Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aster: The Fire Angel

Name: Aster​
Faction: None
Rank: Dark Jedi Padawan​
Age: 305 (looks about 19-ish)​
Species: Cernun/Shaliz'Na Hybrid​
Gender: Female​
Hair: Sunset Orange​
Eyes: Pink​
Height: 6'0"​
Weight: 130 Lbs. (excluding wings)​
Sexuality: Heterosexual​
Status: Not Interested... (Single but Hard-To-Get)​
Force Sensitive: Yes​

Strengths & Weaknesses:​
+Sparkler- Though it's fairly basic and untrained, Aster does possess some skill with Fire Shaping.​
+"I vant to suck your blood!"- Aster is not a literal Energy Vampire, but she enjoys acting like one. Her talent for draining energy through the Force makes it possible for her to go around biting people and actually getting something out of it. She doesn't have to do it that way, of course, but she finds it very entertaining.​
+"LAAAAAAAAAA!!!"- Being part Shaliz'Na has given Aster a beautiful singing voice, as well as a musical way of meditating.​
+"Do I smell good?"- Because she doesn't possess a tail, Aster's pheromones aren't as strong as a full-blooded Cernun's. However, said pheromones are still partially potent on species that don't emit their own.​
+Death from above- Wings are quite useful if you know how to use them.​
+"Stick 'em with the pointy end!"- Swordplay and Aster go hand-in-hand. (double-wielder! :D)​
-Totally Oblivious- Any romantic advances directed toward Aster immediately hit a brick wall. If you want to get chummy with her like that, you're going to have to seriously put your back into it.​
-"Go ahead. Call me a freak..."- Aster has, to put it gently, a very sensitive temper in regards to her appearance. If something you say even feels negative to her, she'll explode.​
-"You go your way, I'll go mine."- Stubborn independence might very well turn into Aster's downfall. It could also complicate her relationships.​
-"I swear to drunk I'm not God..."- Aster gets very drunk very easily. Her Shaliz'Na heritage makes an addiction to alcohol very potent and extremely hard to get rid of. This is why she refuses to even try any.​

Two pink eyes that glow more often than not are the center of Aster's youthful appearance, her Sunset-colored hair framing her fresh and soft features.​

Aster is a very energetic and often spontaneous person. Some would even call her scatter-brained, usually because she tends to forget things from time to time. She enjoys sweet things with a passion, as well as anything with potent flavor. She enjoys singing and music. Flying is something she absolutely adores, and she almost never walks around if she can help it. Her friends are few and far between, mainly because she doesn't spend very much time in public places. She doesn't enjoy people gawking at her for very long and will often make this known. Aster's opinions are very straight-forward when she chooses to express them. Her anger is swift to activate and very difficult to cool down.​
Run and hide and eat and sleep. Run and hide and eat and sleep. This was Aster's routine for everyday life for many decades. Wherever her parents had gone, they had neglected to take her with them. She was forced to remain hidden from the children that would come to find her as she struggled to survive without a home. She was tormented constantly, referred to as "freak" and "Demon" and "angel of death". The people who saw her would throw rocks and garbage at her, cursing her and telling her to return to the Hell-pit she'd crawled up from. Aster would've flown away. But where could she go? No one would ever accept her. She had no friends or family to help her, either.​
However, this changed the day she met a Jedi. He saw her trying to sleep in a grimy alleyway. Instead of being afraid or disgusted by her, he was fascinated and compassionate. He told her that his name was Uthin, and that he would take care of her. Aster was given a bed, good food, kind company. Uthin even began teaching her about the Force and how to fight. Finally, she had a place to call home.​
But she was to outlive Uthin. He succumbed to old age over 30 years after he'd met her. Alone again, Aster became a wanderer.​

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