Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Asylum (Isamu Baelor)

Zoltan Rarsk

Tactical Espionage Operations
Zoltan casually strolled by the Imperial Guards lined all across the wall, holding their rifles close to their chest as they blankly stared at the walls in front of them. '​Hmmph. Lot of security for just a man seeking a safe haven, but I guess such sensitive information must be safeguarded and watched over carefully.' H​e thought to himself. Zoltan, finally managed to leave the Republic and evade those pesky agents that kept coming after him and trying to end his life. Now, all he had to was participate an a exchange of information with one of the highest ranking officials in the Imperial Military, and he was allowed to remain in Sith space.

Zoltan swung open the large metal door in front of him and slowly moved into the room, faced with a small table with a few chairs around it. "Well, at least they managed to provide the finest furnishing for this meeting." He cynically remarked, as he sat down in one of the seats.

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