Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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April 9, State of the Coalition

Hello all,

Been a bit since we were had and update so here is the news.

Dom of Elysian went a little "interesting" there, but we are back on track and switching it to a T2 so we can add Ki's new homeworld. Ki will be leading the final part if it and the staff will be posting a thread soon to talk what we want to do next.

The first Hex invasion has come to an end and I would like to congrat all ORC members who took part. Even though the outcome was not what we had hoped we are still proud of all who wrote and I think we the staff learned a lot about the new rules and how to win going forward.

We will be encouraging writers to continue to add fluff to out little part of the galaxy and bring great ideas forward, well anything really.

Finally @Julius Sedarie has decided to take a full break from chaos for a bit and has stepped down as Moderator. I will be posting an application thread for any who would like to join the staff.

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