in pretty clothes, the usual for setting up to sell a female slave. Saria had spent most of the past year caged up, so she was glad to finally have enough room to stretch and move around a bit. Once her makeup was done, she was led to a small room and told to sit tight until they called for her. The young Elzeri, only about 15 in standard years, didn't have much knowledge of the wider galaxy. She knew what slavery was, though, and she knew she despised it. But, unfortunately for her, she also knew she couldn't fight back due to her frail body.

After pacing for a few minutes, she finally sat down with a sigh, scared of what would happen to her in the years to come. She was intelligent, a quick learner, but without the means or strength to break free, she knew this was her life now. She had embraced it. In her time so far in captivity, they had already broken her. It didn't take much since she was a timid being to start with, but her pride was still stolen from her, and she was trained to be sold off to the highest bidder and serve them for the rest of her life.

She laid her head back and closed her eyes while she waited, thinking about what her future might hold. She only hoped the richest one there wasn't a fan of torture or some other sadistic practices. She would soon find out though.
This place seemed cleaner and organized in structure than the fighting pits he had to survive in. This was the point of view of the rich people who placed their bets on the slaves who gave their lifes just for pleasure. Right now he had more credits and states in this place without using a single slave on his company. Now that he think of it, most of the people he met before entering the pit were talking about places where they were sold by the highest bidder. Some went for the fighting pits to die, other to some distant mines to die and, if you were lucky, you could be adopted by someone to be a servant for the rest of your life in better conditions than the previous two choices. Of course if you didn´t do your work right, they would sell you angrily to the fighting pits or some distant mines...

Acaleus was wearing a black suit, with a white shirt without a tie. Arrived in his ship with his wrist white lightsaber, that could pass as a common holopad, in the right arm. Always ready. The reason he was going to that place was for bussiness, part diplomatic, part investment. He and his own military force had control of lots of districts in Nar Shadda, out of the domain of the Hutts. With that came issues, as the Hutts were starting to get restless. He arrange a meeting with one of the Hutt leaders named Zorban. He owned a district close and agreed that they could find a way to live in peace, while raise their current income by trade and military support.

"Acaleus! You arrived safe and sound" "Zorban, hi. You didn´t place bounty hunters or lay a trap. Im surprised" said while walking out of his ship. The hangar bay was full with private ships and others common with high security taking out the slaves in line and in chains. Acaleus was one of them at some point. Maybe he should be angry, but it happened so long ago that he didn´t feel anything. Plus, his former slaver was floating dead in the space of some distant system at the moment "Of course not! I agreed to this meeting. And we know how you coulld easily survive that and have your revenge in my companiess. I will not spill blood when we can grow our pockets..with a good deal of course" the Hutt was being acompany by two bodyguards. Acaleus was alone but decided and confident. "I rented a private place to see the auction first hand or participate if one of us want to participate. Shall we begin?"

[member="Saria"] [member="Chance Bonaventure"]

Chance Bonaventure

The Smuggler's Run,
Palace of Popara the Great,
Auction House.
Chance rarely indulged in his rougher side nowadays, being a sentient of means, but every so often it paid to keep up appearances. His younger years had been focused around places like the palace, with scum and villains in every corner, waiting to put a blaster muzzle to your back. Those had been exciting times on Socorro, a literal world run by criminals and gangs. So being here, in a place like this, wasn't too dissimilar to Chance's old stomping grounds.

"Another of whatever that was," Chance said to a waitress that sauntered by, smirking as he held up the empty glass. "And fifty credits for yourself, for making it quick."

Easing back in his chair, boots up on the edge of the table in front of him, the scoundrel observed. Several individuals looked like interested buyers, judging by the sideways looks and glances. Probably sussing out the competition in a similar way to Chance. Though, the Socorran had to admit he was one of the more finely dressed to attend, in his silky refinery and cape in deep navy with silver trim. Still, looks could be deceiving, and anyone could be hiding a small fortune beneath rags...

"Wonder when the festivities begin?"

There were several items of interest for Chance, so he was settled in for a long night of bidding...
[member="Saria"] | [member="[member="Acaleus Thorn"]"]​

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