Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another One Bites the Dust

Onyx sat silently on the rooftop, overlooking the busy streets of Coruscant. The underworld was such a magnificent place. It was the ultimate hub of scum and villainy. Bounty hunters, mercenaries, and just general killers all walked the streets of the dark and twisted underworld. Even now, with the One Sith in control of the planet, the underworld still proved a deadly place for anyone visiting.

Though Onyx enjoyed it. Weather the sight of someone being killed for no reason, the smell of burning flesh, or the screaming of someone down the ally ways, we enjoyed it. Though today he wasn't visiting for fun, he was here waiting for someone. A young force-sensitive, Cassia Edric, had requested they meet. She wanted training and Onyx was happy to provide it. Though he wasn't doing this for free. Just like the many apprentices he taught before, she'd have to join under his command, under the command of the Ashes of the Rogue, if she wanted to continue this. But for now, it was training.

He waited for her. All day in fact. Night quickly came over and soon a storm fell. Though Onyx, and everyone walking the streets, were spared being soaked. The intense amount of rain fell through the massive holes and deep into the core, Onyx just watched it. He could feel the mist of it and found it a bit relaxing. He was almost tempted to take off his sinister mask but refrained from doing so. He was an image of fear, and he wanted to get that across to the young girl as quickly as he could.

As he stood waiting, he closed his eyes and reached out to the force, meditating. He hadn't trained in awhile. Though he was confident he wouldn't fail.

[member="Cassia Edric"]
She was descending into darkness, figuratively and quite literally at the moment. Cassia made her way into the dank depths of Coruscant’s Lower City, or as many commonly called it: the Underworld. She pulled her dark grey cloak tight around her, and held her small duffel bag close. Blue eyes squinted in the darkness, the artificial lighting wasn’t much help, and she lowered her hood to look around.

This was the definition of culture shock. Cassia had never seen anything like this, dirty streets and equally dirty stares from the seedy passersby; it seemed that this was where all of the thugs came to lurk. Unlike the wide open spaces of Bestine, the Underworld felt closed off. Cassia had met Onyx back on her home world, and eager to learn more about the force, she jumped at the opportunity to accept training from him.

Back home Cassia felt unshakable, fearless even, but now she truly felt like a child. She knew that she couldn’t let her fear show, not in a place like this. Her eyes narrowed and her face became hard like stone. Cassia’s face was already smudged with dirt, she was half way there… in appearances at least. Though, she still looked rather out of place, and people were starting to take notice.

“You, girl!” Came a man’s thundering voice. “Where do ya think you’re goin?” He asked in a mock friendly tone.

“No where.” Cass answered, as she wrinkled her nose a bit.

The stench coming off of the man was powerful. She attempted to move past him, but he shoved her back and moved in front of her. Cass stood her ground, against her better judgement, she felt the fear melting away. Her eyes shifted upwards to lock with his. It was times like this that her brash nature could get her into trouble.

“You’re in my way.” She said slowly and moved to brush past him again, but this time he grabbed her around the wrist tightly. He began to reach for her bag, but Cass shifted and struggled to keep his hand away.

“Get the kark off me!” She screeched, but her voice became lost in the myriad of ambient sound.

[member="The Onyx"]
Onyx opened his eyes as he heard a familiar voice scream. He scanned the streets below him to find her, Cassia, being mugged by a passing man. He smirked beneath his helmet, "Time for some fun." He jumped down and landed on the ground, a small shock wave from the force giving out. He didn't land right next to them, but about a hundred yards from them. He started sprinting towards them but slowed down.

The man's back was to him and he smirked again beneath his mask. He casually walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder. "It's not polite to hurt a lady." Before the man could turn and reply, Onyx launched his fist into the side of his head. The man instantly lost his grip and tripped off to the side. Onyx shot a quick glance as Cassia. "A beautiful lady should have seen that coming," he chuckled out. He looked back at the man, who was attempting to draw his blaster. In a swift, single move, Onyx activated his purple saber and cut the tip of the blaster off, making it useless. He then threw his palm forward, using the force to launch the man back against the wall. He jumped forward and held his blade to his throat, ready to cut his head clean off. "I think you should be a gentlemen and apologize."

The man started choking in fear, unable to speak. "I'm... I... I'm sorry...." he muttered out in utter fear. Onyx deactivated his blade and motioned at the man to leave. He took off running, never looking back. Onyx chuckled again and turned to his new apprentice. "Nice to see you again."

[member="Cassia Edric"]
Cassia stopped struggling when she heard a voice coming from behind her attacker. Then she saw a fist connect with the mugger’s head and her wrist was promptly released from his grasp. She rubbed her sore wrist and looked up to see Onyx, and it appeared that he was having quite a good time. She watched him silently, both fascinated and slightly frightened by the power he displayed. There were never these sorts of brawls back home, mostly just the kind that involved fists and angry words.

When she saw the man trying to draw a blaster, she stepped back, but watched as Onyx made easy work of disabling it. A grin slowly grew on her face, images of power drifting into her mind; if she could grow as strong as her teacher… she would be unstoppable. Cassia let loose a laugh when Onyx forced the mugger to apologize to her, the man’s once intimidating face was now made to be such a pathetic sight. She watched how quickly he ran off, and then looked back to Onyx.

“Likewise.” Cass responded with a smile.

She took a moment to gather herself and she stepped up alongside Onyx. Cassia scanned their surroundings, most of the people had cleared off when Onyx made his appearance and the ones left behind cast their eyes towards the ground. It was obvious that no one would dare bother them now.

“Thanks. You know, for saving me.” Cass said a bit awkwardly, expressing gratitude or fault were never her strongest suits.“So… where do we go from here?” She asked quickly to change the subject.

[member="The Onyx"]
Onyx shook his head slightly. "One of my personal rules: never waste an opportunity with a potential ally. Imagine if you were a politician. Now I have political ties that I could use in the future." Onyx stepped forward a bit, examining the streets. He turned back to her. "The Underworld is dangerous. Everyone here is a thug, murderer, or mercenary. I'm going to teach you how to use the force to detect those who seek to harm us." Onyx started forward, a small stride in his step. "Come on."

As he moved he made sure to not make any sort of physical contact with anyone who walked by. People down here were bitter and would attack the nearest person if a fly landed on them. So he didn't make contact. He swiftly moved through the crowd, his thin frame easily allowing him to do so. As he walked he noticed something, shadows in a nearby ally. He stopped at the entrance of it and smirked.

He turned to her. "Do you have a blade?"

[member="Cassia Edric"]
Cassia listened as he spoke, the lessons had already begun. It was clear that Onyx knew how to handle himself, and she made it a point to pay attention to his words. Cassia had never been a good student, but lessons back on Bestine never came with the possibility of action, danger, or life or death situations. She’d been in the Underworld only a short time and already managed to nearly get mugged, she understood now that this was indeed a very dangerous place. She nodded as Onyx started to move on.

She stayed just to his side, and walked slightly behind him. Cassia caught on quickly to the fact that he avoided bumping into anyone, so she made sure to be extra careful as well. She didn’t want to get herself into any more trouble, if she could avoid it. As they came towards a dark alley, she stopped as Onyx did.

“A blade?” Cassia echoed.

She started to rummage through her bag and then pulled out a small dagger. She’d brought the dagger along just in case she ran into trouble, but felt a bit silly about wielding it, as it looked more decorative than anything. However, the small blade was sharp, and she supposed that was all that mattered in the end.

“If this counts, then… yes.” She answered, slightly embarrassed.

Cassia could see the shadows moving in the alley, and she was beginning to wonder what they were going to get into next. Whether or not her dagger would suffice, she would just have to wait and see. She did have the distinct notion that she would be of little use, but she would follow Onyx’s lead.

[member="The Onyx"]
Onyx smirked. "If you can use it, than yes." He nodded his head towards the shadows ahead, which were moving about at fast speeds. It made it hard to decipher what was happening and the rain made it a bit hard to hear it either. Onyx leaned against the wall. "Upon first inspection, what do you think is going on back there?"

Onyx wasn't a normal teacher. He never was. He never taught straight lessons. Instead he taught by giving live examples, usually when the example didn't know it was being used. It's not that he didn't believe in higher education, but he did believe it comes at the cost of experience. So he taught by doing, not by saying. Right now he was testing her general assessment skills. Her answer would dictate his next course of action. Though, in truth, he didn't know what was happening in the ally, he knew it wasn't anything good.

This was the Underworld after all. It wasn't like Naboo, this was a place of violence. An ally way was the perfect place for a crime.

[member="Cassia Edric"]
Cassia watched as Onyx leaned casually against the wall, and then turned her gaze to the dark alley. Her eyes darted back and forth, trying to keep up with the swift movements that came in and out of view. It was the perfect time for the imagination to run wild, truly anything could have been happening, but she tried her best to keep focused.

“I think at least one of them is not human.” She observed, judging by the large and unfamiliar shape the shadow took.

She knelt down, trying to get a different perspective. It appeared that there were two additional forms in the alley, for a total of 3 distinct and different shaped shadows. The shadows still obscured their actions, and Cassia’s lack of real world experience wasn’t helping.

“There are 3 of them…” Cassia said, more to herself than to Onyx.

Cassia stood up again and shook her head; the mystery of the alley way was one that still needed to be solved. She turned to Onyx and shrugged.

“I have no idea what they are doing." She admitted, feeling a bit defeated. "A drug deal gone bad, fighting, killing each other…” Now she was just guessing.

[member="The Onyx"]
Onyx chuckled as she mention there being three of them, twice. And he chuckled more as she started guessing. He patted her back gently and smirked beneath his mask. "Now," he started, "Use the force."

He stood straight and stared down the ally. He didn't move and he waited for her to get into the same stance. "Close your eyes and reach into the force, you will be able to see them, and hear them." He enjoyed this part of teaching. He had very different beliefs then the Jedi and Sith did. He didn't look at the force with a narrow perspective, looking at good and evil and right and wrong. He looked at it for what it really was; the energy that binds that galaxy, and everyone in it, together.

"The force is what keeps everything together and you can learn to use it to see and hear. Do so now." Onyx knew she couldn't do it completely. She was still a young apprentice and she was just learning of her abilities as a force user. It wasn't something one could dive right into, as Onyx himself learned the hard way when he was just an apprentice. But still, he wanted her to feel accomplished and give her a goal to reach.

Onyx didn't bother looking at who the shadows were. Instead he used the force to temporarily enhance her connection to it. She would be able to easily see the shadows, without almost any problem. It would allow her to use the force to her full advantage and potential, a sneak peek, really, of what could come if she stayed with Onyx.

[member="Cassia Edric"]
Cassia assumed the straight posture Onyx demonstrated and let her gaze focus on the alley way once more. Doing as she was asked, Cass let her eyes close and she listened to Onyx’s words. She wasn’t sure what exactly it meant to reach out with the force, but after a brief moment, she began to see glimpses of the alley’s current inhabitants. At first it was only momentary impressions, colors, fragments of sound, and the feeling of a struggle. It was all so confusing.

She closed her eyes even tighter, suddenly she felt a burst within her and she could now see the scene unfolding clearly. Indeed, there had been three figures, but one was now lying cold on the ground. There was blood dripping from a head wound, and a black bag clenched in his hand. The larger of the remaining two bent to retrieve the bag, and in that instant Cass knew that they did not want to be disturbed. She felt their dark eyes shifting, looking into the slightly brighter area outside the alley where she stood with Onyx.

Cassia’s eyes snapped open and she jumped, as if waking from a dream. Her head was spinning, filled with the images she’d just witnessed. It was such a strange sensation, but she felt drawn to chase that feeling further. She didn’t have the time to celebrate her new achievement just yet, or explain what she had just seen, for she knew there would be trouble.

“They’re coming out here.” She said looking to Onyx, just as the two men appeared at the edge of the alley.

[member="The Onyx"]
Onyx nodded. "I know," he grabbed on of his lightsabers and readied it. But he stopped himself from activating it. He instead decided to stand still, as still as a statue would. Though he loved fighting, he enjoyed scaring his enemies more. So he would attempt to do so right now. He stood there, as if he had always been there. His obscuring mask only added to the tension his silence brought. He wouldn't run off or attack unless he needed to.

"One will attempt to hit me, I think in the upper area of my body. At that moment take your blade and stab him," he whispered to her, not moving from his spot. "They'll see we are force-users. They'll flee."

(OOC: Short post, on my phone.)

[member="Cassia Edric"]
Cassia listened to Onyx’s instructions and gave the slightest nod to signal that she understood. She eased herself back just a step or two, so she was behind Onyx, giving herself the appearance of a frightened and defenseless child. Her slender hand gripped the dagger in anticipation, she hated waiting, but the two men needed to make their move first.

The largest man nodded to his companion, and together they started towards Cass and Onyx. Their approach was slow at first, but gained speed and momentum with each of their lumbering steps. The slightly smaller man was ahead of the other, she knew that he was her target. The next few moments felt like they were moving in slow motion, but thoughts were passing through her mind at full speed.

Growing up on a farm, Cass was no stranger to the slaughter of livestock. Farm life was simple, if you wanted to eat meat, you killed to have it. You dealt with the blood, with the entrails, it was all just another part of butchering. She wondered if it would be much different when it came to people, she'd never tried to harm anyone in this way before. Then again, here in the Underworld it was kill or be killed.

She felt something pull her attention to the man again, though she couldn't fully see him, she knew he was there. His fist was in the air and aimed at Onyx. Cass sprang out and stuck her dagger into the man's side, catching him by surprise. The man fell back, his companion stopped dead in his tracks. It seems that their eyes were now on the light saber in Onyx's hand, they were intimidated, even though he hadn't activated yet. The man Cassia had stabbed held his wound, though he was bleeding, it didn't appear serious.

Just as Onyx had suspected, the two realized that they were no match for a him, and his apprentice with a tiny dagger. They turned tail and retreated back into the darkness of their alley way.

"Well, that wasn't so bad." Cass grinned at Onyx.

[member="The Onyx"]
Onyx laughed. "We have fun," he started walking through the streets once more, expecting Cass to follow him. He thought on a few things. He was only ever a full teacher once in his career as a Sith Lord and twice as a 'Rogue'. Though he had only taught for a short time, and one of the three he taught was his own daughter. He didn't consider her a apprentice though, he was just passing along knowledge.

Cass would be his third real apprentice. Based off how this night was going thus far, Onyx could tell she was dedicated to learning and dedicated to his teachings, how ever impractical they may be. He found it interesting that she wanted to learn. Sure his old apprentice, whose name had escaped him, wanted to learn. But Cass activity sought him out on her own initiative. He didn't ask her, she asked him. So he thought now how to teach her. What would be different from his other students.

He eventually turned towards her, still walking blindly down the streets, "What do you want to learn the most?"

[member="Cassia Edric"]
Cassia joined in the laughter, she’d never thought stabbings would be categorized as fun, but the notion was growing on her. She returned the dagger to its decorative sheath and shoved it into her pocket, best to keep it close at hand. She walked alongside Onyx down the street again; she was feeling good about her first day. As she looked around, the Underground looked less intimidating than before, though, this was likely due to the presence of her new Master.

She looked up as Onyx spoke, asking what she would like to learn. In truth, she wasn’t completely sure she knew. Cassia had dropped out of school to be a farmer, she enjoyed working the land and tending to the crops and livestock, but she had the feeling she could do more. For a moment she looked down at the palms of her hands, they looked like they belonged to a much older man, not a 16 year old girl, rugged from constantly working with them. Cassia was a girl on the edge of an identity crisis.

“I-I don’t really know.” Cassia said, feeling unsure. “I’d like to find out who I really am.”

Cassia didn’t like sharing sentiments with others, it made her feel silly and weak… but she got the impression that she could trust Onyx. She’d always felt a bit different than her adoptive parents and siblings, but she didn’t know why, until now. Cass knew very little of the force, but she’d heard that it could run in families, and she was grasping at this potential link to her past.

“I never knew my birth parents…” a fact she rarely shared. “But for now just teach me to be really powerful, and a strong fighter too.” She smiled slightly, trying to keep herself from growing weepy.

If there was anything she hated more than sharing feelings, it was crying.

[member="The Onyx"]
Onyx could hear her voice get a bit weak as she spoke. After she finished he just kept walking. Eventually he stopped outside an abandoned building and leaned up against it. He thought for a few moments, trying to find the right words to say to her. "You want to know who you are," he started, "So we'll find your parents. All roots lead to them," he took of his mask and brushed his long blonde hair to the side. His cybernetics showed as usual and his bright red, cybernetic, eye flickered for a moment. He smirked.

"The first step in mastering the force is to face your past." Onyx knew this fact better then most. He himself had very recently faced his father after spending such a long time searching for him. When he found him he asked him every question he could think of. He didn't hold back anything. Not the questions nor how he felt. He didn't let his emotions control him though. When the moment came to put the past to rest he did so swiftly. He hadn't told many people about his father, or his past in general. Only close and long friends, such as Darren Shaw and Circe, knew it. Not even his daughter knew all much about his past, only the surface of such conversation.

Regardless of never telling many souls, he was going to tell her. "I faced my past, I looked him right in the eyes and slid my blade between his ribs. My father died and I was born again, within the force." He didn't know why her parents left and didn't want to jump to the conclusion of having to kill them. In his case his father was a Sith in secret and the reason why Onyx was the man he was, or monster. "But," he threw in, "Your parents may have left for other reasons. Only one way to know..."

[member="Cassia Edric"]
When they stopped outside an abandoned building, Cass looked down at the ground between her and Onyx. Her gaze shifted upwards as he said they would find her parents, she was instantly filled with a battle of emotions. Excitement, anxiety, anger, and sadness all became a confusing mix inside her. She watched as he removed his mask, Onyx’s implants didn’t bother her, she saw them the first time they met on Bestine.

She moved closer to the building as Onyx relayed his own story of facing the past, and she wondered why he had killed his father. Though, she didn’t want to press further, it wasn’t her business. Cassia toyed with the thought of having to kill her own father; she supposed that she could do it, if it came to that. After all, her father was a man unknown to her, all the easier to turn her heart cold towards him. But perhaps it would not come that that.

“How do we find them?” She asked. "Where would we even start?"

Cass was starting to get overwhelmed by the possibilities, and it was making her a bit cranky. She too came to lean against the building, and she ruffled up her crop of blonde hair.

[member="The Onyx"]
Onyx could tell the subject was getting a bit serious and she was trying to play off it. Her sudden shift in attitude and flip of the hair was practically screaming how she was overwhelmed. He almost sighed but stopped himself. He didn't want to show any doubt, it made him look weak. He shrugged. "A mission for another day," he replied.

He pushed off the wall and stood straight up. He knew what he was doing was sudden and realized it. So he would correct his mistake. He thought for a moment. He did, indeed, train by doing. There were plenty of ways he could teach her how to fight and use the force, all it meant was long hours of traveling and longer hours of attempting to do it without messing up. So he thought on what to do right now. The Underworld, as she already learned, was dangerous. But what else could be taught besides surviving the streets? Not every planet was a battle for life.

"For now let's consider our next move."

[member="Cassia Edric"]

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