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Approved Tech Ardak's Personal Armor

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Rekali the Hutt



[SIZE=8pt]Intent: To create an effective disguise for Ardak Serifen, allowing him to enjoy his retirement in peace. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Development Thread: If Necessary[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Manufacturer: GTU[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Model: Armor[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Affiliation: Ardak Serifen[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Modularity: Very. The armor isn’t really a normal set of armor, it’s a jacket with an ammo belt and plating in different places. The Jacket can be replaced with something else(Say, armorweave or a Terentatek Duster) and the plating can be upgraded to differing materials. Anything lasting would require a submission modification along with a dev thread. The helmet can also be hooked up to an oxygen tank, but it must be carried on the back.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Helmet Functions:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Built in Comlink and Radio- Can talk with friends or listen to the local tunes.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Night/Heat Vision- Only one can be activated at once[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Oxygen Filter- Ensures no harmful entities can be inhaled by Ardak. Does not store oxygen, only filters.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Gastronomic Induction Tubes- Allows Ardak to consume ration bars or drinks without taking off his helmet. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Production: Unique[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Material: Durasteel(Plating and helmet), Leather(Everything else), Standard Materials(Helmet circuitry)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Description: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Ardak’s new armor is primarily built for the purposes of disguising his identity, and secondarily for protection and utility. An Ubese style of armor was chosen as the Ubese have a reputation for being a more secretive species. Thus allowing his face to be constantly covered without many questions being asked, questions about his past can be more easily deflected, even fabricated due to the little information on Ubese culture to those outside of it. The helmet carries out a number of utility functions, allowing Ardak to communicate or listen in on people with a comlink, better track people using night or heat vision filters, protection against inhalation based pathogens, and even allowing Ardak to carry out consumption while fully helmeted. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]The rest of the armor however, is extremely lowtech. Generic leather rather than more expensive(and thus more attention attracting) armorweave or Terentatek leather, reinforced with simple durasteel plating along the shoulders, forearms and knees, allowing for mild protection but ensuring maximum mobility. A couple of holsters on either thigh allow for easier carrying of side arms while a belt at the waist(Not a fancy Bodo Bass Belt, just a belt) facilitates easier carrying of grenades, ammunition, rations, and other miscellaneous items. A small but decently powerful magnetic plate(only strong enough to hold about 4-6kg securely) is also woven into the back of the jacket, allowing Ardak to put a rifle over his shoulders and carry it while allowing use of his hands. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Overall Ardak’s armor is the perfect fit for an unassuming bounty hunter wanting to keep the galaxy out of his past and personal life, while still remaining very functional for the tasks that bounty hunting entails. It does not offer any protection whatsoever against use of the Force or lightsabers, but such materials are rare, expensive, attract unwanted attention, and largely unnecessary for 99% of the galaxy’s population, and as such no effort was made to obtain or integrate them. Should Ardak find himself swimming in battles against the midi-chlorian’s chosen he might opt to upgrade the armor to combat the foes, but such would significant personal investment(Dev threads). [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Classification: Utilitarian[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Weight: 7 kg[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Quality: 6(Plating) 3(Leather)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Other Feature(s): (Or Helmet Features)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Built in Comlink and Radio- Can talk with friends or listen to the local tunes.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Night/Heat Vision- Only one can be activated at once[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Oxygen Filter- Ensures no harmful entities can be inhaled by Ardak. Does not store oxygen, only filters.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8pt]Gastronomic Induction Tubes- Allows Ardak to consume ration bars or drinks without taking off his helmet.[/SIZE]
[member="Ardak Serifen"]
I like it, in all honesty. Just for the sake of ease, could you list the helmet functions in the Other Features section?
Honestly, I'd prefer a simple sleeve to hold the rifle, because a magnet can get you into all sorts of trouble. Never learn on anything.

Rekali the Hutt

[member="Strask Ak'lya"]

Helmet Functions copy/pasted. A sleeve, while less trouble in certain occasions, isn't a one-size fits all for rifles, and can get caught/torn on things, thus the magnet preference. In any case the magnet's strength was further clarified upon to show that it's only really strong enough to hold a rifle in place, not to pin a person to a wall.
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