Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Arott Kaan the Heartless

Image credit to Grayson-D: DA.
Arott represents the physical elite of the Zabrak species. Born and raised on the harsh planet of Iridonia, Arott was subject to the same trials and conditions as all of his people. Carnivorous in nature, Arott was taught to hunt, kill and tame the rugged and dangerous nature of his planet, and those who lived there. Zabraks are blessed with a second heart, which makes them physically enduring and physically resistant to many forms of pain. While Zabraks are generally force sensitive, Arott is not. He was forced to tone his other skills - such as his use in weaponry and piloting. He is a conditioned, combat experienced, short-tempered man.
His physically condition, skills and experience of the harshness of life brings about many of his disadvantages. He is overly confident, arrogant and disrespectful to authority. He is single-minded and cares not for anyone who would try and help him. He is prejudiced towards other species; especially non-humanoid species and is disgusted by any celebration or glorification of the Dathomir; a Zabrak/Human hybrid subspecies. Following a combat incident, Arott required one of his hearts to be replaced by a cybernetic heart. It is old technology, and often requires repairs - because of this, Arott often finds himself disadvantaged because of it. He can't seem to hold down a job or assignment, often due to falling out with employers. As a result, he rarely gets paid what he is owed. His ego constantly gets in the way of his criminal successes.
Arott is generally quite tall, and of normal weight. For the places he hangs around, he doesn't stand out a whole of a lot. He is a number of horns that surround his head like a short crown, and is covered in a range of tribal-looking tattoos and scars. Arott is a criminal and is often seen wearing normal clothes made of leathers, fabrics, etc. He changes it up regularly. Common themes for clothing include heavy combat boots and clothing, and a hood, goggles or face mask. He is constantly being apprehended or robbed, and so doesn't carry the same weapon constantly. He is usually always armed by stolen, cheap, makeshift or won weapons.
Arott was born in a small village on Iridonia. He was abandoned as a young child and learnt to fend for himself at an early age. He didn't go through the usual education and trials as the other kids due to his circumstances, but generally taught himself what he needed to know. After his horns began to appear and was identifiable as an adult, he hitchhiked his way off the godforsaken planet, and another system. He spent the next few years hopping from station to station, planet to planet, hanging around with deplorable and in run-down slums. He did work for a number of gangs and smuggling groups, but thought too-high of himself and got in a number of altercations over payment. One of these altercations, resulted in him getting seriously wounded, losing one of his two hearts. Using what money he had, he managed to secure himself an old implanted cybernetic to function. He now prefers to steal ships and do what he can to make a quick buck self-employed as a pirate, smuggler, mercenary and general degenerate. He would consider joining cut-throat gangs and groups again.
None as of yet.

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