Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From: Elder Scrolls series: Sheogorath
NAME: Asmodeus [Unknown last name]
FACTION: Imperial Noble, Nobles, Empire.
RANK: Young Noble / Lord (Removed titles)
SPECIES: Zeltron
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8m
WEIGHT: 173 LB / 78.4kg
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Red tinted
FORCE SENSITIVE: (Extremely) Force Sensitive


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Training: Asmodeus is trained with Vibroblades and blasters, being raised from a youngling on both of them within close supervision of trainers. He is trained in a fencing-like style with a single bladed Vibroblade and is able to effectvey duel-wield a blaster and a Blade.
+ Guile: Asmodeus is a trained silver tongue, years of politics and lying to his family has improved his ability to lie exponentially. He is often able to even lie to the most skilled interrogators.
+ Courage: Asmodeus is very courageous and will stand up for what he thinks is right, let it be wrong or not dependent on the factors. This can sometimes lead him to being brash and throw himself into danger.
+/- Stance, Calm: While within this stance Asmodeus takes a fencing-like Vibroblade stance and is able to manipulate the force more easily, however he requires a great amount of concentration and emotional control to remain in this state of being. (To be used when force powers are available)
+/- Stance, Rage: While within this stance Asmodeus takes the form of a raging berserk. His agility and strength increases immensely from a rush of adrenaline he becomes incredibly dangerous in melee range but can no longer focus on his force concentration, not allowing him to use any force moves without re-centering his concentration.
- Gullible: Asmodeus takes a lot of things at face value and if someone says something in jest, he can often take it seriously without a second thought, he can also be cowed in combat scenarios to increase his rage and disallow him the use of his force abilities.
- Aristocrat: Asmodeus as a political figure is worth money. And as such will always have a bounty on his head, let it be big or small.
- Arrogant: Asmodeus is arrogant, he often believes he can overpower his foes before they have a chance to respond. He often relies on throwing insults and messing with his opponents minds. He often seeks to break his opponents will before destroying them, and when winning a battle can often overlook things. He likes to gloat loud and proud before killing his target
- Progeria: A disease that Asmodeus had since he was a young child, it makes him appear older, aging his body faster than his actual years. Thanks to medical science it was cured before it spiraled out of control. he appears to be an elderly gentleman.

Asmdeus stands roughly 6ft with brown hair and red tinted skin. He has an angular face that gives his a very defined appearance, making him more attractive he usually wears suits and exotic clothing. He often wears weird suits that clash with other pieces of his clothing. He usually carries a wooden cane around with him that carries something very valuable inside of it. (To be discovered later) this cane had belonged to his father, and the father before him.

[To be written]

[To be written]

Personal Luxery Yacht 200




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