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Private Astra Incognita | Malum and Andragnath



The planet of Asog was nominally forgotten from the worlds of the Sith. It did not sit in the Stygian Nebula with the Triumvirate of Ziost, Korriban, and Dromund Kaas- neither did it have the honor of calling itself one of the jewels of Empire, such as Coruscant or Bastion. Throughout the entire history of the Sith Order, from its inception in the Jedi Civil War, Asog was misbegotten. The world sat in the corner of galactic space, a remnant of a bygone era where the Sith held the galaxy in their clutch- influence from the mighty Core to the distant Rim- at least that is what is recorded in legend. The Blackguard libraries of Mustafar held bound durasheets that spoke of Asog in passing. Never in detail.

Such was its anonymity that no modern Sith state had claimed it as a world of importance- not Carnifex- not the Mongrel, only known for its disparate mining stations and even thinner population of humans. Runoffs from the Mawite and ancient Sith era slavestock.

Dust. That was the one way that Adragnath could describe the world. Dust and despair.

The Sith Order landing party had arrived before her- if mere seconds, and she was given sight of blackclad Legionaries setting up a perimeter around the various craft they had brought. Blasters primed and ready, a forward operating base of tents and monitoring equipment had already spawned from the aether. The Starfortress touched down, its landing clamps slamming into and gripping the stonework underneath the ship. Andragnath took her time descending down the ladder of the former bomb-bay and out of the blastdoor installed in the rear.

The landing site was a repurposed low lying- flat topped pyramid, which decorated the space surrounding the “capital” of Nyâshdae. The dying red sun of the world hung heavy in the sky, painting through the gloom with a bloodied plasma. It gave the airborn debris- that never seemed to lesson on this world regardless of location- a fullness. A smoglike quality, one felt as if they had to swim through the air.

Denizens of the dying- dead- city, the few that were roaming the streets, living halflives in the shade, wouldn’t regard the new arrivals with any dedicated emotion.

They drifted as ghosts through the streets.

| Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr |
Asog, one of the many Sith worlds of their history, yet unlike those of such infamy as Korriban, Dromund Kaas, Ziost, Exegol, and all the rest, it was a long-forgotten world. One that had been long ago been annihilated by some Sith of unknown name or legacy, or perhaps their name and legacy had transcended what they had long ago done to this unknown planet.

It was hard to say.

They believed their galaxy to be completely explored, bah, sure there were planets discovered in Unknown Space and Wild Space, yet apart from them, what did this galaxy have for them to discover? There were always considerations to move beyond this galaxy, to send expeditions to the universe extant that they had barely scratched the surface of.

They knew things existed beyond their galaxy.

The Vong was enough evidence of that.

Yet for Malum, all of that seemed so... ostentatious.

How were they so willing to expand beyond this galaxy, when there was so much still undone?

When even amongst their history, they knew so little.

Asog was only one such world, in which they knew nothing of its history, nothing of its culture, nothing of its creed, it was simply an unknown, as much a black hole of information as the rest of the universe was.

And they simply were content to accept that blackhole of knowledge, simply to explore further, and then simply forget what they learned?

It was incredibly wasteful, it was incredibly disrespectful, and it was why he was here.

Oh officially it was to take part in the new joint cooperation between the Sith and Blackguards, and honestly enough he would work his utmost to fulfil that objective, but more than that, it was to learn of Asog, learn of its secrets, its history. Fill the gap in their knowledge, and bring them one step closer to discovering a piece of who they were.

Even if it meant sharing that knowledge with others who had no claim to it.

He took a step forward, having watched the Starfortress set down in their highly elevated camp atop what was theorised to be the old capital of the planet, red eyes watching carefully as a tall, but thin figure emerged out. A Phydolon, if his memory served, was rarely seen out of their homeworld, but with the darkside, many an exception was made.

At the very least, he had a name.

He nodded his head, "Lady Andragnath Andragnath , a pleasure to have you and your Blackguard here to assist us, I am Darth Malum, of House Marr, at your assistance," His eyes glimmered curiosity, admittedly though he had come here in search of the knowledge of Asog, having now seen her, he was just as curious regarding the Blackguard and Phydolon, indeed if his memory served, both had a very queer and interesting relationship with the Force, as opposed to the Sith.

He could only wonder what he could learn from her.

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