Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Armored against the Attempt

Massive, how else could one describe the Hutt known as Scar'a. The beast lay sprawled across his hover sled, limited as his movement was by his own girth. Slaves scurried to and fro bringing food for their great Hutt master and his guests. A grand table sat centered in his throne room, his most trusted and prized minions lined it's edge. Fierce warriors, beautiful entertainers, and combinations there of sat in ornate chairs. Each one seated in an unspoken peeking order, the closer you got to Scar'a, the more liberties one would enjoy. It was rumored that the Chiss warrior who sat at the Hutt's right hand, Renneth , born a slave to Scar'a's house was not only paid but, was even given slaves of his own. No one could prove it, of course and, neither Scar'a or his favorite henchman would ever comment on such rumors.

The massive Hutt continued to place piece, after dripping piece, of extravagant food into his cavernous maw. His gaze swept up the right side of the table and he smiled as he gulped down the food in his mouth. His gaze turned down the left side of the table and he frowned at an empty seat one chair away from his left hand. Immediately to his left sat Rose Toguro, the younger of the Toguro sisters, Scar'a's little demon of a bodyguard. Beside her was the empty chair which should be filled by the elder Toguro, Lilliana.

Scar'a's frown deepened and his voice boomed through the throne room, "Rosanna, tee ava un mee whokena? Wonkee wohot ua tee natmahconza cay uen lorda?"
~Rose Toguro

Young was a relative term for Rose. Younger than her sister, yes but, with the exception of the gargantuan Hutt beside her, Rose was the oldest creature in the room. Her near human lineage lent her a semblance of youth, perhaps her middle twenties but the Anzat was well into her hundreds. Her narrow face turned toward the great Hutt as it spoke, one eyebrow raised in quarry. Her features, as well as her sister's, lacked the normal markers of the Anzat, no longer did they possess bulbous noses and large flared nostrils. Dozens of surgeries had reshaped her face and eyes to the point were she was indistinguishable from a human.

She spoke with a musical quality, not unlike a natural singer, and though she was more than capable of speaking Huttesse she chose to speak Basic. Shear laziness honestly. "I do not know why my sister is not here my lord. I will seek her out, should it please you. Mayhap she can explain why she does not dine with you, Excellency."

When the Hutt waved a hand and returned to eating she took it as a que to leave. She slipped from her chair and dipped a low, stately bow before the Hutt. Leaving before giving the creature a chance to withdraw her dismissal. Once clear of the throne room she reached out, touching the Force and projecting her thoughts to her sister. Lilliana, where are you?

The response was instantaneous. The Harem. Come now. Be silent.
~Lily Toguro

The elder Toguro stood silent in the center of a glamorous chamber. Everywhere the eye traveled a riot of colors and lavish decoration awaited. The harem, or female servants wing, was one of the most richly appointed areas of Scar'a's palace. The massive Hutt spoiled his fairer slaves with rich silks, fine furnishings and elaborate artwork for their pleasure. Lilliana, the unofficial queen of the Bartet Palace, commanded here. Fear was her weapon, one she wielded without hesitation. Every servant and slave of the Bartet Palace had seen exactly what kind of monsters the Toguro sisters were. They knew what happened to those that angered the demon queen Lilliana; as such most avoided the Anzat.

The main room she occupied was empty save the elder Toguro and a small shipping crate. The markings were all in Huttesse, a gift for Scar'a from the Supreme Mogul himself, [member="Sempra the Hutt"]. A gift that had never reached Scar'a once Lilliana learned of it's arrival. The elder Toguro began to pace, a mix of eagerness and anxiety eating away at her mind. The Anzat touched the Force, reaching out to her sibling, What is taking you so long?

"Peace sister, I am here. What is so important you can not attend our master?" Roseanne asked as she entered the vacant hall.

The elder Toguro did not answer, merely gestured to the shipping crate.
~Rose Toguro

An eyebrow quirked in a quizzical fashion. "Alright, I'll bite. What is in the crate sister?"

The elder Toguro again refused to answer, folding her arms across her breast and glowering at her sister.

"Fine. Be that way." Roseanne growled bitterly. She stepped over to the crate, triggering the latch and throwing the lid open. Inside lay neatly stamped sheets of metal, a half dozen plates each one roughly a meter long and some fifty centimetres across. Rose straightened again, confused. "What... should I be impressed?"

It's Phrik. Lilliana's voice echoed through Rose's mind. The younger Toguro staggered away from the crate, her expression shocked. Her eyes locked on the Huttesse writing scrolled across the container. It only took a moment for Rose to realize exactly what her sister had done and exactly what the punishment would be should Scar'a learn what had transpired.

"Did... you steal this Lilliana? Where did this chit come from exactly?" Rose stammered as she continued to retreat, one cautious step at a time.
~Lily Toguro

Lilliana's eyes narrowed as her sister backed away. She drew in a deep breath, with it she gathered the Force to her. The world blurred into streaks of color as Lilliana dashed across the room with inhuman quickness. Her hand seized a clump of Roseanne's multicolored hair and gave the younger Toguro a vicious shake. Her voice screamed through their telepathic connection, Where are you going little sister! Before the youth could answer, Lilliana slapped her sister across the face, knocking Rose to the floor. Pleas were ushered and ignored, her hand locked down on the younger Anzat's throat.

Listen closely dear sister. I know this will be difficult for you but do try to think before you do something you will regret. We have a unique opportunity before us. This metal, this Phrik, could be extremely valuable to us if you stop and think for yourself; if only briefly. Tendrils emerged from Lilliana's face. Ugly proboscises, the feeding implements of the Anzat, writhed forth from hidden pockets to flick across Roseanne's face. The younger Toguro tired in vain to move her face way, Lilliana's hand tightening on the girl's throat quickly put a stop to such efforts.

Think now little sister. What will Scar'a do with this metal? He will lock it away or turn it into some trinket for the next trollope he falls in love with. He will waste it. You and I could forge such armor from this metal that hunting meals will become a simple task. Think. Think carefully. Slowly she released her sister, straightening to stand over the fallen youth. Proboscises dancing and writhing menacingly.

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