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Athiss the healing touch (pm if you wish to come along)

Darth Banshee finally made her way down, to burial chamber she was after. It was of unknown sith tomb she was after, all she new is he was trained by Rin shuuir at some point. He was the creator of artifact that she was after, and according to [member="Darth Mierin"] he was buried with one them. It had a lot of uses for her and family the one sith. She could use it to heal any damage done by the giggle sticks. As well as heal her, and others in the battles to come against the Jedi.

In the room, their was eight sarcophagus, all beaten down by moss over the years. All she had to do know was open them, and work out which one had it in inside. That meant opening them, this was some times considered heresy. Though she no calms about this, to her these dead where heretics. So depriving them of this amulet, was of no great consequences.

stardust shivered abd looked around, she had never been in a tomb and quiet frankly didnt quiet care at all "so uh.....this tomb.....who was it made by if i may ask "she asked politly as she shined her light on the walls seeing markings she didnt understand but she liked looking at them, then sje felt the darkside grab at her calling her, she stayed near [member="Darth Banshee"]
At this point in time the Sith Pureblood found a chamber and he entered it. Along the walls there was writing along the wall, he recognized it for what it was. It was the language of the Sith, or some bastardized version of it, but he did understand enough of it to know where he was.

It was some form of outlook over the area that he was in, that much could be told without even needing to read the writing, and he looked out what must've once been a viewport but was now simply a hole in the wall, at about eye level. Walking towards it he looked outside and saw the ship that he had arrived upon. He saw people down at the bottom of it, the men who had a picket line around the ship and the tomb. The breathing apparatus on his face was tapped when he raised his hand up. Simply to make sure that he was seeing properly.

I'm not as high as I would have thought myself to be.

Turning around again, he immediately walked out the room and came upon a large room with what appeared to be a sarcophagus. Again, there was writing on it, again in Sith'ese and he read the writing carefully. He soon translated it to say...

A shield of Athiss lays here.

But there was nothing else for him to understand. What was a shield of Athiss? He had no idea if it was some form of translation, but if it was before he tread any further he performed a force sight. It wasn't something that he was always accustomed to but it was necessary, just in case there were traps located in the room. Then, along the wall behind and above the sarcophagus was a single shelf with the symbol of the Ancient Sith Empire.

Reaching up to the shelf, he felt something on the top of the shelf and dragged it off of the shelf and started to back out of the room while he looked at it. It was a necklace of some sort, and he began to walk back the way he came.

[member="Darth Banshee"], [member="stardust"]
Darth Banshee turned to [member="stardust"], and told her Begin opening these coffins, in one them is artifact I am after. She then turned and opened the first one, with a flat bar. She brought down for this job, as she did not want to open them too quickly. She then handed her one too, as she would need it to open them as well. She was using a flat bar rather, rather than anything else. As that might release something, she was not ready for like a trap or a release of gas form the coffins.

She opened the first, and a corpse fell out on her. Arghhh She screamed, as she remembered having to fight the zombie horde that time with the mandalorians. As the body slumped on the floor, a cube of some sort fell towards the dark Jedi. She had not seen it happen, she then turned and looked over the corpse. She was looking the amulet, on the dried out old husk.

stardust gad raised her bar looking around for whatever had jumped on [member="Darth Banshee"], star was breathing fast then sighed seeing it was bodues , but something caught her eyes , a cube of some sort she quickly grabbed it and looked at it moving it in her hands

wow incredible"she said out loud as she put in her pocket
Darth Banshee finished searching the corpse, it was not their. She then looked at [member="stardust"], and smiled and said No it`s just a corpse. She had not realized that she had picked up a holocron, she was too busy looking for an amulet. She then opened another one, t was lying down unlike that last one. As she opened it, she saw the amulet as predicted. It was hand of the corpse, she reached out to get it. It was strange, she could have sworn she saw him move. She did he was breathing, his face had aged and so his body but he was still breathing. She saw him gasp for air, and they he muttered kill me. His voice was, harsh but nearly silent. The amulet kept him going, even after his body had decade over the ages.

She nodded her head, and then plunged her lightsaber into his hart. He did not have the energy to scream, he was finally at peace. She made a note to herself, don`t get buried with this thing. As she end up like him, a withered corpse how spent how long in the dark alone. It was alone bit what she feared the most, growing old by herself. She been sith for how long, two years and not even one man had paid her a compliment. She been away from her farther since she was thirteen, and she been on run not able to make friends. Was she unable to, the idea did cross her mind.

She then turned to dark jedi and said, I am heading up to the ship, make sure you get everything here. So they can be cataloged, so we know what we have later. I need to wait for that acolyte to return.

The glowsticks continued to float around him, and while he did that, he sent a force sense at the necklace in his palm. He felt a power resonating from it, it was most likely from the minor nexus of dark sided power that emanated from the tomb underground. Summoning the Force to him, he did his best to search through the amulet, making attempts at clenching it with the Force and crushing it a little, but nothing happened.

The Force simply disappeared... Or was absorbed by the amulet and his eyes widened, but he did nothing else except put the amulet over his head, and moved his helmet and cloak so that it'd conceal the amulet easily enough. The breathing apparatus on his face was even used as well to hide the chain on his neck while the cloak itself concealed the actual talisman, although his hand being within the cloak and clenching the amulet while he experimented probably wasn't helping it's hidden factor.

Unknowingly, he charged it.

[member="Darth Banshee"], [member="stardust"]
Darth Banshee made it back to her ship, she decide to try the amulet out. While [member="stardust"] collected any other artifacts, that she found in their. She head to her private room, and then sat down cross legged. She began to meditate, she closed her eyes and pictured calm waters. On the water she was in a hover car, relaxing as she saw the fish jump and out of the water. She then held amulet close to her chest, and it began to undue the damage she sustained for her new habit.

Walking out of the tomb, the Sith Apprentice's hand wasn't holding the talisman anymore and he was heading for the starship. The picket line was still present around the temple, and he continued towards [member="Darth Banshee"]'s ship. Once again, his hand rose up and held onto the talisman that was concealed by his cloak. It seemed as if he was rubbing his neck as he proceeded in expending his force power into the shield talisman. While walking to the ship, he walked up the ramp whilst the talisman continued to absorb his power.
stardust collected any other artifacys and went to the ship carrying the cube with her, as she made it bacl sje went to a privatearea and took rhe cube out looking at it in aww smiling as sge sat it down
[member="Malphas"] [member="Darth Banshee"]
Darth Banshee could feel [member="Malphas"] enter the ship, she had to punish him yet. She could not let that stand, though she did not intend to be too harsh on him. As one day he would be brother of the order. So she rose up, and made her way to him. Acolyte she said, her face was hidden behind her mask. She was smiling at him, as he was about just deserts.

So did catalog the items in the tomb? she then extended the question, All of them? She waited for his answer, while she reached her mind and used the force to get a grip on lightsaber.

The Sith Pureblood tilted his head to the side, making no move to even move past her for the moment. But he still answered. "No." And he waited for the inevitable punishment. If he was correct, he wouldn't be hurt as badly as she meant to. It didn't matter, whatever it was, it'd heal itself faster than it should anyway.

"Not one." He added as if to further vex her.

[member="Darth Banshee"]
stardust sat the cube down and sat down looking at the cube as she used the force to lift and turn it, as she did it glowed at her emitting heat"wow...what arw you "she saud to herself amd kept looking at it
[member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Malphas"]
She looked at the acolyte, and with a smile said Oh dear. She could not let such disobedience stand, as to be member of the one sith was to be part of family. Also you had to remember that you where all equal in eyes of the dark lord, once you had received you mark. She then forced pulled his own light saber form his belt, lite up and when to strike him in one fluid motion.

She did not want to kill him, or permanently maim him. So she downward strike, across his rib cage. She only aimed to skim it across his flesh, it would mark him. A mark to remember next time he decide to be disobedient.

[member="Darth Acarus"]
The Sith Apprent'ce lightsaber was on his back. He didn't have an actual lightsaber at this point on time, so what she pulled was nothing and he didn't even bother to move when she tried to strike him.

He was unsure as to how to respond when she tried to force pull... Whatever from him and nothing happened, and then she went through the motions of slashing at him and he raised an eyebrow in question, still unwavering. Instead of standing there and watching the acts of psychosis he placed a hand on his waist and said, "are you done?"

[member="Darth Banshee"]
She wonder what she pulled, and then looked at him. She smiled at him, under her mask. She then answered him, Yes. Then extend her arm, as if to shake his. As her armed leveled though, she fired her wrist blaster into his leg. It was set to auto fire, she liked this little gun. rataatatatta.

It seemed no one ever expected to be shot at by a sith. As such it gave her an advantage, she caught out more than one Jedi with it know.

[member="Darth Acarus"]
When she raised her arm his head tilted to the side and he turned to provide a smaller target in the case that she did the predictable force push. But she had previously said 'Yes', so he was unsure as to how to proceed, and then the wrist blaster fired at his leg.

Nothing happened. It was as if before it could hit him it simply dissipated before touching him. He looked down at his leg, wondering why he wasn't feeling anything, and then he let go of the talisman in his cloak, still hidden of course, and then he looked up to her.

Chuckling a bit, he realized it must've been the talisman that had protected him. Now he knew, what sort of power he had in his possession.


[member="Darth Banshee"]
Darth Banshee forgot about his insolence for a moment, and asked What have you found? She was curious, as she may want [member="Darth Praelior"] to look at it. To see if it could be replicated, as it would provide an edge for their armour. This could make the difference, in wining the war against the republic. If she could replicate it, that is. She then looked acolyte, as if to say well show me.

[member="Darth Acarus"]
"Think about it." The Pureblood said softly. At that point he had no use for the blockade in front of him and he circled around her and strode past the Sith Knight. She didn't need to interrogate him, they had more important things to be doing.

Like going back to Coruscant.

"You only prolong the journey back to Coruscant." He called back over his shoulder as he turned a corner and continued to a place to sit. He expected her to follow him in anger or some other irrational emotion. It was the typical human thing to do.

[member="Darth Banshee"]

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