Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It seemed ages since Tsisaar had last set foot on the planet's surface; after procuring the Ebion, nearly all his time had been spent onboard the vessel. With the degradation of his body, he was also forced to spend more and more time treating himself than he could actually doing anything useful. Constantly meditating, allowing his ship to run itself, more or less, those set to train aboard it going through their normal actions.

However, the constant meditation, spending nearly every hour entrenched in the Force, carried other benefits. While his body suffered, his spirit grew stronger; and with it, his own control over the mystical energies that he relied on to sustain himself. With the constant immersion into the empyrean, and through a careful balancing act, he learned that he could maintain his continued physical existence, holding himself together down to the molecular level through sheer strength of will. It wasn't perfect, but it was enough that he could get other works done.

Like the assignment given to him by [member="Darth Ophidia"], that he must complete to gain access to the knowledge she laid claim to.

The assignment that finally brought him back to Bastion, after so long spent on his ship.

So it was that he had come to the primary archives of his order, curated and maintained by the Saaraishash for the Sith overall. And in said archives, documents pertaining to Darth Ophidia herself. Some physical, some merely data. All of which should prove relatively easy to acquire and take. He doubted he would do so without being noticed, of course; he didn't have the stealth capabilities that the assassins had.

But being noticed was all part of his plan.

And so it was that, fairly openly, he went through, gathering together all of the physical documents he needed, before moving to a computer elsewhere in the facility. From there, it was an easy enough task to go through, copy all of the documents he needed onto a datapad, and then delete them from the archives; leaving just enough of a trace to make it clear that it was him who did it, but with no way to recover any information about the deleted information.

Now all he needed to do was exit the facility, and wait for Saaraishash-affiliated assassins or others to be assigned to hunt him down, a fresh "enemy of the empire" with "sensitive information" taken for unknown reasons. I'm sure this will give some of those who know of me quite the shock.

[member="Kascalion Giedfield"]

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