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Another Titan Is Born

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Alric walked calm circled in the center of of his office on Coruscant, pacing around and around a massive carpet.

At the center of the circle that Alric Kuhn walked in was a single woman. She stood ordinary, her tight black hair tied back into a single tail, her face neutral, and her clothes that of a rich business woman with fine tastes that did not roll into the ostentatious. Her eyes were similarly black, her features unassuming.

She was by no means ugly, but there was no special beauty about her.

That was by design of course.

This was no woman, at least not in the traditional sense. She wasn't human, though she was also not an alien. This woman that stood in the center of Alric little circle was a Human Replica Droid, and Android designed to mimic humanity to a perfect point, to look, act, and for all intense and purposes be human.

This one specifically, was made for exactly that.

“Rebecca?” Alric said, coming to a stop in front of the Human Replica Droid.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Rebecca didn't think.

She couldn't think.

She wasn't designed for that sort of thing. She wasn't programmed for that sort of thing. It was simply what it was. Alric had commissioned her from Archangel Research and Design, a company that specialized in the production of Human Replica Droids, a company that did their jobs well. Though she had synthetic blood, organs, and even brains, her skin was real and many other features she had were for all intense and purposes Human.

That was the point of course, that she was to mimic humanity, that she was to assimilate and be one of them. Rebecca did not thing this to be appalling or disgusting, nor did she particularly like the thought of becoming one of them.

It was simply her programming.

That was that.

There would be no arguments, no decisions, she would do as Alric commanded, and right now that command was to be Rebecca Bailey. “Yes Mr. Kuhn?”

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
He wished that all women in his life sounded so respectful towards him. Then again not every woman was programmed to do so. Alric frowned slightly, shaking his head at the thought of redhead and blondes that he had to deal with and looking towards the Brunette that stood in front of him. Odd how that was, that he had chosen a Hapan would that was a Brunette, perhaps he was put off by the other two colors.

He grinned, causing Rebecca to slant her head slightly in observation.

“Do you know why I had you created?” That was a rhetorical question. Rebecca knew full well why she was here, what she was going to do, and why she was doing it. “I had you created because I needed someone I could trust. I needed someone to be a face, a public face, for Astraeus Industrial. Someone that could competently run the corporation with no issue or doubt in my mind that they could get the job done.”

He looked at her sideways for a moment. “You can do that.”

Of course Alric was in fact just talking to himself at the moment. Rebecca had personality, but in his presence, unless specifically ordered, she was little more than a drone ready to splurge information and take orders. It would be in the presence of others that Rebecca would mimic humanity so well. In her dealings as CEO.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
“I can.” Rebecca answered.

It was no lie. She couldn't lie.

Not to him.

That didn't bother her in the slightest. Why would it? Alric was her creator, her designer, he was the reason that she existed, he was the reason that she had purpose. There was no deception between them, no ill will, no struggle. Rebecca was more than happy to serve, more than happy to do her duty and what she needed to do.

That thought brought an odd...feeling to her.

She wasn't quite sure what it was, and she wasn't quite sure it she could even have feelings. Yet there was a certain sense of fulfillment within her when she thought about her task, as if her job was going to be...pleasant. Rebecca tilted her head to the side again, then looked at Alric.

“I will run Astreaus Industrial.” She said to him. “As per your instructions I will focus upon the development of defensive armaments for the Republic, specifically purposed against Planetary assault.”

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Alric nodded.

He trusted her completely of course. Rebecca would not, could not betray him. That was the funny thing. Though her primary model was based upon Rebecca Bailey, the Hapan socialite that had no familial connection and no claim to the Hapan Throne, deep within the recesses of her mind was found the thoughts of another.

His thoughts.

That was the beauty of Rebecca, she was technically a part of him.

Her thoughts were his own, mimicking his process and his avenue of mind. She was one with him, at least in direction and path. That much they both knew. Of course Rebecca was also programmed with a certain set of parameters, not the least of which was seeing that she obeyed Alric and Alric alone in all things.

“Good. You will have no connection to Titan Industries, no connection to me. However, the company is of course entirely funded by us, by me. For all intense and purposes Astraeus Industrial is a subsidiary of Titan Industries. We fund it, control it, and will expand it.” Again, he was just reiterating what they both already knew.

It helped him think, helped him push forward.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Rebecca shifted slightly from one foot to the other, her body moved gracefully and her eyes followed Alrics face exactly.

She hadn't needed to do that.

As a Human Replica Droid Rebecca did not feel discomfort, she didn't feel the need to shift her posture. However she knew that doing such a thing was human and she was supposed to be impersonating a human, so doing such trivial things was important. That was what he programming said, her directives. It was odd how she had to think about doing it consciously, how she had to focus in order to do those human quirks.

Rebecca didn't like it.

“Astraeus will grow. I guarantee it.” She said, her tone that low monotone. “The Hapans will welcome our defense technologies, technologies already begun by Titan Industries. From there it is a simple matter of pushing the Hapan Senator to press our technologies into the Republic Military.”

She shifted again. “It is doubtful that Rendili or Tenloss or any other corporation will be able to compete with us when we hit our stride.”

Was that a boast?

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Alric raised his eyebrow. Rebecca was showing a bit of humanity, shifting on her heels, moving like a human, and even acting like a human. She was boasting, something that was designed into her programming. Hapans were well known for thinking they were better than everyone else, Hapan women especially.

It was bred into them.

“Yes.” Alric agreed, smiling slightly. He wondered how Rebecca would grow. Of course right now she was knew to the galaxy, but as she interacted with more people, met and negotiated with others Rebecca would become more and more...human.

It would be an interesting shift inside of the HRD.

“Titan will keep funding Astraeus through KC and its other holdings until the corporation can get off the ground. The funds will be untraceable, even to the best slicers.” That would be made sure of, the Red Ravens would assist in that venture. “Once Astraeus reaches the black, it will become independent.”

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
“And the Republic? The Jedi?” Rebecca tilted her head slightly. “If they begin to suspect?”

That was an independent thought, a new thing for Rebecca, but an important one. Of course there was no sinister game here from Alrics side, no little ploy that pushed towards what the Sith wanted. This was Alrics mission, his venture to serve the one true God of the galaxy.


Rebecca knew that, and so did everyone else involved in this venture.

The Republic however would see it very differently. Titan Industries was wholly invested in the One Sith and its allies. The corporations name was synonymous with that of the Sith. There was no other way it could be perceived. If Astreaus was ever tied to Titan Industries suspicion would automatically fall on Astraeus.

That was certain.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Alric shook his head.

He turned away from her and wandered over towards his deck. Hard wood that had been harvested from the planet Ithor, ironically from a Baffor tree. Alric had enjoyed the irony of that, he still felt slight amusement from the thought that this desk would perhaps cause some Yuuzhan Vong creatures to swell up and simply pop.

“Unlikely.” He answered her finally.

“They have no reason to suspect you. There will be no sinister activities, no backdoors. You are a corporation created for the betterment of the Republic, to aid in their defense.” Alric seated himself as he spoke, looking up at her again. “Besdies. Your facilities begin within the Hapes Cluster. The Hapans would never allow Republic inspectors within their territory. Play well with the Hapans, and you are secure.”

He ended his words with a shrug.

Hapans were notoriously isolationist. They did not like outsiders, they did not like people poking into their business. That was of course why Rebecca had to be of Hapan Origin, and that was of course why Alric couldn't do the job himself. He would never have been accepted in their society.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Rebecca stood still for a few moments, processing, thinking. It wasn't more than a human heartbeat, but for her it was an age. There were a few mistakes in Alrics thoughts, in his plans, the chief of which would be getting in with the Hapans in the first place. A slight hint, a micrometer of a twitch of a frown. It was hardly noticeable to anyone but herself.

Working with the Hapans would be difficult.

They had a rigid society. A society where women dominated and outsiders were treated like scum. That was not the difficulty for Rebecca, the difficulty would come with her title. She was technically nobility, but so far removed from everything that it hardly mattered. She had to ingratiate herself into that society.

She would have to push herself into it.

The frown went away, and her gaze shifted to Alric. “It will be done Mr. Kuhn. I promise you this.”

He gave her a nod and a smile. He had complete confidence in her of course, complete and total faith. Why wouldn't he? She was designed to do this, and she was well designed. The micrometer of a frown turned into a smile, and she gave her creator a Nod.

It was time to birth another Titan.

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