Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private At Forest's Edge

It had been a long and unsuccessful day of tracking. For all the hours Lief had put in to her hunt, she had come out of it with nothing to show but an increasingly hungry stomach. The Vhaanir she'd followed from the heart of the forest to its edge had been tricksy, fleet of foot and oh so aware of her every move in spite of her own featherlight footsteps.
When it had reached the edge of the grove and ran off down the vast hillside she'd shot at it one last time. The arrow whistled on by, missing by a hair's width and sinking into the ground. After that the beast was long gone. Trudging down the hill, she plucked up the arrow, the last one which was not snapped or missing its cockfeather, and placed it into the small quiver which hung down by her side. She'd collected the others, of course, but the process of mending them would take time.
Time she realistically did not have.
The walk back up the hill was worse than the entire hunt combined, it was steep and seemingly never ending. By the time she was back on the threshold of the forest, the young Aelvar was thoroughly exhausted. She slumped down to the ground at the base of a pine tree and stared out over the landscape. The Vhaanir was long gone by now. Another grumble from her stomach made even the toxic mushrooms growing up the tree seem like a palatable option.
As she set a hand down to try and push herself back up to her feet, she felt something firm under her palm and began to rummage through the carpet of freshly shed needles. Amidst them were small pinecones which had dropped from above, and while most had already shed their seeds a few of them had small nuts hidden inside the woody cone.
Thanking her lucky stars, she immediately began to pry them free. They were tiny little things, barely worth the energy it took to remove them much less chew, but they were a fatty nut and tasty enough to be worth it for her. Even if they were gone much, much too fast. Moving onto all fours, she began to scramble around to find more.
In the years since the discovery of their innate powers, the Phoenix Twins had spent much of their time under the tutelage of their eldest brother Thrand, the King-Consort of Averlorn, and have learnt much in harnessing the fire in their blood. Their father's fire, forced upon him in another life intended as a curse - a demon preying upon his fears and enslaving his mind to war and bloodshed: The Ashborn. Yet he rose above it all, subjugating his demons to let the man shine as he was always meant to. In the last moments of his life, Thyrian of House Hearthfire banished the last remains of his sordid past to enter the Golden Gates free of all shackles, saving Midvinter in the progress. What sagas they will make about him in the ages to come!

Thibbi had grown in body and spirit. While nowhere near adulthood, he was a great deal taller and stronger than only a couple of years prior, well on the way to reaching the same physique of his long ancestors. His brother was also his fencing master, teaching him strategy and tactics on top of the way of the sword. Still, he'd yet to be entrusted a real sword; the blade at his side was but a blunt practice sword.

Most noticeable of all was the rapid growth of his furry friend ever at his side. Found as a small pup beside his two siblings, Dusk had become a formidable small-game hunter and tracker. Just like his human brother, Dusk was at the halfway point of reaching adulthood, only just the size of a large dog whereas mature direwolves were the size of men. His coat was black as midnight with eyes like piercing moonlight against the night sky.

Rarely did Thibbi wander without the company of his twin sister, but armed with the knowledge she was safe with Thrand at Caer Amleth he felt confident in taking Dusk for a walk in the forest. Neither would ever let something happen to the other, and they were always within eyesight of each other.

Dusk's ears perked up as he caught the scent of something deeper in the woods. "Go on, then," he urged him, readying himself for another sprint under boughs and over roots. Dusk took off with Thibbi keeping up on quick legs, grinning from the freedom of running at breakneck pace. As they neared their prey, Dusk came to an abrupt halt which tripped his manling brother in hot pursuit.

Thibbi came tumbling out of the underbrush surrounding the pine tree their would-be quarry could be found underneath as if the woods themselves had spat him out of nowhere. Dusk remained frozen in place, stunned to find out his prey was no bird or critter at all.

"Frickin' ow," he berated his brother as he began to pick himself up only to lift his gaze and lay eyes on a lone girl.

How far from the capital had they journeyed?

"Uh, h-hello!"

Lief Lief
She'd been prying the nuts from another pinecone when the direwolf appeared from out of the brush. All at once Lief leapt up from the ground and landed gracefully upon her feet, one hand snatching up the shortbow while the other reached for her only remaining arrow.

It was notched, and the bowstring drawn, before she had a moment to fully think. Her thumb brushed up against her cheek as she held it in place, only the wild thing didn't pounce her, didn't attack. It just there staring at her.

When a boy tumbled over the dire she took a half step back, accidentally losing the arrow in the process. Luckily she'd already lowered her aim, so it stuck into the ground by his feet rather than, well... She didn't want to think about what else could have happened.

He stared at her just like the pup. Even from here, she could sense that they were connected in some way. Entwined on a level she couldn't fully understand.
"You keep wild as friend?" she asked, in broken Runian, gesturing to the wolf. "Wild... no attack?"
She'd yet to meet a dire or a frir that wasn't intent on gobbling her up. Even seeing how the creature didn't approach her hungrily, Lief took a few timid steps back.
Her eyes were fixed upon the boy and his wolf. Then, quite unexpectedly, she turned to flee into the trees.

Thibbi Hearthfire Thibbi Hearthfire
The boy recoiled, gasping at the arrow sticking out of the ground by his feet. Lifting his gaze, the first thing he noted was the bright red of her hair and dishevelled appearance. She looked like no elf he'd seen before; all pristine and proper, they were.

"Wild?" He looked to Dusk, who looked back at him with an inquisitive tilt of his head. "No, he's--"

By the time he turned back to her, she'd rushed off into the woods. Surprisingly, Dusk was the first to take off in pursuit, leaving Thibbi to once again follow as best he could. While having grown up out here in the forest, he was no Aelvar; his physique was larger and clumsier by comparison, and he lacked their innate ability to traverse woodland. Still, he kept up, catching glimpses of red locks ahead in the green flora.

"Dusk! Bird of Prey, Bird of Prey," he called out. The black direwolf veered off, disappearing into the underbrush. Thibbi maintained pursuit, mostly out of curiosity and the urge to find out more about the strange girl. He'd never encountered lone hunters out here before, certainly not his age.

Keeping up to the best of his ability, Dusk would suddenly appear ahead of the redhead, cutting off her escape route. He pounced at her, knocking her to the ground. He stood over her, staring down at her with predatory eyes until his human brother arrived.

"Good boy," Thibbi told him, prompting Dusk's entire demeanour to change into that of a loyal pet. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he panted happily, wagging his tail as he stepped off the girl to return to Thibbi's side. To him, this was just having fun. "It's alright, you can get up. If he wanted to eat you he'd have done so by now." He gave him a good scratch behind the ear.

"I'm Thibbi, and this is my brother Dusk. What's your name?"

Lief Lief
She had not expected them to follow, and yet the chase began in earnest.
Lief was by and large very graceful as she broke her way through the underbrush in her haste to get away, however it had been a long and taxing day and she was feeling the exhaustion pressing in even around her newfound jolt of adrenaline. She could hear the panting pup behind her, and the sound of six pattering feet crunching through the fallen pine needles. Eight counting her own, though even now they barely made any sound at all.
Then six became two. Confused, the girl cast a glance over her shoulder only to see that the wolf was no longer trailing her. Only the boy remained, far enough back from her that she felt confident that she could lose him.
Her quiver full of broken arrows slapped against her thigh with each long stride she took, and the bow remained firmly held within her grasp. She'd had no time to set it into its carrier, which itself was attached to the quiver, for that she'd have to slacken the bowstring and even with her deft fingers she couldn't manage that on the run.
Not with a wolf on her heel.
It left her rather encumbered. Without it she might have fled upward, into the trees, and there was a moment there where she considered ditching it in order to do so. Still, she owned so little. It would be a colossal loss, and without it how would she hunt? How would she eat?
Her thoughts were interrupted as the wolf appeared ahead of her, and before she could even think to turn and rush in a different direction the beast had pounced.
It took little effort at all for her to collapse into the earth under the dire's weight. She cried out, trying to shift her weight beneath him as he pinned her down. Soon she was panting just as much as the pup, fighting for air that didn't seem to want to come.
Then the boy joined them. The pup's demeanor shifted, and soon she was able to rise once more. Instead she scrambled back, until she was set against a tree. Her eyes were wide, and she stared at the both of them like a cornered doe.
Introductions came, not at all what she had expected given their hunt of her, and it took her a few moments to truly process. Thibbi and Dusk. He had named the animal, more than that claimed him as a brother. The girl looked... perplexed.
"Name?" she said, brows furrowing and the bridge of her nose wrinkling, as she thought deeply on it all. "Lief..." Again she looked from pup to boy. "You's hunt Lief, why?" Her chest was rising and falling rapidly at this point. "Lief do wrong?"

Thibbi Hearthfire Thibbi Hearthfire
"Lief," Thibbi smiled. Like the foliage. It seemed fitting, considering.

"Huh? Oh, no - we weren't hunting you! Dusk just wanted to play. When you ran away, he thought you wanted to be chased." He knelt beside his lupine brother and rubbed him down, roughing up his black fur and getting licked in the face as a reward.

"My sister and I rescued him and his siblings from getting eaten by this huge sabre-tooth when we were little. We grew up together, so now he's my brother."

While knelt, he looked up at Lief. "Would you like to pet him? He won't hurt you, though he might give you a lick if he likes you."

Lief Lief
"I never seen yous here 'afore."

Lief still looked wary, even when the boy claimed that the pup was just trying to play not hunt. "It pounced me" she said, reaching up a hand to rub at a tender spot on the back of her head. She considered it a moment longer though, it was true that if the wolf had meant her harm she would not be breathing right now. The girl softened ever so slightly.
"Sabre" she echoed, shivering slightly. The hand at her head lowered to rub at a spot on her lower back. "Big teeths?" she said. "Bad bites..."
The boy was kneeling at this point, affectionately petting and kissing the pup. When the offer came she immediately shook her head and muttered an emphatic "Nu-uh."
Several more deep, ragged breaths were taken... and then she timidly crawled closer.
"It won't bites?" she asked, clearly torn. Part of her wanted to pet him now that she knew he wouldn't hurt her, but... There was still that deep, intrinsic and primal fear gripping her.

Thibbi Hearthfire Thibbi Hearthfire
"He won't," he said plainly. "Unless you were to pose a threat, to me or him."

Even so, Thibbi kept a subtle hand by the scruff of Dusk's neck just in case restraining him became necessary. No matter how well-trained, he was still a beast of predatory instinct. He could smell fear; far more likely to attack a trembling hand than one of steely determination. Just like his human brother, there was a measure of darkness in Dusk, unlike their bright and gentle sisters.

As Lief mustered enough courage to pet her pursuer, Thibbi smiled and took a seat on a nearby rock. Dusk moved over to lie down by his feet, resting.

"I'm not surprised we haven't met 'til now. I grew up with my mother and sister in a hidden cabin deeper in the woods, you wouldn't find it unless you knew it was there to begin with. Mum didn't like to surround herself with other people, so we mostly kept to ourselves."

His mother's being reclusive was an understatement. She was slow to trust, aloof, and secretive. At times he found her cold and even uncaring, even though all she had left were her children. The tragic truth was what warmth she'd once held within her heart had been drained with the loss of her husband.

"What about you? You don't look like any elf I've ever seen."

Lief Lief
Did she pose a threat?
Lief didn't even have a single arrow remaining that wasn't broken, having lost the one in the dirt by the boy's feet back at the edge of the forest. It wasn't like she had another weapon hidden somewhere, unless her skinning knife counted. She frowned... Would that count?
It took her a moment to realize that her perilous thoughts were pertaining to a wolf. If she didn't pull it out how would the wolf know? He wouldn't.
"Well, so long as it don't try to pounce again" she said, pouting slightly, "I pose no frets."
She took a step closer, and finally settled her hand within its fur atop its head. It was somehow soft and coarse at the same time. She stroked a few more times before the boy stepped away to find a seat and his pup followed. That had Lief returning to one of the trees, setting her back to it - she didn't sit though.
"Muhder?" Her head tilted to one side, "Sistuh..?" Lief blinked at him, regarding him as though he had three heads.
Then he was questioning her, and she pressed further back against the tree.
"Eluf? 'am Lief, not Eluf." Her nose wrinkled slightly. "I no have muhder, or sistuh, or none of whatevers that is." She tipped her head up slightly. "Just Lief."
Thibbi stroked the head of his brother as blue eyes studied the wildling girl. So she doesn't know about her heritage? Who her parents were? How did she end up here in the woods all alone? These questions and more filled his mind, but as lips formed the first syllable he never voiced them. She clearly wasn't used to dealing with other people, and frankly? It was none of his business.

Instead, he reached into his pack to produce a small bundle wrapped up in a tablecloth.

"Hey, Lief? Are you hungry? I've got these sweets," he unveiled the pastries he'd "procured" from the palace kitchens before heading out. "I'm not quite sure what they're called, I just thought they looked tasty. Want some?"

He broke off a piece and held out his hand, resting it in his palm. It was hers to claim should she want to.

Lief Lief
Lief's eyes never once left the boy and his wolf. There was a very small tremor set into her body, and her heart beat oh so rapidly, but the urge to actively flee had been diminished by the pouncing pup. He'd just chase her again, she realized, and she didn't need another soft spot on her head, or spirits forbid another bite mark on her body. The sabertooths had been bad enough.
She watched as he pulled something out of his pack, eyeing it curiously, almost enviously, straining to see what it was. The smell of food wafted over to her, and her belly groaned and rumbled in response.
The girl could feel her mouth salivating, she chewed on her lower lip and swallowed, focused more on the food at this point than the boy himself. When he spoke her name she jumped and pressed back, then watched as he offered some of the food out on his hand. She sniffed at the air, then slowly prowled forward, looking between boy, wolf, and offered food skeptically.
As she came closer though her eyes were fixed solely on the boys, holding his gaze as though waiting for him to spring some sort of trap. Then without warning she snatched it from his hand and hurried back to her tree before he could stop her. She took a big, oh so hungry bite, then another, and soon the pastry was gone save for flaky crumbs and sticky filling which she licked from her fingers and hands.
"Mm" she murmured, eyes closing as she savoured the last of it. "T-Thank.. thank you."

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