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Approved Tech Archangel X-1b Asclepius Droids

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  • Manufacturer: Archangel Research and Design
  • Model: ARD X-1b also known as Asclepius Droids.

  • Production: Minor
  • Affiliation: Archangel Research and Design, Closed Market.
  • Modularity: Appearance, height, gender, appearance and programming are all changeable. Clients can request practically anything human or near-human, including near perfect replicas of others.
  • Material: High strength polymers, plastiform moulding, cloned organic coverings, droid components.

  • Classification: Third/Fourth Degree. HRDs straddle the line between combat and human interaction models
  • Weight: Varies but usual models 60-70kgs.
    Height: Varies depending on processed individual. Standard models 1.8 metres.
  • Armaments: Aside from their strength these units have no in built weapons. They are programmed to use a number of weapons though.
  • Misc. Equipment: Visual processing modes; infrared, heat, low-light, 20x magnification. Vocabulator capable of mimicking any known voice and speaking several thousand languages. Invisible communicator with audio or text broadcasting to other units on the same planet. (Secret holonet transceiver used by Archangel to control or monitor units.) Medisensor.
  • Exceptional knowledge of medical matters
  • Highly skilled at simulating organic behaviour and emotion
  • The unit is adaptable and able to learn as it progresses.
  • Very knowledgeable about organic biology, anatomy and diseases. Able to perform basic operations and complex surgical procedures. Can supervise other medical droids.
  • Extensive knowledge of organic anatomy can make it useful as a torture droid.
  • The products of extensive research into organic behaviour and practices, they are almost impossible to pick from human beings. At best they can be near perfect replicas, at worst they can come off as a bit socially awkward, but easily within normal bounds. They excel at passing for organic beings.
  • Disguised. The Asclepius are made of light materials and of a specifically non-magnetic construction so that they will not show up on most scans. Unless a unit sustains a serious wound they are almost indistinguishable from organics. They can even do things organics can such as eat, drink, sweat etc.
  • They lack the superhuman strength of baseline HRDs, but have the strength of a fit organic of their race. Since they do not tire or feel pain they can fight and exert themselves longer than a comparable organic could.
  • Limbs can be severed and severe damage done, but it will press on regardless until destroyed. As they are made of lighter materials they are easier to destroy, but as they feel no pain they still require disabling blows to the head or chest to knock them out.

  • Standard machine weaknesses. They are very vulnerable to ion, EMP and electrical attacks.
  • Blaster bolts to the head or chest can disable them, as can powerful explosives. They are especially weak against lightsabres.
  • Though highly advanced, their mimicry is not flawless. A perceptive Force user could sense that something is off as the machine beneath is not truly living, sinces it lacks internal emotion or a Force presence. Empaths would be particularly adept at spotting this.
  • Less tough. They have above average strength and resilience, but their physical toughness is not superhuman and their bodies lack the resilience of a durasteel chassis. They are physically weak compared to other HRDs and more vulnerable. Their physical strength matches that of an extremely fit human being and their bodies are weak against damage. While they can resist small arms, they are about as resistant to heavy blaster fire, heavy weapons and kinetic impacts as a human being.
  • Combat programming is basic. They can utilise bladed weapons and small arms, but are not programmed to use heavy weapons. Their combat capabilities lag behind those of HRDs designed for combat or assassination. If pit against combat models, they will lose.


Medical droids have long been a fact of life in the civilised galaxy. As civilisation progresses to an automated economy some hospitals employ more medical droids than organic doctors and nurses. However, sometimes surgical droids experiences glitches. For instance, they consider loss of the will to live a valid diagnosis. Archangel aims to break a lance for progress by introducting the Asclepius, a specialised HRD designed with medical services in mind. They are based on the Guri method of construction. Like all Archangel HRDs, the Processing Machine is used to design them and create their droid mind by scanning the brain of an organic template. Their skin is cloned humanoid skin and their appearance duplicates that of their template. The blood and other organic material is synthetic whilst the skeleton is made of plastics and polymers.

Rather than exposing crude metal, the Asclepius is designed to resemble a human or humanoid being, with its robotic body being concealed by organic coverings. It possesses extensive knowledge of human and alien anatomy and diseases. A step up from the standard surgical droid, it can carry out complex surgeries or supervise more common medical droids. Unlike an organic being, it can work day and night, only requiring a one-hour shutdown period to recharge and download updates. It will also not get distracted, get involved in affairs with medical staff or complain about not getting paid enough.

It excels at simulating organic emotion and uses its social awareness protocols to make the stay of its patients in hospital as comfortable as possible, offering a smile, encouraging words or medical advice. After all, a good bedside manner is expected of medical personnel. Able to operate independently, it is well-equipped to supervise more basic surgical droids, freeing up organic personnel for other tasks. Compared to the baseline HRD models produced by Archangel, the droid is weak in combat. While somewhat stronger than the average human being, it is not vastly so and its combat programming is rather basic, covering small arms, carbines and the like. It is capable of defending itself and its patients from harm, but is not useful on the battlefield.

The Asclepius' extensive medical knowledge, understanding of anatomy and drugs can make it very adept at torture. Or at ensuring that a captive does not die during interrogation. Of course, this all depends on the kind of work its owner uses it for. Indeed, it can be more reliable than an organic torturer because there's no risk of it getting carried away and hurting a captive to satisfy sadistic urges. After all, droids are not cruel, just efficient. It will simply inflict as much pain as its logic processors deem necessary, while ensuring that the captive does not die on its watch. This is obviously a function Archangel does not advertise, except to clients who are unscrupulous enough to resort to such methods. Archangel does not cast judgement on its clients' ethical standards - or lack thereof. The Asclepius does not come equipped with in-built tools, but is programmed to utilise all the medical tools and surgical instruments you'd expect.


Well-Known Member
[member="Enyo Typhos"]

As per usual, infiltration droids, HRD's, and such will require agreement by all parties. That more goes for the users of these droids, but otherwise looks solid. I'll pass on for approval.
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