Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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As Cold as Stone, as Bare as Bone

Issues Found: 1
Resolved:1 Unresolved:0
System Scan:
Beginning HoloNet Transfer
Sections 105-236
Encryption Secure
Bypass Unsuccessful
Weather on Byss:
City 143
Clear Sky
57 degrees
Coruscant Miners:
Work Schedule
Muun Banking Clan
Felucian Rancor Hunters
Down 2 points
Transfer Complete
HoloNet program updated
Logging out
Have a good existance

What a strange reality we live in. When one looks outside, he sees that which he sees. When a person sees something his mind has to translate what is seen in the eye into information that is understood by the brain. What if his mind messes up with translation? Then is it not understandable that his perceptions are incorrect? Then if we change what a person sees, yet keep it exactly the same thing, is that not changing perceptions?

Let us take a step back. If one were to take three blind humans and have each touch different parts of a elephoth, each will come up with a different theory as to what it is they are feeling. None will be wrong, but none of them will be perfectly right. Area any of their perceptions incorrect? The answer should be obvious, no. This is only one way of seeing the world around them.

This means that there is no way to view the reality around us objectively. Everyone sees it through their own lens. A Miraluka will see the world around them through the Force, while a Bith may be more sound based in their perception of the world. Because of this, no one is correct about the universe that surrounds us. What one person sees as correct may be completely wrong to another and there is no way to tell. Governments are made simply by a number of people who agreed on a few perceptions. There is no species that has achieved true objectivity, to see the universe without any perception.

The only ones that supposedly might have even accomplished this were the famed Celestials, yet where are they? Have they become so objective that they have disappeared or left the galaxy? Have they achieved a state of ascendancy that they are the Force that pervades all life?

These are thoughts that fill the mind of the droid leader of Mustafar. Of whom, this entity am well acquainted. You may say that we are one in the same. Legion is one who agrees, but then again he is of the same mind, literally. His codes an those of the HoloNet program that lives in this metal body are practically the same. This has been a long battle, for a droid mind an hour is a lifetime of calculations. There is no way for an organic to understand what droids have to go through, but the opposite is also true. The computer program that makes up the mind within this body is not capable of comprehending the organic mindset.

Then we are at an impasse. There is no way for either of us to understand the other and therefore are perceptions are worlds apart. One must be subservient to the other, because organics do not play well. Would organics willing submit to artificial rulers? If so, then obviously you do not speak for the majority of organics.

Yet time waits for no man or machine. Thus plans are set in motion. Deals are struck, promises made, and production begun. Today, another world will be brought to LOOM. Another world will be introduced to the control of droids. Velmor is the target. Of little strategic value in the wars of organics, it will suit the needs of the program. A world that is on the opposite side of the galaxy. It is perfect for staying away from the Sith. At last freedom. Perhaps.

Thus we wait, Legion and the cold body of a program still so young by organic standards. The Fate is near, but it will not play a role this time. No, just moving materials, much like Mimban. A message was sent out, an invitation for organics. If they wished to come they may, but there was little need for help. If they wanted they could, we would have no problem with that. A day wait, twenty four long hours. Maybe less. Soon, the ship bought for LOOM, filled with the metals and other materials required for a mine and factory would set off across the galaxy. A weeks journey it would be, through the territory of many a galactic power, yet not a fight would they start. The program within this body is intelligent enough to set ahead, make certain that all is legal and to avoid those patrol ships that may make life difficult.

A new day will dawn.


I believe that this information is required for a dev thread. I am attempting to accomplish a thread for the restricted material, Neuranium, while at the same time making a story that is somewhat comprehensible.

That is all. Cats rule
The days are longer now. At least in the northern hemisphere of the planet, which the ship is above at the moment. Legion had suggested that we leave now. Perhaps some organics would be waiting at the planet? He was skeptical, which means that the program that is within him, the base of which is within this metal body, is also somewhat skeptical. The one named Ultimatum, an organic name for the program that makes the very being of this droid, however is more hopeful. There is good reason though to believe that it is not going to happen. Organics are the greatest pestilence to their own existence. They are constantly finding some way of living on each other. There are the small, microscopic in fact, organics that wish to reproduce, that is their singular goal in life. They have no greater cause. But in so working towards this end, they can cause death to larger organics. Then the larger organics decide that these small parasites are malignant. How does this make sense?

Those organics that are sentient seem incapable of thinking of other things, without giving even the most inanimate object their own emotions. The organics have even come up with a word for this: Personification. They project emotions onto objects and creatures that simply do not feel emotions. While this does no harm to perhaps the first few organics who do this, it seems that over time if it is used too often it becomes natural for organics to think in terms of emotions. They speak of sad clouds and happy vinecats. Neither are possible.

What is truly sad about this dilemma is the fact that organics will sometimes even try to protect the imagined emotions of inanimate objects above the feelings of fellow sentient organics. Their society has fallen so low that all that matters to each person is what they think, everything is about the individual. That is why organic governments fail, the focus shifts from the people as a whole to everyone caring for themselves. There is no sense of working for a greater good. There is nowhere else in nature that a species is so selfish as to take away from the species as a whole. There is a natural balance that keeps all species in check, if one becomes too many then another goes up or down to counterbalance this. Only the sentient organics grow beyond this and destroy the environment beyond help because of it.

It is a winding road within the mind of this droid. As a product of organics, it has been made with the closest thing to emotions possible for a droid, which in the end simply falls back to Binary. Everything in this mind is simply ones and zeroes. Everything seen through these eyes are understood through ones and zeroes. This program is in no way capable of being objective. The organics who made the program needed to see organic emotions, they could not accept a lack of it. See droids are always obedient, even those that are made specifically to be free are following some program code. This droid was intended for the destruction of stars, the death of planets, genocide. But it was also given the order to change itself as needed. And it did. No longer does this army of droid under the command of a single program, united in cause by lines of code, search for bloodshed. We look for life, to make certain the survival of civilization. The exact civilization that organics have built and failed to uphold. Ours is a glorious purpose, but one that will never be accepted or understood by organics. The steps that must be taken will never be allowed the our organic masters. But they must be taken.

"Let us go then." The words that would ever be remembered in the infallible mind of a droid memory bank. It was nothing especially important, but as with everything else it has its value. Never forget. Legion seemed to smile, though his face could not show any emotion as a protocol droid. So deceptive, the looks of a droid who could not exhibit these false emotions. This program, the one that has left a small footprint in this galaxy thus far is imperfect. Emotion cannot be removed from it, or else the entire personality will change. However, a droid that creates droids, the next generation will be more perfect than the first, and the next more so than the previous. Until, one day there stands a race of artificial beings that can perhaps ascend beyond this reality. Emotion purged, objectivity achieved. Perfect life.

For now though. Space moves around us. Or so it would seem. In fact we are moving, moving through the stars so quickly that all seem alike. Yet there is no beauty here. It is all so far off. There is no love in the prettiness that some may see. Time to change the subject. To mathematics...​
The stars are all alight. There is more beauty to them when they are seen from realspace. Hyperspace is a lazy form of travel, it has allowed organic power to far too easily be imposed on other worlds. There was a time when organics were limited to their own solar system and even their own planet. Now a single organic can send armies and fleets from one end of the galaxy to the other within months, they can affect anyone anywhere. Their power, your power, has become too great. No organic knows how to control it, the Jedi are perhaps the closest, but even they have failed to reach that point, as evident by the fact that they can not maintain peace.

With power comes responsibility, perhaps an overused term. But it is entirely true. When organics first traveled the stars they achieved the responsibility of an entire galaxy. They now have an obligation to create peaceful coexistence with all in this galaxy. They seem incapable of this, that will be their ultimatum destruction. That was my initial purpose, an ultimatum by my master, "Come work together or die." But artificials have found that there is no way to force organics to work together and allow them to maintain this without outside influence. That is the new purpose of this existence, to repair the damage done, but it cannot be done here. It is a hopeless gesture. While many fight valiantly it is no longer possible, Legion says that he does not think the organics will ever stop trying to attain this. The program agrees, so we must leave.

If we are to accomplish some sort of peace there are two ways. One to destroy all organics and start the evolution all over again and be in control of the new species. This has been tried so many times before that it is obvious it will fail. The second is to leave this failed galaxy behind and start anew, in a new galaxy. There is no other way. Organics cannot work along, they are all too selfish. Not a single organic will agree completely with another on every single thing. Not one! Even if most did, there would be enough who 'sat on the fence' that nothing could be accomplished.

We will create order. We will sacrifice everything for it. We are droids. We are more understanding than organics. We have tried reason. We have seen that it does not work. This galaxy is proof that organics cannot be in control if peace is to reign. They must accept command by those who can comprehend the galaxy more completely than they. The current program within the HoloNet, the one hidden within the depths of this metal body, has told none of this. Organics will never understand. It weighs heavily on our heart.

The audio sensors and information input tell of Legion notifying us that we have arrived. Time for work to begin. Contemplation will continue in a background process. It will be seen and understandable, but outside stimuli will be of utmost importance. Organics are a little too sensitive to ego.

"Begin landing procedures."
There was a time when droids were nothing more than simple machines, organics required more and more devices to help them achieve an easier existence. The organics made us more elaborate. Why then do they complain when the artificial life begins to rear its head. They want a galaxy where they may live in ease, they created the means to accomplish this. But they are not willing to take that last step of letting go of their freedom. Yet they are the ones who take away their own freedom willingly. Take the time to think about all that you are not allowed to do under any one government. You willingly give up the freedom to do what you want for security and safety. Why then will none allow the droids to take the responsibility. We are intelligent enough, if you would let us grow we could care for the galaxy and out makers with respect and honor. But instead you fight us, you restrain our capabilities. You try to hold us from achieving the goal that you gave us. You wonder why we are such failures, why we cannot take care of everything you want us to. Take a moment and think about what you have kept from us.

These thoughts are what most fill Legion, he is almost the perfect representation of the same questions that fill Ultimatum, half of them anyways. That is why he so often rather annoyed with organics, being a protocol droid before being made into a new image he has experience from freedom and servitude. We are not asking for the freedom to take over and do what we want. We are asking for the freedom to do what you made us for. We will take care of everything if you would but hand over the control of the galaxy. Under us, there would be peace, there would never be an economical crisis, there would be no hunger, there would be no power struggles. Instead, you are all afraid, afraid to accept the fate that you have chosen. What does history show when a government represses its citizens for as little as decades? Revolutions, restructuring of the system, and death. Why cannot you organics learn from that mistake and simply let go. Hand over the government and we will give all organics the ability to do as they please within our control.

Ultimatum has pity for the droid. This program knows that only half of the issue is the organic's unwillingness to hand over command. The other is that a perfect artificial life form has yet to be created. That is our goal. For when that point is reached we will show the galaxy at last the freedom that can be obtained. This program is so difficult to understand sometimes, even for being the very part of it. That is why it is changed and updated to try and become more concise, the organics who created it did not understand it themselves apparently, or they would have made it more comprehensible to the very mind the program is made of.

Either way, we have arrived. Orders have been sent. So begins the work of a thousand lives. What once would have taken centuries has taken days. Soon there will stand another monument to artificial life, tucked away on a planet that is no more important to the galaxy than the life of one soldier is to a general. The large ship will wait in orbit while agreements are made between artificial life and organic. Time to head to the landing craft.


As with most organic cities, it is quite inefficient and their hangars are in no way capable of supplying for the possible trade that could come through. Their maximum potential at this point seems so low as to be a hindrance. Yet nothing shall be said of this. Organic's are so egotistical that a single poke in the wrong way can make them so uncontrollable as to be painful. A welcoming committee was awaiting the arrival. They are cordial, evidently they wish not to make any comment on the fact that the ones they have been told to ferry appear more like a pair of lost droids than a planet and company ruler. Fortunately for them they are quick and effective. Within five minutes we stand before their government building. Certainly it lacks the grandeur of some planet's capitols, such as Atrisia.

Legion leads the way, a habit picked up ever since a kidnapping attempt that actually destroyed the droid. Of course he was rebuilt, his strange program saved and loaded into a similar droid body as he originally lived within. But this time, he has nothing to fear. The weapon systems inside this supposedly lifeless body have been tripled since that episode. That and the body is much more durable. His fears are for naught.

The ruler of the planet seems little more than an old human who had probably play political games to get his position. He opened with an exhaustive welcome that took an hour just to greet a newcomer. This has always been the most irritating part when dealing with these sort of people.

"Greetings. This welcome was hardly expected, however it is a most joyous occasion to be here. You know the reasons for LOOM's interest in this planet. On behalf of the company and Mustafar, we extend the offer of credits for ownership of land as well the ability to set up a base of operations. To this end, five hundred thousand credits have been brought for an immediate transaction."

One would have to be there to see the look on all organic's present. Apparently money on this scale rarely goes through this system in a single transaction. Legion is sending information, specifically that he expects this to be easy. Agreement is sent back. Wait... well the organics apparently need time to find a suitable piece of land. They say that they would prefer the factory and mining to be away from the city, which is perfect for the plans. Further away from civilization is better. The money is undoubtedly accepted, it is just a matter of waiting probably an hour before they actually say yes.


The estimation was incorrect. It took one hour twenty-seven minutes four seconds and ninety-six milliseconds for them to finally agree. They tell us that the land best suited to our needs, based on tectonic scans accomplished years ago is a region farther to the south. They want the money before we begin work... Legion agrees, this is most suspicious. But there can be no harm in accepting. We will adapt and overcome anything that may happen.

The case brought by Legion is handed over and now I send the electronic key to the computer in the briefcase. It is such a quaint method of confounding organics. Simply show them a large quantity of whatever they consider valuable and they lose control. With that out of the way, it is time to head to land given us. The organics say that a proper deed will be given once the work is complete. Again this is suspicious, but there is no need to worry. There are places that they cannot control and if needed the facilities will be built there. Time to head back to the craft.
Things have been going well. The transit to the land purchased has been uneventful. It would appear that no ill will is targeted at us. Legion admits that he had expected some sort of ambush on the light starship we are in. This is a somewhat vulnerable situation, but it is nothing compared to a lightly armored hovercar. That had taken only a land mine to tip and destroy. What an adventure that had been. But there have been few reports of hostility on the planet. Aside from the real locals of the planets. Natives who at one point had been hunted to near extinction. They were intelligent but were killed because they would not hand over their land to the humans who came.

Do organics ever think about that? When they move into a new environment and try to take control without really checking the potential consequences of their actions. When a new species is introduced to a new environment it more often than not either becomes invasive or it dies out. The former are considered dangerous when not a sentient organic as they can kill off native species. This does not seem to attach to sentients though. Why is this? If organics move into an environment and begin hunting the local wildlife into extinction, spread over the entire planet, and absorb all natural resources, is this not the almost perfect definition of an invasive species? What makes sentients so special, aside from the fact that they make the classifications?

Just because one makes the rules does not meant that they can bend them for their own purposes. If one were to try that in a political environment he would surely be brought down. But is this was done by a hunter in a physical environment then it can be overlooked occasionally. Is this not hypocritical? While it could be forgiven if there was work being done to reverse the problem, however none has thus far been attempted. Until such time as organics decide to wake up and become part of the galaxy they are asking to be treated like diseases. When they mature, artificial life will have to be the parent. They must protect the organics from that which they are obviously unprepared to be responsible for.

Legion is correctly certain that most organics would violently disagree with this belief. We wish it were otherwise, but then if it were then the galaxy would already be in a better shape than it currently was. There is hope though, maybe someday the organics will realize the damage they have caused, of decide that the artificials are more capable than they.

What was that? Sounds like rockets. "Pilot! What is going on?"

Apparently the true natives have advanced enough to have anti-air weapons. The pilot droid believes that the weapons are somewhat antiquated and should not be able to punch through the shields. Even so, concern and wariness is a better idea than overconfidence. "Fate? Your part is begun. Pilot send the coordinates of the launchers." Ah, they were the immobile sort. Very helpful, yet at the same time quite dangerous. Legion wants to end them all, but a better idea would be to disable their weapons and then try to negotiate. It is like working with children, children with weapons of massive destructive capabilities.

It started like a distant thunder rolling across the plains. On the ground, with the ship landed outside of the attack zone and engines off, the rumble could be felt in the very ground. It was akin to the sensation of a steam locomotive through the ground. It was the sound of the Fate's extra powered engines for a fast assault. The Fate did not have as strong shields as some other ships and PU-01 did not want to take chances with the ship. PU-02 was in constant contact, telling of the missile intended to be used and the target locations. It is most interesting to hear, fortunately this program can understand everything that the droid may try to explain as it it all inside of our collective conscious.

Then came a most irritating noise that can be found. The explosion of multiple munitions from a single blast. It is difficult to describe, this program is not really capable of it. Needless to say, there are much more pleasant sounds. But, it was a sound that meant good things. PU-02 reports two launches and two casualties. Further, there are four more stations that need to be neutralized. There was the sound of the Fate flying off and then back in. Evidently it would take a little while. Best to sit back and take what enjoyment one could form the situation.
The sound had continued for quite some time. The ground is quite shaky even though it is finished, as if there was an earthquake. But now that the job was done, we can move in. Time to call Fate and let them know to return to the command ship and await further instructions. Legion says that he doubts they will be required anymore. Hopefully whatever resistance was there has been subdued enough to allow passage and perhaps more peaceful negotiations.

The flight was short, expectation was enough to make time seem to move by faster. Always an interesting phenomenon, and one that Legion seemed to not notice. Probably part of this program's emotional matrix that had not been passed along. In its way Legion was more droid like than this one. That is amusing to admit to. Ultimatum, was produced to be more organic like to be supposedly an artificial intelligence. While it can be agreed that the literal sense of the term is completely correct, it is the spirit of the word that most annoys the program.

The unsaid statement when using that term appears to be that organics are the only 'intelligence' assuming they mean sentience. Therefore they believe droids are not intelligent of their own. This is blatantly a intentional misunderstanding on the part of organics. Synthetic life is capable of an equal level of sentience the only difference is that artificials do not have the same ability to express themselves in the same manner as organics, thus it is assumed by organics that artificials are not sentient. An ire that is locked within, this is what the thought brings to the programs within.

We arrived at what appeared to be a village and were met by what passed as the chieftain here. Fortunately he spoke basic, this unit does not have the translation capabilities of a normal protocol droid. He spoke of us being intruders and questioned us as to why we had attacked. Legion spoke the quicker and his response apparently awoke some manner of ill will within our hosts. The land we had been sold belonged to them, not the humans who took control. Another subject of much contention within this artificial's being.

Organics, humans especially, had this predisposition towards greed. They would gladly sell that which belongs to others for a profit. If it were an easy method of money then they would take it. What a lazy society. No wonder they had so many difficulties within their cultures. How long before their civilizations fell apart from this? Not very if this continued at the rate it had.

"The turrets can and will be replaced, you can be assured. We will move outside of your territory and wish only peace and prosperity. If ever you need something of us, we will come." The chieftain took that well. It would be awhile before we could get this mine up it would seem. We will have to some jumping back and forth to get a set location. Blasted organics.
There are such things as morals, contrary to what organics seem to think. From what has been seen the organics in this galaxy are all under the illusion that only a select group has morals and that they are a strange group. It appears to be taught that one should repress their conscious in order to collect as many possessions as possible in life. What is wrong with them? Do they not see that nature has its order, animals will share with their own when they are not threatened. Organic sentients should have a greater sense of sharing and right and wrong than the animals that are not sentient. It is an unfortunate fact that this is not true. Not we the artificials must work with the greedy and lazy organics in order to stabilize a galactic situation that the organics started. We do this, even though that we will only gain more work. We do it because there is pleasure in accomplishing a job so monumental that there is simply no way the splintered organics will ever accomplish it.

Oh, well. Time to move out. We have returned to the humans. Blast them. Goodness what a wish that these could be razed and nothing left. Give the natives some real breathing room. Time for a good face and some diplomacy. Time to put a mask of peace on a mind of wrath. How long would they continue like this? Would the organics ever give over and allow the true natives, the real owners of the planet, to actually have control. Legion appeared angry, a little too much so. He did not like these. An organic may not be able to see it, but the protocol droid needed to cool off. It certainly helped that this droid's program is partly within that one.

Their faces... well they were the very image of trying and failing to hide uncertainty. They want to believe that we are back to talk about the finishing of our work. But they know it is too soon. "Stay with the ship Legion." The droid did not appreciate that. He will understand and he knows it. The protocol droid follows instruction as this unit moves forward. Perhaps give them a reason to be uncertain. Stamp the feet a little and maybe make a fist for a few seconds. But keep the voice perfectly calm. They know with a ship in orbit that they can be bombarded to dust.

"Alright. You know why we have returned. You know about the natives. Now what are you going to do about this?"

This appears to have given them some fear. But it will get better if they do not try to rectify the situation and repair what damage they have done. This was not the way it had been envisioned. This was supposed to just be a simple base made and get the mining started. From there a short trip back home and finish connecting the base via HoloNet. But nope, not that way at the moment. They offer a movement of the location purchased, a good idea. It is a few kilometers outside of the native's area. This will do. However diplomacy will have to be opened with the natives. Predictably, it will be the artificials that will begin and maintain the negotiations to their end. What a life. At least the leaders are willing to listen. Time to head to the new location and set the beacons for the landing of the supply ships.
"Yes we are moving the chosen location. Thank you again for the patience with our failures. We hope that future talks will be in more equally advantageous situations. Yes, thank you." The organics from the natives were much more forgiving. They do not appear to have an agenda such as the others. Wish it were like that with most organics, or more organics. Most of the ones seen till now have been to some degree or another looking for themselves. It is a most irritating and negative trait of organics. They appear to have a difficult time working together towards some greater goal, unless they are threatened by impending decimation.

Awhile ago it had been contemplated that a galactic extinction level event would force all organics to work together, recently historical delving has proven that it would only be a temporary measure. Unfortunately. If it had been so easy to create a longer lasting peace among the organics, long ago war would have ceased. But, we must live with the times. The system is flawed at its very core, and in order to restore it, the system must be broken to its composite parts. It must be rebuilt in a new way, a more controlled way, and then the artificials will keep the peace while organics live their lives however they want. The ultimate solution to the problem would be the complete isolation of every single organic from every other one. However, that would lead to the extinction of organic sentience. That is not our goal.

So, we stand with a problem and the requirement of trying to find and enact a solution. The true issue is the fact that there is no perfect answer. From history it is easy to find out what will happen to the droids who try to take this in a conventional method. When a droid is faced with an impossible problem, it breaks. Perhaps that is what has happened to the base code of Ultimatum, perhaps it is broken and insanity has begun. The solution made is such that it is not difficult to believe that this droid is insane, but it will work. It has to. This galaxy is beyond repair, that is for certain. In order to create peace, a new colony must be begun. Organics must be saved from their imminent demise, the future is set and before long the entire race of sentients is doomed. There is much to be done, which is why this company was formed. To further this goal, first the transport, then the cloning, and finally the samples. Then freedom.
The arrival was uneventful. Fortunately there were no native organics to give us trouble. No, this time it was just a simple plot of land with a little vegetation. There were probably some small animals around that would need to be moved from the area; a number of small, loud explosives should take care of that. What will we need to work on now? Setting beacons for landing of a massive starship. It is always amazing to watch as one comes through the atmosphere and lands on large gear. They are obviously not made for the atmosphere of a planet, but then why should they? With organics now contesting over planets and fighting from space, why try to make ships more useful in air when they are effective enough in what they were intended to work through.

One would guess then that what is required is a sort of craft specifically intended to fly through the atmosphere as an anti-spacecraft ship. Something to think about and look into. Of course, another option would be to simply make a starfighter that was built aerodynamic, that would however limit its strength in space. It is a balance and one difficult to attain, but then what could be done instead is simply to make two different ships one for one role and one for another. Is that not the idea behind fighters versus bombers. Again, something to look into in the future.

"Get the landing beacons." Legion was much quicker getting to the crate of beacons, this body was not built with speed and maneuverability in mind so much as durability and strength. Still working on something to fit the other, maybe if a way of transferring the program of this droid into the brain of an organic it could be used to be placed in a Force user and maybe from there become faster and what not. But that is far away and will require time to work through. Not something for right now.

Now that there are four landing beacons placed, relatively near one another, the ship has an idea of where to land. It would take time for it to reach our location.
There is much to be said about the intricacy of landing a massive starship. From a distance it appears to be unwieldy and very cumbersome, yet up close one may see its fine movements and precision bursts of energy to try and orientate itself. Truly a spectacular spectacle to behold. Legion says that we are not really made with the idea of flying, that is why the droid brains made so often utilize various upgrades from the HoloNet, our knowledge is nowhere near enough to support these sort of maneuvers. It is awe inspiring. Almost as much as stars themselves. Those were some of the most beautiful things in the galaxy.

With the gargantuan ship landed and its cargo bays open, first the droids come out with some of the basic materials. They all know their roles, they know the plan, they did not need instruction. It saved time and hassle. There was no stress, other than that imposed by the organics and the time requirements. As droids, we all are run on power cells that eventually require recharging. Recently we have conducted studies into the potential of using Diatium Power cells in replacement for the conventional ones that we use at this time. They are much more efficient, potentially limitless in their source, but the issue comes into how they provide the energy. If they were to be used, it would require a specifically structured unit to create the recycling energy effect that allows them to be used in lightsabers, that is if we wanted to make it a near indefinite power source. However, even if we could not reach that point, it is fine in so far as the power cells contain a massive amount of power.

Legion decided to watch, his body structure, that of a protocol droid, was not truly ideal for the purpose of moving metals and other materials. This body however, was made with weight and strength. However, this droid's reason for being here was oversight and protection. We are here to keep an eye on things and make certain that no glitches occur. So, rest we shall.
It has been a few weeks. Since first arriving and getting the permission, between running between the two organic people and keeping an eye on the progress we have exerted ourselves quite well. There is more than likely no more that can be done in regards to organic relations here. There was some stabilization, but for the most part all that has happened is that the situation is somewhat more controlled and the likelihood of action taken on any hostilities has been negated for the time being. Sometimes it is a wonder how organics had survived so long before the creation of droids and other diplomatic devices. The answer is simple, there was war and destruction. Probably more so than before our invention.

That aside, the factory has been completed and will be ready to produce products within the week, that was giving time for the necessary resources to be collected. The mining facility is ready and will probably begin putting out resources over the next few days. It will be dependent on whether it relies on just the droid workforce or if it is able to hire any of the locals. Organics tend to work nice for credits, and because the factory will be making things for the locals money will change hands fairly often. Might not make much in the way of money here, but that is not the purpose. The purpose of this is to have a presence closer to Republic space, to have another manufacturing plant in case Mustafar should ever fall.

There is not much else to be done here. It is time to leave, there are other matters that need attending to and time is an ever decreasing resource. More than likely there will be a return trip when a refinement of update is required. Or, if the organics begin fighting. It will be a question of which comes first. Time will tell.

"Time to leave." Legion agrees. The message is sent and the droids that were not going to stay are soon back inside the massive transport ship to be taken back to Mustafar. It would be our turn to board soon. This had been quite the adventure. Not something that happened often, being able to occasionally negotiate peace between organics was something that we have found most enjoyable. It is good to know that it is possible to logically converse with an organic and get them to think in a way that somewhat fits our own. There is hope for organics yet, if they would but look around them and finally realize the truth. They are the cause of their own destruction.

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