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Arcon Multinode Agricorp


  • Corporation Name: Arcon Multinode Agricorp
  • Headquarters: Jamoura
  • Locations: Jamoura, Siskeen, Ryloth
  • Operations: Macro Farming, Agri Equipment Manufacturing, and Food Processing
  • Tier: Tier 2
The Arcon Multinode Agricorp is an agriculturally based corporation dedicated to the mass production of crops, farm equipment, and refined foodstuffs. Originally based towards the mid rim, with large land plots, and contracted farmers across the outer rim, its location has changed with its ownership. Although not nationalized, the Arcon Multinode Agricorp works with the Confederacy of Independent Systems due to its entire domain being within CIS space. Although their main locations of production, cultivation, and distribution are Jamoura, Siskeen, and Ryloth, AMA has land plots, contracted independents, and controlling shares of farms across the galaxy. Although the aforementioned ownerships, and distribution of produced foodstuffs are minimal currently, in the transition period, Zittoun intends to dramatically increase that to help bolster the company's regrowth as a major foodstuff and crop production company.

AMA's originates on Corellia, it began as a collective for farmers of the Denendre Valley, as a way to better represent themselves as a united guild to better trade with local companies and merchants. They called it the Arcon Collective, after Defer Arcon, the farmer who had originally proposed the idea. Throughout the decline of the Republic era, the Arcon Collective grew into a company, the Arcon Agricorp, that ran macro farms all across Corellia, becoming the largest agricultural company on the planet.

By 30 BBY, they had spread to other worlds, rebranding as Arcon Multinode Agricorps, and as profits grew, so did operations. They began the production of foodstuffs made mostly from crops they grew themselves. Once demand heightened for foodstuffs towards the Clone War, so did their processed food manufacturing, and subsidiaries formed, most notably, Flangth-2-Go, a prominent fast food establishment during the Imperial era. AMA prospered during the age of the Empire, whose employment grew well into the millions, with billions being fed everyday with crops, foodstuffs, and meals served by AMA and its subsidiaries. However, this was not to last.

After the fall of the Empire, AMA would slowly decline, losing the ability to protect their holdings, over the next hundred years. Eventually having to shut down or sell their subsidiaries. For the next four hundred-fifty years, AMA would go from a large multi-system corporation to barely holding its own on Corellia, eventually moving headquarters to Commenor, then Zeltros, and finally Leimra. This would be the beginning of the second, and last, golden age of AMA. For the next thirty years, AMA grew and grew to the surrounding systems, using indirect macro farming via contracted independents and farm shareholdings to ensure their means of production were better protected. Factories would be leased, and this would help AMA grow to be farming on and distributing to over three dozen star systems once again. However this time, political instability would not bring down the corporation, but internal strife. When the CEO retired, many of his direct subordinates vied for his position, and did not take the outside choice by the shareholders very well. Many purposely nose dived their respective parts of the company after selling their shares enmasse, nearly bankrupting the company in the process.

From now, until Zittoun's purchase, AMA would settle on Ryloth, staying as a single planet company, ambition practically abandoning the company to obscurity. Zittoun came across its existence once she entered the world of millionaires, using Jamoura's rich government as a means to launching herself to wealth, outside of her parents' of course. Zittoun knew she needed an explanation for her profits, and required a better means to grow financially, and bought it shortly before her appointment as Viceroy. Being apart of the CIS only bolstered the company's slow regrowth, being a very corporate friendly state. As Viceroy of Jamoura, she is now in a constant conflict, to work for her state, or for her company.

Using money illegally solicited from public transportation funds on Jamoura, Zittoun bought the company after it went up for auction following three decades of slow decline and poor leadership. Her reasons were two fold; too legitimize, in the eyes of the public, the large amount of wealth Zittoun has acquired through illegal solicitation, bribes, and other dishonest avenues, and to provide a new way of expanding her financial portfolio.


  • N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

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