Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anton Delane


Character Theme:
Name: Anton Delane

Alias: Darth Volos/Lord Commander Requis

Faction: The Eternal Empire

Rank: Sith Lord/Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud

Species: Sephi

Age: 205

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0''

Weight: 179 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Skin: Tanned

Force Sensitive: Yes


Genius: His intellect gives him great ability to plot, make convoluted plans, and to learn new things quickly.

He is Strong In the Force: He is powerful in the dark side.

Experienced: His long life has given him time to have many experiences, and he puts this to good use.

Able to hide himself: He is a master of deception, and able to hide his force sensitivity, and identity.

Master Tactician: He has great experience in fleet and ground tactics.

Powerful Assassin: Assassination and intrigue are his games. In both he is a master.


Loner: Does not work well with others, unless he is using them.

Many Masks: He is a man who lives with many masks, and it may get hard to switch between them all flawlessly.

Idealistic: Believes his ideals are correct, and challenging them is a good way to get him talking.

Over Thinks: His intellect tends to cause him to overthink things, and this can lead to an overly cautious nature.

Afraid to get close: He is terrified of letting anyone honestly inside.

Significant Force Powers:

While a fully trained Sith Lord, he has a handful of abilities that he uses to greater effect than the others.

Force Stealth
Force Concealment
Force Suppression
Force Plague
Mind Tricks (And their practical uses)

Appearance: Anton is a some what tall Sephi, with tanned skin, dark eyes and dark hair. He appears unassuming, no hint of threat in him at all. Appearing good natured, with an ever present smile, and sparkling, lively eyes. The male is in good shape, and well groomed, without any tattoos, scars, or defining marks of any kind. Beyond being a friendly face, he tends to not be noticed, and to just blend into a crowd.

Personality: At first notice, he is a good natured individual, easy to get along with, unassuming, and able to blend into a day as if he was always meant to be there. However, under it all, he is a highly intelligent man, with a desire to destroy the galaxy and remake it into something more ordered, something that makes more sense. Once upon a time, he was loving, and kind, but, his heart is dead, and able to justify any action, no matter how horrible it may be. Plotting, manipulative, deceptive, and patient, he is a dangerous man.


Born around the year 645 ABY from a one night stand by a pair of Sephi, a male Jedi, and a female bartender. He was soon discovered by the Jedi Order and taken to be raised as a Jedi toward the end of the Gulag Plague. Even though the galaxy was in chaos, the remnants of the Jedi were active, still on guard for darkness, and trying to heal the galaxy of its illness. Each day was difficult training, and the chance of death was high. However, in this darkness, he found a light, and it grew into a friendship, with another Sephi girl about his age, Amali.

Years went by, as they were getting close to finally building their own lightsabers, however, these peaceful, fun days were difficult in their own ways. With Amali at his side, the duo got into a lot of trouble, and made the best of their circumstances. Each day was a blessing. But, good times, in this galaxy, just do not last.

A Sith found their hidden temple, and invaded, trying to steal the smaller younglings, in an attempt to build up their own numbers. Amali and Anton fought them off, using cleverness, and tricks, keeping the younger ones safe. But, to protect them fully, Anton sacrificed himself, leading them off, away from where they were truly hiding until the Knights returned. During this daring chase, he was caught, and taken off as their prize. They didn't get what they wanted, but they got him.

As brave as he was, he simply couldn't hold up. The torture, being forced to remain locked in a dark side nexus, the mental games, and hunger, it broke him. Forced to listen to Sith history and philosophy until it embedded in his mind even if he didn't want to listen. Years passed, and In time, he killed his captors, and was taken to become the personal apprentice of a Dark Lord of the Sith. Trained as his personal assassin, the boy slowly grew into a man. Countless enemies of his Master died at his hands, entire worlds turned to insurrection, and so much catastrophe lay squarely on his abilities.

In time, as a true Sith, he slayed his master when he no longer had anything to learn, and took on the mantel of a Dark Lord of the Sith, for himself. However, without the guiding hand of his master, he lost so much of the desire to plot and scheme. He did it like second nature by this point, but he wanted something....more. Diving into studying the force and the darkside, he learned many secrets, and became a force in and of himself. But he was without purpose.

His actions however, came to haunt him, when the Jedi began to chase him down. Finally he was caught by a Master and when they came face to face....he immediately knew who it was. Amali. His friend from so long ago. They fought, bitterly, passionately, trying to strike down the other. However, despite all his abilities, she kept up, and the fight went on for three days.

Finally, she tired, and he took the opening and disarmed the woman. However, as he went to strike her down, his memories flooded back. All the good times, of that fateful day where they did the best they could to save others. She didn't deserve to die for his own inability to resist the darkness. The blade fell from his hand, and he begged her to kill him. She did not.

Instead, she took him by the hand, feeling the light was not lost inside him, but hidden by so much shadow. They ran. The galaxy was still in turmoil, and barely contained. It was easy to hide in the outer rim. Together, side by side, they fought off evil on planets, his abilities being used for good. They became heroes, defending the weak, and powerless, and their exploits became tales of legend. Governments fell, pirate clans fell apart, and Crime Lords begged for mercy.

Over parts of the Outer Rim, peace came. Criminals were to afraid to attack the average person for fear of their judgement. And between Amali and Anton, respect, friendship, turned to love, and devotion. A child was soon born to them, and they hung up their lightsabers, and instead, took up a diplomatic role, as the Sith Empire and Republic became major players once more in the galaxy. With his new born daughter in hand, they went on a diplomatic mission to Roche. Leaving his wife and child behind, he met with various leaders.

Then the attack began. The Sith Empire and Republic went to war, and Roche was invaded. Rushing back to try and find his family, he was not so far away when a laser blast destroyed them, and any trace of them. Badly injured himself, his heart destroyed, and he wished for death, to join them. However, his body survived, and he cursed it for it. Without them, what was the purpose? He had found light, hope, after so much darkness and it was his foolish hope for peace, that had led to their deaths. Had they not been there, had they had their weapons....maybe this all would have been different.

He tried to cope with the loss, but years after it haunted him, and twisted him. The galaxy was cruel place. It took away any happiness you had, because other people were selfish. They never thought about one another. No, the galaxy needed a change. Something strong to lead it, not a standard Sith lusting for power, but an empire of law, order, military might. It needed sanity, to reign in the insanity that was the normal. His hatred flowed.

Without Amali's light to guide his way, he was lost, and his hate burned so coldly inside him. Nothing he did could bring them back truly, but he could build a world that made sense, or at least try. He led armies against cruel dictators, lead make shift fleets against pirates, and dispensed justice across the galaxy. His fame grew as a hero of the people, however, his hatred, his lust for revenge couldn't be sated. Nothing he did filled the emptiness inside. It wasn't enough.

Anton took on a new Identity, Darth Volos, and places the refused his guidance, or were to far gone, he destroyed from within. On one side, a respected hero, on the other, a villain that killed countless people. He knew his wife would hate him, his child would too. But by the force, they were not there to reign him in. Nothing he did changed the reality of that. His galaxy was an empty one, devoid of mercy and thought.

That was until he met Darth Tacitus. The Eternal Emperor gave him a new goal, a new hope, and in turn he gave his heart, and loyalty to the man. He became Lord Commander Requis in the Eternal Empire, a member of the Wardens of the Shroud, and a Fleet Marshal for the CIS. Taking his centuries of experience, he put them to use, growing the Eternal Empire's military, defeating the enemies of the CIS, and secretly, as Darth Volos, destroying the enemies of Tacitus, and plotting his masters goals.

Now it was time to make the galaxy burn. It would take a lot of sacrifices, however, if they could build it right, it could last a thousand years. And their death wouldn't have been in vain.....

“Amali....Ellia, I miss you....I'm sorry. I will make them all pay for what they did to you. and through Him, we are Eternal."
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