Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aoker Veru


Aoker before the ritual

NAME: Aoker Veru
FACTION: Confederation of Independent Systems

RANK: Mandragora Initiate


AGE: 19

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 2 meters

WEIGHT: 104 kilograms

EYES: Green

HAIR: Bald

SKIN: Dark grey with black markings



Strength, Literally: Aoker is extremely well built, having been training since his youth
Dexterous: Being in training since youth as martial warrior, he is extremely dexterous
Great Warrior: Aoker has been taught how to fight since he was little, now he will use those skills on the galaxy
Social Skills: Aoker has been secluded his whole life, and subsequently he is not that sociable
Intelligence: He has been trained as a warrior, and has only been taught the most basic things needed, how to read, talk, and count, knowing almost no galactic history
Rage: While he had grown up to be calm and thinking, the ritual performed on him made him lose a little bit of control, able to control it for the most part, in times of extreme pressure, he can lash out in anger, forgetting training and just attack

Aoker is a large and extremely well-toned zabrak, he is in peak physical shape and is actually good looking. While if he had a personality he would be envied, his lack of interactions and tough training has left him without any emotion on his face and at most can show anger. He is ashen grey and has elaborate and sharp markings associated with the zabraks of Dathomir.

Aoker was raised by the nightsisters of Dathomir from the early age of 4. His first memory is him arriving at their home. Since then he has been trained to be the greatest warrior of the nightsisters. He was never allowed to fail, he would train with the best of the nightsisters, and would regularly put against an increasingly stronger and stronger opponent. He was broken from an early age, told to never question an order, and never show emotion. The entire time his master was Sister Sev, a young warrior, but the best among the nightsisters.

After years of training, he was given one final challenge, to see if he was truly the best, and to test his loyalty, Aoker was set to fight his caretaker of 15 years, Sev. There was one difference from the rest of the fights, while before fights were done with blunt weapons to avoid fatal injuries, this time they were given real weapons; it was to be a fight to the death. Sev was surprised, and fought furiously, but Aoker showed no emotion, and while Sev had managed to hit him, cutting deep many times, years of training had steeled Aoker, and with a final thrust, his bladed staff plunged through her, no emotion showing.

Finishing his training, Aoker was exposed to the Grimoire. With this exposure Doashim chose him, his mark seared into his skin, and the nightsisters performed on final ritual, to help him in his path of Doashim, the ritual caused him to become stronger, tougher, he grew five inches and gained 40 pounds; horns became larger, skin turned a dark grey, and his once brown eyes turned a sickly glowing green. This transformation did not only affect his body, however, as his mind became ferocious, causing him to be prone to losing control in times of extreme pressure.


After the ritual

With this, he was sent to the Confederacy of Independent Systems as a gift of good fortune. Now he waits for a master, only a mere initiate in the Mandragora institute.






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