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Approved Tech Armor of the Fallen King

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Intent: Give Mythos some Godmodium armor now that he is NFU
Development Thread: I shall make one if needed!
Manufacturer: Mythos
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Mythos
Modularity: Yes
Production: Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel plate, Alusteel, leather and cloth.
Classification: Ranger Armor
Weight: 7kg
Quality: 3
Special Features:
Multiple Weapon sheaths
Alusteel mouth-guard
Chain mail durasteel under-weave

After the battle of Lujo Mythos needed to go back to his roots, to go back to being an assassin in the sense that he needs to be hard to detect and identify as well as fast on his feet. He can no longer rely on the force and instead uses his natural physical skills to hunt and survive. The armor he crafted hastily is nothing to gawk at, devoid of the plethora of precious materials Mythos possessed like Phrik or Cortosis for the sole reason that those materials raise the profile of his person. He cannot have that.
The armor begins with the Aulsteel mouth-guard and the white thick silk cloth hood made from the same material as his old Sith Assassin robes yet devoid of their special ability to throw off any who would identify the material. The armor sports durasteel shoulder plates with various articulations for mobility as well as the same type of plate in the legs, knees and shins for added protection. Wrapped around in leather insulation for the cold and for extra comfort inside the armor it also sports various pockets and sheathes for multiple weapons and trinkets like the Valthris crystal, lightsabers, Rudis and ax.

The boots are made from special glapos wood in the tip of the boot that does not weigh as much as a steel toe boot but protects the foot just like durasteel. The belt is also builtin the same fashion, mixing all the different types of protection that the armor sports.
Between the leather and the outside plate is various patches of durasteel chainmail that can stop vibrodaggers or vibroswords without much hassle. The armor is made to be quick, stealthy and powerful while catering to comfort and weather as well. It has a small blue cape in the kilt and the knee guards that are pointed are sharp enough to stab when striking with the knees.

Cross the chest are various pockets and sheathes for easy access normally layered with daggers or even a blaster if handy. Beneath the cross straps of the chest is an extra layer of plate and mail to defend against heavy attacks in the center mass area.
Primary Source:N/A
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