Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anyone want to help make Echani history?

The Echani is an important race, but the history of them is Fanon. I know you can search online for pre written history but I thought for this site it would be fun to make it ourselves. I personally want to make it similar to an elven culture and their language be that of Tolkiens elves, but that is my literature love of LOTR.

Lira Dajenn

[member="Hakora Rhapsodos"]

Instead of making something that all future Echani players would be bound to, I'd suggest making a cultural offshoot of the Echani, maybe on an old colony or something. That'll give you full freedom to flesh out your Echani without imposing your creation on anyone that wants to do anything with this canon species. It's something that's come up before, and it never goes over well.

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