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Arianna Farro




Full Name: Arianna Vechenti Farro
Faction: The Paecian Empire
Rank: Acolyte
Gender: Female
Occupation: Slave
Race: Umbaran and Corellian
Homeworld: Corellia
Languages Spoken: Basic and Umbarese
Force Sensitivity: Yes


White long wavy hair cascades down her shoulders, just above her lower back. Arianna stands about 5'7" with a fragile-looking body, built not for hand-to-hand combat but strength focused on the force. She uses her appearance to fool and trick others into believing that she would be completely defenseless when in reality there are powers hidden behind her soft looks. Arianna's eyes are a mixture of mainly green and hints of dark blue. Almost all of her looks, color wise, are derived from her Umbaran father although having a Corellian mother a youthful and beautiful appearance was granted to her.


+ Animal Friendship: Arianna has always had a way with animals. For as long as she can remember, she has been able to naturally empathize and understand them. As she grew older, Arianna came to realize that this was a Force-born talent and began to use it more creatively. At present, she can easily sway animals of many sorts to her command, although at a "novice" proficiency.

+ Influential: Her Umbaran heritage as granted her the ability to influence many to do her bidding without having to use the force. Which is very useful in almost situation, especially politics, debates, and peril.

+/- Emboldened: Ever since she was a slave she's learned certain does and don'ts of hard society. She uses that as her advantage, in some cases it's a good thing and gives her courage but on the other hand it can be a little much and cause her to make rash decisions which is unlikely but possible.

- Frangible: For her age Arianna's body is much to fragile for her own good. Due to her malnourishment her body is not up to par with the normal female body. Which causes her to be physically a much more easy target.

- Over Sensitive Skin: Various chemicals such as lotions, creams, and toxins have a much greater effect on her gentle skin compared to the normal a person's.


Arianna has wanted nothing more in her life then for dominance and power. Much of her mind is composed of Umbaran desires. Such as doing whatever it takes to rise to power. She is more then ambitious even if that means going to lengths that aren't socially acceptable. At birth she was stolen from the chance of becoming more. Slavery has only hardened her heart and wanted success more. Over all she is power hungry. Loyalty is very important to her even though she man not express it herself twenty-four seven. Trying to push her down will not work, she always comes prepared with a back up plan.

She knows who to push and who not to. It could be dangerous for a person like her, constantly on the edge with fear of being hurt. Of course there are times when her judgement and abisoune will cloud her judgement.

Arianna doesn't have much of a light past. She knows exactly who her father is but everything forbids her from speaking with him. There isn't much she can gain from telling whomever is listening her origins. Her father belongs to the higher Umbaran cast, Rootai. No one would believe her if she said she came from him and if anyone found out he had a bastard child during an affair then it would practically ruin where is now. If it was up to her she would have made sure everyone knew she was royalty. Her mother kept her with on Corellia but never failed to explain her roots. Even teaching her Umbarese when she was not in school. Arianna's life was just like any other child's in the galaxy with the exception of a mother with a gambling addiction and itchy palms. They never stayed in the same place for long.

Arianna had just turned 12 at the time, moving from house to house and getting evicted out of each and everyone was a normality. They were practically up to their knees in debt and illegal loans. She was asleep in their mansion, in a few days the money that was paid to get one month here was down the drain. It took them years to gather the money only to lose via gambling. The sun was setting, while Arianna laid in her bed and continued to color in a small sketch book little did she know her mother was already shot and killed in the floor below her with the help silencer.

Her mother had dealt with the wrong men in a scam and now she was to pay for her actions. Two large men crashed into her bedroom, Arianna screeched and tried to escape out of the balcony but the drop would have killed her instantly. Instead of murdering her, they destroyed her in another way. Since she was only age 12 it would be a waste not to put her to work and enslave her.

She's been passed around from owner to owner as though she was a beast. Like almost every single slave in the galaxy, she was thrown around, abused, used, and treated as though she was not a sentient being.


Animal Friendship - Novice
Mind Trick - Novice
Protection Bubble - Novice


Her previous owners did not leave Arianna empty handed. She has very few things that she can call hers other then a few dresses. They would not want their slave to look bad, "it would rub off on them,"

1 Dress
2 Dress

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