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Approved Tech Armored Nutrient Pack

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Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy



Armored Nutrient Pack

OOC Information
Image Source: Google image search, couldn't find the maker. Nailed it down to EBay images
Intent: To create a armored nutrient frame for the open market.
Development Thread: NA

Product Information
Manufacture: Spaarti Creations
Model: NA
Affiliation: Open market
Modularity: Beyond basic cosmetic customization, no.
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel, thick canvas, electrical wiring, climate control unit, and oxygen supply.
Classification: Anti Blaster, Anti Ballistic.
Weight: 12kg
Quality: Class 6
Special Features:
•Life support sensor
•Sealed back compartment
•Air conditioner and heater to keep lizard alive in most climates
•60 minute oxygen supply

Product Description
Description: As Spaarti's line of Ysalamir products grow it was time to create a nutrient frame that could go anywhere and protect your Ysalamir with both anti ballistic and blaster armor. Using simple engineering the Armored Nutrient Pack brings the best chance of survival for your Spaarti bought or Mandolorian owned Ysalamir.

How it's built. Starting off with three Durasteel plates on both the back and sides it's built with a two compartment storage unit the back compartment is built first with a standard zipper, this is where the nutrient plates, climate control device, and oxygen supply is kept. The plates being being placed into two grooves at the back of the forward compartment where you stick the lizard. The oxygen supply is kept on the right feeding into an air tight and sealed hose that enters the forward compartment. The climate control unit doing the same but on the left feeding into another hose aimed on the left. Allowing to separate compartments to keep them safe and functioning. In the forward compartment a Durasteel plate that serves as the door to the first compartment can be slid open by pressing a button on the right of the pack. Inside of the forward compartment is a space where you can place your Ysalamir that can be sealed and become air tight at the push of a button on the left side of the pack. When placing your Ysalanir be sure put their claws down on the two nutrient plates in order to keep them from starving. Once your Ysalamir is placed, you can choose to secure it with its paded safety harness or leave it free. After that's done your pack is ready to go.

Armor capacity. The Durasteel plates within the pack are capable of handling a few shots from an assault rifle grade weapon in both blaster and slug thrower form. However continued hits from said weapons will breach the plates and potentially kill your Ysalamir. Weapons such as LMGs, Snipers, and lightsaber a however are very capable of cutting this armor down to size almost instantly. EMP and Ion based attacks can disable the life support system with a few direct shots, and depending on the size of the ion attack can potentially kill your Ysalamir. The pack however is only the slightest bit resistant to ion attacks due to a thick rubber lining beneath the plates to help absorb blunt force to the pack. Pistol sized ion blasts can be held for a few shots but rifle sized shots can bypass the rubber lining all together. Blunt force however is normally not an issue if the Ysalamir is strapped in with its paded safety harness that helps significantly reduce the amount of damage that can be done to the lizard while the safety system can fail as can it does play a important part in helping reduce injury to these creatures. As for the thick rubber lining it normally helps to diffuse rough movements and tumbling and basic hits from blunt force weapons like hammers, however like all things it can only take so many hits before it fails. Basically don't drop the pack from long distances, don't smash it repeatedly with a hammer, and don't get hit by a speeder, other than that be as rough in a combat situation as you want. The pack has great features however they have their breaking points that can be met easily.

Overall summary. The pack is great for keeping your lizard safe on the front lines or other operations. We recommend blacking out the back plate to nullify glare caused by the Durasteel. But take this pack in space, in the snow, or in the desert and your Ysalamir will stay alive. Be sure to change nutrient plates once every five days.


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Hello, [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]. I'll be your judge today. :)

Nice submission overall, and good to see that the armored nutrient pack is finally getting standardized.
That being said, we'll have to fix a few things before I can stamp this.

Patricia Susan Garter said:
Production: Production: Minor
  • Please remove the repeated instance of Production.

Patricia Susan Garter said:
Weight: 5kg
  • Considering all the components of this pack, the oxygen tank, and the durasteel plates, I'll have to ask you to increase the weight to ~12kg.

  1. How would an EMP/ion blast affect the life support systems installed within the pack?
  2. How well does the armor withstand blunt force, and how does said force transfer to the ysalamir contained within?

Tag me with questions and/or edits. :)

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

12 kgs is normally a full combat load for a soldier, I've edited to 12 like you asked along with everything else but I feel 10kg would be a better weight for it. However as the judge that Is up to you.


Well-Known Member
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

An average full combat load is actually well upwards of 20 kg for a soldier.
You are looking at a backpack that exceeds 1m in height, has durasteel plates, climate control, life support, and an oxygen tank with a 60 minute supply.

Netherworld said:
  1. How would an EMP/ion blast affect the life support systems installed within the pack?
  2. How well does the armor withstand blunt force, and how does said force transfer to the ysalamir contained within?
Please answer the above questions. :)


Well-Known Member
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Wouldn't the harness break a ysalamir's bones when exposed to sufficient force?
Think what happens to people wearing seatbelts when they crash; a broken bone or a few are common occurrence, and ysalamiri are known to be pretty frail creatures.


Well-Known Member
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Excellent. Thank you for your cooperation. :)
Please keep in mind that this doesn't make the ysalamir invulnerable.

Pending approval, [member="Braith Achlys"].
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