Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ascension of a Down

Jarven was growing desperate, but he knew that he couldn't sacrifice his life for quick and easy convenience. He needed to find someone who could augment his brain before he applied brain implants. The augmentation would increase his natural intellect while the implants would increase his intellect further and allow him easier and better access to the cyber world. Eventually, Jarven found a neutral force-sensitive scientist who did indeed specialize in Sith Alchemy, among other things. His name was Dr. Zansa Barb Arian.;_ylt=AwrB8p0XeCxVyDwAQk.JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIzNmZvMTV1BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM5NWY4ZDE0ODZkNDA2MjU0OGZhNTA0MDBjYTQ3ZmRlOARncG9zAzE1BGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&

When he arrived and filled out the necessary paperwork, he was directed to a long chair to lay on, like a dentist chair, in a large room with a large machine. When he sat down, leather straps came across his arms and legs. Jarven stayed calm and couldn't care less. He could easily break out of these bonds, thanks to his new muscles and exo suit. Arian came into the room nonchalantly. As he walked about the room preparing for the operation, he professionally rattled off the next words "You are fully aware of the details of what I'm going to do and that I am not responsible for what happens to you once the change is confirmed a success? You have agreed to pay for all services rendered upon successful completion or else be subject to the law and my attempts to stop you from escaping?"

"Yes" said Jarven. Without further ado, Arian said "Good. Now, relax." He lifted his wrist to Jarven's face and released an anesthetic gas. Jarven was startled, but he breathed it in and calmed down. An albino assistant entered the room and went over to the machine. While Arian finished the rest of the pre-procedures of attaching cords and equipment to Jarven, he gestured at his machine and spoke much more conversationally.

"Beautiful, isn't it? Took me half a lifetime to invent it. I'm sure you've discovered my deep and abiding interest in biology and anatomy. I'm pleasantly writing a definitive work on the subject, so I want you to be perfectly honest with me on how the machine makes you feel. This being our first try, I'll use the lowest setting." The albino assistant armed and turned on the machine. It started pumping, flashing, and beeping. Arian took his spot on a seat connected to the machine, attached some wires to his skin, and took up a sitting stance on the seat. He closed his eyes, breathed steadily, put his hand over the nearby Jarven, and opened his eyes. His eyes were now glowing white and he now murmured to himself. This first setting was used to scout out his brain. Jarven felt something that likened onto a blanket being tossed and formed over his mind, each part of his brain being poked and touched.

Jarven was just fine underneath the anesthetic. Soon, it came to the point where Jarven was put under so that his brain would be the most susceptible. It was all on Arian, now. Over the duration of the operation, Arian gradually raised the setting of the machine. He worked his way up the chain of importance. The synapses were gradually enhanced, their relay nodes increasing in response time and their data capacity widening.

His frontal lobe was made efficient, so as to tighten his control on movement, speech, organization and time management. The temporal lobe was expanded and enhanced to vastly improve his memory and speed up his info processing time. The parietal lobe parameters were defined better. This meant that he could have a slight control on his physical sensations, such as minimizing pain and maximizing pleasure (if you know what I mean, [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]). The occipital lobe was streamlined to allow for much faster reflexes and a much better response time. When this was over, Jarven was going to be the Ninja Game champion of the universe...hopefully.

For the most part, the brain itself was pretty much made efficient, enhanced, and built up as much as possible without causing dimension issues. Jarven would be faster, more graceful, smarter, much more intellectual and social, and his overall healing factor would increase more significantly than the average humans due to the combined and better structures in his brain. He would have a much better capacity for learning, hold and access much more knowledge, and have a near idetic memory.

Arian was most excited. Jarven was his best patient thus far and had given him MUCH experience on the matter. "Raise the setting, Jerry!" he called out to the albino assistant. The setting was sitting just fine at 24, but Jarven was so susceptible and in such good condition that Arian felt as though he needn't go any further than 25.

Jerry couldn't quite hear over the noise, so he yelled, "Fifty it is!" The albino braced his arms to throw the lever upwards.

"Not to fifty!!!" yellled the doctor. The machine lit up much brighter, the demand on Arian's body grew, and Jarven screamed out in pain He was still unconscious, but his body was quite aware of what was going on. Both of their eyes were glowing a bright white light. This continued on for only a few seconds. Arian was trying to sustain Jarven while his mind was bombarded by a super charge that was actually strengthening and solidifying the changes. Any longer, though, and it would become too much for Jarven and Arian. Arian screamed out and his albino assistant got the hint. He shut down the machine and it slowly stopped rumbling.

Both of their eyes returned to normal and, with a small rivulet of blood coming out of Arian's nose, he started doing checks on the patient's psyche and brain readings. Everything turned out to be far better than he had imagined and it all checked out. He was still concerned about any delayed adverse effects. So, when Jarven later paid for services rendered, Arian gave out his contact info and encouraged Jarven to take it easy and call him if anything bad arose.

Jarven walked out of there a changed man.

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