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Attack of the Deranged Sith | Imperius Story Arc Act I Write-Up

Darth Zveris

They call themselves freedom fighters. They claim to be fighting for the greater good of the people. They claim to be above acts of sabotoge that endanger Billon's of indivuals. So on and so forth. They claim to be scattered dissidents. Too small to come across the mighty empire's radar. But, are they?

That question has remained on the tounges of the Sith for years. For years, these dissidents were truly able to hide under the huge shadow of the Great Sith Empire. For as long as the Sith had no answer as to how these dissidents could be handled, they grew. Slowly, they grew like moss under a rock.

The United Rebel Front, as many in the Imperial Armed Forces had taken to calling them, were considered a group of druncken pirates. And as such, were left for the menial Planetery Defense Fleets to deal with as the Lord's of the Sith focused on Campaigns of Expansion.

The Planetary Defense Fleet's were told meager pirates had been on the loose and to look out for ships bearing strange markings and to report them to their supiouers. And so the case was closed. Or so the Sith thought

At 0600 Galactic Standard Time, a communications outpost on the desolate world of Ession, went utterly silent. As did another. And another. And another. Soon, the entire border of the Sith Empire was facing a communications blackout.

The blackout lasted for weeks. The Sith Imperial Intelligence Agency investigated to no avail. But, on one ssolemn day, a flick in communications was received on Bastion. It read:

We are the Rebellion.

The Xiphos, Sith Imperial Armada Inner Fleet Flagship​

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