Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Atticus Roth

Atticus Roth

Biographical Information

BORN: Unknown.
AGE: Thirty-three.
Physical Description
HEIGHT: 1.9 meters.
WEIGHT: 85 kilograms.
FUR COLOR: Light brown.
Political Information
RANK: None.

OCCUPATION: Private Investigator.


<> Borne from a lineage of Antarian Rangers, Atticus has advanced blaster proficiency, able to take down even the crudest of thugs.
<> Empathic abilities allow Atticus both a stronger connection to other sentients and a need for isolation from said beings.
<> As prideful as a Corellian and as stubborn as a Wookiee. Not the best combination, to say the least.
<> Coffee, cigarettes, and booze are Atticus's three faithful companions. He's also been known to dabble in illegal narcotics.
<> After the death of his wife and daughter, Atticus only cares about one thing: Revenge. And he will seek out retribution even if it is at his own peril.

Atticus is a troubled cynic. He understands other people's emotions fairly well, but it seems to be his own that he cannot grasp. Depressed and pessimistic, Atticus always finds a way for self-destruction.


Atticus looks like an average Gothal, horns and all. The only difference between him and others is the trench coat and hat that completes his noir-style detective look, as well as the grimace that always splashes across his face like a bad hair-do.

Natural empathy (Due to his cranial horns that pick up electromagnetic activity).
Blaster proficiency.
Investigative mind.
Professional alcoholic.

Theme #1

Atticus was born and raised on the Gothal home world, Antar 4. His father was a manufacturer and excavator of precious metals on Antar 4, including but not limited to silicon, nickel, iron, and magnetite. Atticus was forced to work in the mines and factories his father owned at a young age and as such the magnetic negating affects of his species became more advanced than average, which caused his natural empathic abilities to strengthen. However these abilities, and Atticus's inability to deal with the emotions of both himself and others, was a hindrance that caused him to shun social contact.

Feeling himself unable to work in the mines, and under the vicious hand of his father, Atticus rebelled and left Antar 4 in a rush of exhilarating emotion. He left for the Republic capital of Coruscant, where he had some friends. Once there, he found life difficult, given the bustling city and all it's little busy beings. To get away from the people, he joined the Republic Army and was shipped off to the military outpost on Argul.

Once there, Atticus excelled at his training. He quickly passed cadet training and was instated was a Republic trooper. He was stationed on Naboo as a part of the planet security detail and would often escort senators and the nobility of Naboo. While there, Atticus quickly fell in love with a lowly princess. They were engaged and planned on eloping, even though they would be thought traitors to the Republic. However, through a spiritual breakdown and a sort of mid-life crisis, Atticus began to question his love for the princess. Once the seeds were planted, he found himself distancing himself more and more from her. Of course, due to his occupation as a Republic trooper, getting far away from her proved more difficult than he realized. Distraught, and not wanting to directly break the princess's heart, Atticus devised a plan for him to be kicked out from the Republic military, away from the woman he used to love.

​The plan went off without a hitch, which surprisingly never happens but for the sake of this biography, it did. He was kicked out of the Republic military, but there were unforeseen circumstances. Atticus was to be exiled from Republic space. With no choice but to leave, Atticus decided to visit Antecedent, an unknown little planet that found itself far away from the rest off the galaxy. Atticus thought he couldn't have chosen a better place.

Using the skills he picked up as a Republic trooper, Atticus started his own private business as a private investigator. He quickly met an amazing woman. She was a sheltered yet lively girl and Atticus could feel himself falling for her. They quickly got married and had a daughter. They planned to live their life peacefully on Antecedent, as a family, and eek out their meager existence with each other. However, if that was the case I wouldn't be writing this character!

On their way to the grocery store, Atticus's wife and daughter were gunned down in a botched Red Raven's heist, or what he believed was a botched Red Raven's heist. Slowly descending into a pit of despair, Atticus took to drugs and drinking to cope with the loss of his beloved and their child. At first it seemed to do the trick, Atticus felt raw and numb, but as these things always work, the fun quickly ended and he found himself strung out, with the despair only growing larger, like the lingering shadow of an object that approaches closer.

With nothing left to live for, and barely and credits to his name, Atticus needed revenge. He needed retribution for the ones who were taken from him.

Using the only skills he has, Atticus has decided once and for all to infiltrate the Red Raven's crime syndicate and bring it to its knees.



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