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Character Antonio Borgias


Antonio Borgias

NAME: Born Antonio Demici, took the family name of his wife and became Antonio Borgias

FACTION: Ashlan Crusade/The Family


SPECIES: Human - Born on Serenno

AGE: 43

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'2"

BUILD: Muscular with some middle aged spread

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Pale but with lightly tanned skin from the Epica sunshine

FORCE SENSITIVE: No, just under the Midichlorian threshold for force users



Well Connected - As the Brother of the Cardinal of the Ashlan Crusade he was already well connected, but marrying into the Borgias family on Epica has made him one of the most powerful men on the planet. Despite this he is relatively humble and still answers his call to serve Ashla with dedication.

Trustworthy countenance - Not being able to rely on the force powers of some of the other priests of Ashla, including his brother, he has had to rely on his charm. He is able to put peoples minds at ease and is generally seen as honest and trustworthy.

Knows the Game - Epica is a minefield when it comes to gangs and the web of families that control power. Upon taking up the position of Archbeacon, he quickly learned that he would need to play the game in order to survive. Thankfully for him, the faith that most of the families share in Ashla has been readily there for him to fall back on to escape the worst machinations that might otherwise be required. But he knows where he is and what he has to do.

Weak combatant - The Archbeacon is a dab hand with a hunting rifle and competition pistol from his favourite past time of hunting game with his family, but pheasants and boar don't tend to shoot back. He has very little experience or confidence in his chances in proper fight.

Lack of Force use - Not usually a weakness as it is the default human setting, but it does set him apart markedly from his more powerful brother and a large number of the other priests in the Ashlan Crusade.

Slippery slope - Antonio has to be very aware at all times that playing the game too often and too well could be a slippery slope into darkness. The presence of the Golden Veil on Epica from time to time is a reminder of what is at stake.

Devoted to Ashla - He cares deeply about Ashla and has gladly dedicated his life to the cause. He brings the word of the light to the people of Epica and gets great joy in doing so.

Devoted to his wife - Antonio married Evangelina Borgias the woman he fell in love with whilst on his mission to Epica and loves her very dearly. She was unfortunately unable to bear him children but they have a beautiful life together in the valleys of Epica.

A way with woman - Despite his devotion and his fidelity, Antonio does have an eye for women and has been known to be a little playful at times. He would never cheat and has always stayed on the right side of his wife and her family's graces.




Born on Seranno five years after his older brother Pietro Demici, Antonio was always in the shadows of his smart and charismatic brother and yet, always looked up to him and sought his approval. He followed a similar educational path and when Pietro entered the clergy, it was only natural for Antonio to follow. But Antonio was different to his brother, he lacked the blessing of the force and things were tough for him proving himself when compared to his now famous and powerful brother.

Truth be told, what Antonio Demici wanted more than anything was a nice parish and a flock that he could shape the way he wished. So when the position as one of the priests on Epica came up, he jumped at the chance to move to the beautiful and quiet world. It was far from Ashlan territory, but with a strong and deep routed following of the faith that had evolved almost in parallel to the Ashlan Nation itself. This was 20 years ago and during that time a lot has changed.

Antonio has risen through the ranks until eventually becoming Archbeacon of Epica around six years ago following the death of the previous Archbeacon through a combination of old age and fine living. His personal life has also grown. 17 years ago he met his now wife, Evangelina Borgias, daughter of one of the senior members of the Borgias family, it was this connection that ultimately cemented his desire to stay on Epica for the long term. He was already on course to be a powerful man due to the religious leaning of many of the families, but becoming the son in law of a family head made that fate even more certain.

Antonio and Evangelina dated for just over three years before marrying in a lavish ceremony on Epica, presided over by Pietro Demici. Antonio decided, at the request of his Father in Law to take his wife's family name of Borgias. He discussed this at length with his brother prior to the ceremony, still desiring his approval, and happily Pietro had no reservations about it.

Now, Antonio and Evangelina Borgais live in a beautiful vineyard on a hillside not far from Epica city. They have been unable to have children, but as a faithful man, Antonio happily accepts the path that Ashla has chosen for him. He enjoys the company of children and several of them play regularly in his yard, sometimes he wishes maybe he would have like to have been a father. His wife teaches at a school not far from the vineyard and for reasons of his position, Antonio ministers at the largest cathedral to Ashla on Epica, at the very heart of Epica City.

He doesn't get back to the Holy Ashlan Kaisereich as much as he maybe would like, his sometimes unruly flock keeping him very busy, but he still has a bond with his brother and will share a toast with him via hologram on all the Ashlan holy days.


Ashlan rosary

Bucephalus Class Fast Diplomat

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