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Approved Species Arominans

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Wandering Naval Officer

  • Name: Arominan
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Virgilia
  • Language: Galactic Basic,
  • Average Lifespan: 70 years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: With green skin to help them hide from the predators what would hunt them, that Arominans are masters of stealth and camouflage. They tend to make clothing out of plants and have vibrant colors to them, almost like they are a hybrid between humanoid and plantoid. The Arominans put off an aroma depending on their state they are in. Their skin also changes pigment to how much sun light they get.
  • Breathes: Oxygen
  • Average height of adults: 1.8288m
  • Average length of adults: N/A
  • Skin color: shades of green
  • Hair color: Red
  • Distinctions: Their skin changes as to how much sun they receive. Male and female differences are the same like a human. Their skin feels like plants, and can be veiny depending on age.
  • Races: None
  • Strengths:
  • Poison blood - Their blood if ingested or injected by some means is crippling, but not fatal to most.
  • Masters of Camouflage - With their skin the way it is and the colors it can be, they are master ambushers and fight with this as their doctrine. This only works in woodland and forested areas
  • Weaknesses:
  • Solar - They need the sun to survive, without it they get weak and will eventually die.
  • Weak Immune system - They don't have a strong immune system and most synthetic toxins will kill them outright.
  • Diet: Herbivore, goes for most plants, except the holy ones dictated by the elders.
  • Communication: Aromas, and Speech
  • Technology level: Spacefaring, but don't leave their planet. They have energy weapons.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Mother Forest, they worship everything plant life, and would do anything to protect it.
  • General behavior: Though curious they tend to try to keep to themselves. Living in cells, the average cell is about 30 to 35 members which can be one family to three depending on the situations. Their young will never be far from the mother, almost like they are attached to her, the mother of the young will find a sunny spot to stay until the young mature. They are gathers and just gather the essentials they need to survive. They are fiercely protective of their territory and will do anything to protect it. They will avoid fighting unless it is on their terms, and will use whatever they can to fight with.
Being native to Virgilia 7, they try to avoid any contact with outsiders unless impossible. They were able to get interstellar travel down around the time the Hyperspace War ended, though they never use it as they wish to stay isolated from the galaxy. When the Galactic Civil War broke out they retreated into the forests of the planet where many died due to lack of sunlight. This led them to being much smaller numbers then they used to be. Once the First Order came to their planet the Arominans were back where the lived before the Civil War, but took precautions not to be found. It wasn't until the Ren showed up the Arominans took a more Defensive role to protect their planet, and the Mother Forest from them. The Arominans won't kill unless forced, they would rather see people learn their way and protect their planet rather than force someone off which could end in the destruction of the planet.


Well-Known Member
[member="Aran Piett"]

Aran Piett said:
Poison blood - Their blood if ingested or used properly is crippling, but not fatal to most.
  • What would be considered 'proper' use?

Aran Piett said:
Masters of Camouflage - With their skin the way it is and the colors it can be, they are master ambushers and fight with this as their doctrine.
  • Please note that their camouflage / stealth is only effective in woodland areas and similar. In urban environments, it does them no favors.
Looks good elsewise. Address the above points and we can move on with the judgment.
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