Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Another Day Another Stray


Location: Nar Shaddaa
Tags: Race Osroam Race Osroam | Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki
Funky Tunes:

Nar Shaddaa, a world filled with misery, and opportunity. But for Cyran and Takumi it was more in a blurry gray area for right now. Some of their equipment required some much needed maintenance. Their armature work could only hold things together for so long at a time.

Cyran and his apprentice had already had some history together on the planet, after all it’s where Cyran met Takumi and decided to play the role of mentor for them. Their large Baleen freighter docked at a space dock over the smuggler's moon. After which he spoke with Takumi. “I’m gonna head down the planet side if you wanna join me to schedule a mechanic. Might be here for a bit so maybe you can take on some of the plentiful bounty work here if you want.” He explained as he headed towards his light freighter that was inside the large cargo hold of the Baleen to farry himself to the surface.

“And if you do choose to take on some bounty just remember, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do… or maybe even things I would do.” Cyran added with a smirk, teasing him some as stepped onto the loading ramp of the YT-2400, needing some critical work done on it as well. Rolling along with him was his astromancy R4P4. Who too was looking to head down to Nar Shaddaa as well. Even with some of his droids help they still had problems keeping the old vessels in good order. Perhaps Cyran should look into seeing if he can get a mechanic to tag along as well. P4 certainly wouldn't mind the extra help and company.

Takumi Tikotzki

best looking bounty hunter at your service

Nar Shaddaa

Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas | Race Osroam Race Osroam
Planet: Nar Shaddaa
Location: //
Ambience: //
Clothes:/Armor Phase II Clone Trooper Armor
IB-94 blaster pistole | a few thermal detonators | force pike | EE-3 carabine rifle

//Nar Shaddaa, here we go again// Takumi thought to himself. For now, it seemed like no matter what they do, they always end up back here, where everything had started between the two of them. Takumi would lie if he would say, that he would hate coming here. The many visits here made Takumi familiar with the planet and its criminal society surrounding it. He started to like it here. Already wearing his newly acquired Phase II clone trooper armor, except the helmet, which he held under his right arm, he quickly followed Cyran, towards the light freighter, where also his own ship, the ST-70 Gunship was parked too.

"Sure. I'll join. As soon as I see something on the way, I'll go for it. Can't wait to hunt some criminal scum down there" Takumi replied to Cyran. After he replied, he finally took his helmet and placed it above his head, to pull it down, over his head. "Criminals prepare yourselves. Tic Tac is coming for ya!" Takumi said happily, with a grin hidden under his helmet. He was already determined to follow a bounty as soon, as he would find one. Before he split ways with Cyran, he quickly nodded with a thump up. "Got it, Boss. So no flirtatious activities, I see" He replied to Cyran's comment.

Takumi quickly opened the ramp of his Gunship on the side and entered the ship. Quickly climbing the ladder, he sat down quickly and started the engines of the ST-70. Through his helmet, with the help of an integrated comlink, he build up communication with Cyran. {I'll follow your lead} he said, and waited for Cyran to exit the Baleen Freighter.

On the planet below the bounty hunters a young spacer lay on the upper hull of a TL-1200 transport freighter, staring back at the darkened sky above. He had only just arrived recently and the novelty of a massive ecumenopolis like Nar Shaddaa had yet to wear off. For someone from a backwater like Eadu, it seemed impossible for there to be enough people in the galaxy to populate an entire planet's surface, and hundreds upon thousands of levels of it for that matter. The Smuggler's Moon was at once both amazing and terrifying. Amazing for the sheer overabundance of civilization, and terrifying for just who was comprising it. Everywhere Race had been so far, there seemed to be no shortage of criminals waiting to stab him or try to trick him out of his hard-earned credits. Sometimes both. It was beginning to make him wonder if all the wonderous stories he'd heard about space travel were just that.

But the half-Echani's musings were interrupted as his latest client shouted up to him. The young mechanic jumped with surprise and grabbed at some piping, just barely stopping himself from rolling off the side of the ship. After clutching his chest and taking a moment to slow his heart rate again Race peeked over the edge of the ship, seeing an angry looking Dug below on the landing pad. "Why are you lazing around instead of fixing my ship?" The alien demanded indignantly. The mechanic swallowed nervously before replying.

"It is fixed. I cleaned out the microvalve. The system should run more smoothly now. And I tuned the flux stabilizer as well, but I really think you ought to get a new one-" The Dug interrupted him with a scoff and a wave of his foot.

"It works just fine, don't need a new one." He argued. Race grimaced somewhat fearfully. From what he'd seen it did not work just fine. It barely worked at all.

"I really think you should..." He suggested gently, only to have the Dug growl and become even more agitated.

"Are you trying to cheat me?" He shouted. "I know what it needs and what it doesn't! It's my ship! Now get down from there!" Race sighed. Alright. If he wanted to be blown to pieces mid hyperspace jump that was his business. The half-Echani got to his feet and agilely leapt down from one section of the ship to another, and then down to the landing pad beside the Dug pilot. He tossed the ignition to the captain and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Just take her up slowly." He tried his best to caution the customer once more. "We square?" The Dug snorted and tossed back a credit chit.

"It's highway robbery, but we're square." With that the captain turned to board his ship. Race waited until the alien was out of sight to roll his eyes. Highway robbery. He could barely afford his current place on what he was charging. Of course, having to pay the local protection racket didn't help. He really needed to find a planet that had some more respect for the law. Or had laws at all for that matter. With a sigh the young mechanic walked to the edge of the landing platform and leaned on the railing, a massive abyss between the skyscrapers right beneath him. Across the way he could see dozens of other ships parked undergoing maintenance. Hopefully he'd get some more business soon.

Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Tags: Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki | Race Osroam Race Osroam

Smirking, Cyran rolled his eyes at the comment on not engaging in flirtations. Synching up with them on his coms he replied. (“Very funny Tic Tac, but yes you shouldn’t flirt with the clientele or your acquisitions.”) That was a recipe for a disastrous job. Stepping into his light freighter with his astromech droid. Stepping into the cockpit he ignited the engines.

Sitting in the pilot’s seat he flipped a few switches and moved some levers before taking lift. (“Roger that “Pink 2”, “Pink 1” Leaving mothership. I’ll be heading to the nearest space port planetside. I’m hoping to make this quick, I’m not much of a haggler.”) He said, making up callsigns for them as he flew his ship out of the large cargo hold of the Baleen freighter. “Take care Tic, and call me if you run into any serious trouble or need some aid…” Cyran grimised to himself, feeling like he sounded like a concerned parent letting their kid take the air speeder out for the night.

As he started taking the ship into reentry P4 gave a few chirps to Cyran. The droid teased Cyran over how much he seemed to care and look after Takumi. Looking back at the pesky droid he shrugged. (“What can I say, Tak’s a good kid and reminds me of myself when I was his age.”) Then the zeltron realized he was still on call with Takumi, not really indenting him to over hear that. Turning off the comms he looked back at his droid. “Damnit P4, you trying to get me to spill my heart out or something?” The droid beeped in amusement.

Eventually Cyran got to his destination. Setting his YT-2400 into a landing bay. After he got the engine turned off and the loading ramp down he walked out and away from the ship. There he saw the mechanic. A young looking lad that reminded him of Takumi. Taking off his visored mask he waved to them. “Howdy.” He exclaimed, though missing any rural accent. “Been needing to get some much required maintenance on my ships. This one here, old Rose. And I got a larger one up in orbit too. But I can understand if you can only service this one for now.” Thinking about it, Cyran realized he probably should’ve brought his pit droids down with him to help out. But perhaps R4P4 can be enough of a help if the mechanic doesn’t have any droid assistance. “Oh and I’m Cyran by the way.” He said before holding his hand out to meet the mechanic.

Takumi Tikotzki

best looking bounty hunter at your service

Nar Shaddaa

Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas | Race Osroam Race Osroam
Planet: Nar Shaddaa
Location: //
Ambience: //
Clothes:/Armor Phase II Clone Trooper Armor
IB-94 blaster pistole | a few thermal detonators | force pike | EE-3 carabine rifle

After Cyran left the bigger vessel with his small one, Takumi did the same thing and left shortly after him. With both hands put on the steering lever, he steered the ship towards the planet. Through the comlink, he heard Cyran speaking. Though it seemed like something he did not want to speak loudly. Takumi thought about teasing Cyran about what he said, but he decided against it and only smiled.

Arriving at Planetside, he followed Cyran with his ship until it landed. When the ship safely stood on the ground, the ST-70 Ship flew above Cyran passing him and landing safely on the very next landing station. There he shut down the engines and opened the loading ramp. Fully armed with everything he possessed in terms of equipment and weapons, he got out and walked calmly through the streets. As he mentioned before, he would follow Cyran, until he would find something. So, Takumi walked the way towards Cyran, one hand placed on the holster of his IB-94 Blaster, in case someone would try to rob him or something else. He looked closely at everyone who passed him and tried to reference their looks with the bounty hunting database he got.

After a few minutes, Takumi arrived where Cyran was. He didn't enter the workshop, but rather stayed outside because there he could still have a look around. With his back leaned towards the wall, his arms crossed, and one foot also resting on the wall, he continued looking for shady people, that could indicate them having a bounty on them. Hopefully Takumi finds one. He was desperate for a hunt.

Race turned his head up as a YT-2400 soared overhead and into the now empty docking bay to set down. The young mechanic turned and slowly approached the ship even before the loading ramp came down, analyzing its appearance. An unusual paint job, but a solid model. Corellian Engineering always did stellar work, and the 2400 was no exception. He could quickly tell this one had seen better days though, as even maneuvering into port the normally agile craft appeared to have some difficulty. Someone had been skipping regular maintenance.

A well-armed Zeltron stepped off of the vessel, causing Race to pause in his tracks. The man quickly removed his helmet though, revealing a friendly face and giving a wave in greeting. Race slowly raised one hand from his pocket to give a slight wave back as the spacer approached. The alien got right down to business, stating the obvious in that his ship, Rose needed maintenance. And apparently, he had more ships as well. Things were starting to look up. If the other craft were in as ugly shape as this ship he'd be coming into a big payday. Finally, the Zeltron introduced himself as Cyran, extending a hand to shake. Hesitantly the half-Echani reached out and shook with him.

"Race." He replied simply before glancing up at the ship again. He could only tell so much from the outside, but it seemed clear to him this would take a bit. He looked back at his new client. "I can run a diagnostic, see what she needs. I'm a one-man crew so anything bigger than this you'll probably need to take to a proper spacedock for repairs." The mechanic made a very slight grimace as he looked away, immediately kicking himself mentally. Why had he said that? Don't turn customers away! "Unless you don't mind a few days wait." He added, trying to clarify.

Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Tags: Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki | Race Osroam Race Osroam

“Race… nice.” Cyran repeated to himself after shaking their hand. He nodded along to their words. As he did, P4 rolled down the boarding ramp and over to Cyran’s side. He also didn’t expect them to be as honest about the work that would need to be done, especially for his larger ship in orbit. Which he understood, it was a big ship and big ships require big maintenance.

“Well if it can help ya any P4 here can probably lend a hand as well. I guess run the diagnostics and see what she needs.” He said with a nod, wondering about what he was gonna do about the Baleen in orbit, he didn’t want to sell it but with his capabilities it was certainly an expense to keep around at his current rate. He knew the older YT-1300s were popular too. Maybe a passenger model too. Perhaps furnish it into a sleeper yacht. But then again what was Takumi supposed to do with their gunship? Hitch it to the docking ring of the firefighter? Lots of things to ponder with the current state of things. Some of which could be avoided if he grew his crew out some. Maybe hire a mechanic. He shouldn’t consider recruiting Race, he just met them and can't go around picking up every young man he comes across that might be looking for work. Takumi already has enough work.

Like everything going on right now Cyran figured he should think it over. Compare pros and cons, that kind of thing. “Yeah, just see what my ship needs and I’ll consider getting work done on the Baleen I have up in orbit.”

Takumi Tikotzki

best looking bounty hunter at your service

Nar Shaddaa

Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas | Race Osroam Race Osroam
Planet: Nar Shaddaa
Location: //
Ambience: //
Clothes:/Armor Phase II Clone Trooper Armor
IB-94 blaster pistole | a few thermal detonators | force pike | EE-3 carabine rifle

Takumi was still leaning on the wall of the building, Cyran and Race were in. His stance and his goal were still the same. With his watchful eyes, he analyzed many beings walking passed him. He sighed. Wasn't there anybody with a bounty that would pass him? After all, he was on Nar Shaddaa, somebody had to have one. Time passed, but then, a shady-looking rodian passed Takumi. He seemed on edge, looking around all the time. Maybe seeing if anybody was following him? Takumi took a quick check on his datapad, where he opened the database about bounties. There were many radians with bounties on their head. He decided to follow the Rodian, so he put his foot down on the ground again, and quickly communicated through comlink with Cyran. {I might have something. I'll call you when I need help} he quickly said to Cyran, so he would know, that he was away now.

With that being done, he quickly followed the trail of the Rodian and followed him as sneaky as possible. Maybe he was about to meet other people. Takumi decided to lay low first and then see how to get him if he was indeed one of the many Rodians with a bounty on his head. With his eyes on the target and one hand on his pistole, he made his way through the masses of beings, coming towards Takumi, passing him. Many times, Takumi had to push someone away or make a step to the side, to avoid collisions with the civilians, if you could call them that here on Nar Shaddaa. Nobody here was just a civilian in his eyes. For now, the Rodian didn't notice Tic Tac, so he continued the pursuit.

As Cyran mentioned his droid Race looked down at the little astromech and smiled. R series, the best of the best, always pleasant to talk to. R4s in particular were common in the Outer Rim, cheap and reliable. "Yeah, I reckon he can help quite a bit." The mechanic replied, patting the R4 on the head affectionately as he walked past. The half-Echani grabbed a thick cable coiled up beside a terminal and dragged it over to Rose, hooking it up to the ship's underbelly.

"Baleen huh?" He asked with some surprise as Cyran mentioned his other vessel, walking back towards the terminal and switching the bulky system on. "Big ship. I'm surprised you don't already have a full maintenance compliment with your crew. Independent trader?" He asked curiously. Focusing on the terminal he began running a diagnostic of the freighter. Already several important systems were coming up red. This would require more than a little work. "Hope you've got security. A lot of pirates operating in this area. They see a target like that, and they'll be on it like a pack of hungry mynocks before you can blink."

While the diagnostic continued running on its own the mechanic would step to the side and lean against the terminal, shoving his hands back in his pockets as he looked to the Zeltron for some answers. He didn't usually like to talk so much with his customers, and it showed with the slight turn of his head, having difficulty maintaining eye contact. But Cyran had been the first sentient not to greet him with an insult in quite some time. Race couldn't help but feel eager for a positive change of pace.

Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Tags: Race Osroam Race Osroam | Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki

Cyran listened to the young mechanic’s reply about his Baleen ship. “Not really, I’m a bounty hunter, though I do the occasional courier run here and there. It’s a good mobile base and garage for my apprentice and I’s ships.” Cyran explained to them. Going over the not as obvious way his ship is being used for. “Nah I ain’t got a dedicated crew quite yet, especially for maintenance. Just P4 here and some pit droids I got up there. Though the idea of blossoming my crew out to include a mechanic would be really nice…” He added, almost thinking the last part out loud.

“Like I said, I’m a bounty hunter, if anything the pirates need to be worried about me performing a surprise counter attack on them hehe.” Cyran replied, clearly confident in his abilities to take one some pesky pirates. Cyran was able to pick up on a little bit of unease from Race. Both just from body language and sensing their emotions.

“Hmm, seems a little tense my friend, is everything alright?” Cyran questioned, typical zeltron, always wanting to put others at ease and lift their moods. Even though Cyran himself hasn’t been back to his home planet in quite some time it was a hard habit to break. Wanting to be this becon of good vibes for others who might be feeling a little down.
Race's jaw reflexively tightened, and he swallowed nervously as Cyran mentioned he was a bounty hunter. He recalled some ugly business with the Hutts he had recently experienced on Keldooine. They wouldn't still be after him for that would they? No, definitely not... Probably not... Hopefully not... The bounty hunter seemed unafraid of any pirates, which only told Race he must have been quite good at what he did. Especially if he apparently had an apprentice as well. His rising fears quickly overshadowed any thought of seeking employment with the Zeltron as a mechanic.

"Uh yeah I'm fine," The half-Echani replied unconvincingly to Cyran's question. Play it cool, don't act suspicious... "Are you on a job right now? Or come to Nar Shaddaa looking for one?" That didn't sound incriminating right? He was probably overthinking things. Changing the subject would be wise. "I don't know if there's a bounty posted on any of them but the gang running these docks has been giving all of us some real grief. I'd be willing to give you a discount if you convinced them to back off." As he waited for a reply, the mechanic would focus his attention back on the diagnostic machine as it finished running its program. It had racked up quite the list for him to go through. He tried his best to look busy and unconcerned with any potential danger.

Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Tag: Race Osroam Race Osroam | Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki


Cyran could sense the growing unease in Race after he spoke. Especially after Cyran mentioned he was a bounty hunter, were they guilty of something, a fugitive on the run of a bounty hunter? It was very odd. “Nah I’m not on a job right now, and I just came to this planet to get some maintenance done only for my vessels.”

Then they seemed to persuade Cyran with a discount if he scared off some thugs. He shook his head at the offer. “Sorry kid but no can do. I only take on official and legal bounties. I don’t go around acting as hired muscles for favors.” Cyran likely could do that to make some extra credits, but it was a slippery slope, and not a slope he was willing to go down.

“My apprentice however, I could see him taking on such a challenge if he wanted to. He can be a little more fast and loose with stuff like that.” Perhaps he should notify him of this potential task. Though he did tell Takumi not to do anything he wouldn’t do himself.
Race nodded quickly as Cyran explained his reasoning for being on Nar Shaddaa. Just repairs. That was good, if he was being truthful. He seemed honest enough. But he seemed less interested in taking care of Race's extortion problem, although his reasoning was fair. He was a professional, not a common thug. The mechanic shrugged in response.

"Well send him my way then," he said in response to the mention of the bounty hunter's apprentice. "I could use the help." With that he switched off the diagnostic machine and bent over to pick up his tools. "In the meantime I can get started on your ship. Looks like you need a bit more than routine maintenance but nothing that's going to break the bank. With your droid's help I should be able to have her back at 100% in about a day and a half. If you want to poke around I can give you a call once it's finished."

The half-Echani extended his hand expectantly, waiting to receive the freighter's ignition. Hopefully during the time it would take him to get through repairs his new Zeltron friend would reconsider his offer on that damn gang.

Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki

Location: Nar Shaddaa
Tag: Race Osroam Race Osroam | Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki


Nodding Cyran figured he should give Takumi a call if they weren’t already busy. Soon after Cyran’s astromech R4-P4 rolled down the loading ramp of the freighter while Cyran was reaching into his pockets for the ignition key. Making some curious whistles. Also saying that if Cyran got him more droid friends than he likely wouldn’t need to shell out money for mechanics.

Looking back at the droid, Cyran rolled his eyes. “You already have droids to boss around at home.” He responded like a parent telling their child why they don’t need a new toy. Facing Race again he handed him the ignition key. “Yeah that sounds good, I’ll let you know if something comes of your gang problem.” Turning back the droid he continued, “and you help our friend here, and don’t cause any grief okay?” After that P4 replied with a whiny noise before rolling up closer to Race to assist them.

Stepping aways some he would call up Takumi suspecting that they weren’t busy yet to let them know what was up. When they picked him he spoke.
“Yo Tik-Tak, I’ll need to check into a hotel or something for the night. So if you want you can’t head up to the Baleen whenever you want. However if you’re so inclined our mechanic here has had some trouble with some gangsters here at the dock. Might get ourselves a discount if it’s that can be handled. Maybe come here if you want details from our would be client.” It was far from official, which is how Cyran worked, also with how fast and loose the Law can be on Nar Shaddaa it was always impossible to tell who’s toes you're stepping on when bounty hunting here, and if you’ll open up a nasy can of worms.

Takumi Tikotzki

best looking bounty hunter at your service

Nar Shaddaa

Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas | Race Osroam Race Osroam
Planet: Nar Shaddaa
Location: //
Ambience: //
Clothes:/Armor Phase II Clone Trooper Armor
IB-94 blaster pistole | a few thermal detonators | force pike | EE-3 carabine rifle

Takumi arrived at a market, that stretched out into many streets. Many little stands were built, with people selling all their goodies. The range of items was huge, going from simple fruits and vegetables to clothes and even some weapons. Of course, fitting to the whole image of this criminal planet, many stands had some hidden areas, where they would sell illegal weapons and gear, for some very special people. Colorful was one word that could describe this market, seeing many different beings gathered from all around this galaxy. In the middle of this, was Takumi. His focus was still on his potential target, the shady-looking rodian, who just kept behaving very weirdly and paranoid. All the signs were pointing towards him being a potential bounty that was trying to get out. Typical for Takumi, due to his lack of experience still, he couldn't help himself but take the first opening he saw. In a very quick movement, while still being surrounded by hundreds of people, he quickly grabbed his blaster with his right hand, and with his left hand, he grabbed the left shoulder of the rodian, screaming "All right, criminal scum! I got you, make a false move and I'll make sure, your head lands right next to the one, who put up your contract!" The rodian, quickly turned around, panic written all over his face. This whole scene of course made everyone else look at Takumi and his 'bounty'. "Shit" Takumi whispered to himself, as he noticed, that this rodian, was actually carrying his child in his arms. There was no bounty on this guy. He was just a regular guy, trying to get away from the crowds because of his child. Whisper could be heard from all directions. People were talking about this self-entitled bounty hunter in armor, of former clon soldiers. Takumi felt ashamed. He was too hasty. Now he realized that. Slowly he put down his weapon. "I'm sorry mate, thought you were somebody else. Carry on." Quickly, Takumi left the market. With his head pointing down, he put a groove on and walked faster. He couldn't bear this embarrassment. A rookie mistake he made and thankfully, Cyran wasn't there to see it.

Soon he was at the end of the market, but Takumi didn't feel good. He was saddened and angry. He made a left turn into an alley nearby. It was a nasty-looking alley, with only trash filling up the street. Takumi sighed heavily and looked down at the ground for some moments. "DANK FARIK!" he suddenly screamed kicking the trash, that filled the streets, so it flew some meters around, making the street even more disgusting. Takumi was about to let his anger out, but then suddenly, he comlinc went on. It was Cyran who talked to him. Quickly his focus was all towards his mentor. Of course, he put on a fake 'good' mood, when Cyran talked. {I see, some gang trouble, eh? Thought we would have standards?} he chuckled shortly {I'll make my way towards him. I'll keep you updated}

Well, there was his second chance. Maybe this time he wouldn't fuck things up. It took some time, but finally, Takumi arrived in front of the mechanics building. He took a quick look at the building. Nothing special. A quick button was pressed, and the automatic door slid open towards him, making Takumi enter. At first, he didn't see anybody, so Takumi just shouted in the room. "Helloooo? Apparently, you asked for the best-looking bounty hunter, to help you out with a little......' rat' problem, so is this the right place?" Takumi asked into the room, hoping to get an answer to his question. With his helmet on, looking like a clon trooper, who just made a jump into the future.


"Alright." Race replied to Cyran with a nod as the ignition was exchanged. While the bounty hunter wandered off to make a call to his apprentice, the half-Echani decided to get to work. He began making his way towards the YT-2400, whistling for the astromech to follow. "Ok let's get to it. Coolant coil is first on the list, I'm going to take a look at the interior lines. Why don't you go up top for me and clean out any debris? According to that reading it's backed up good." As the mechanic made his way inside the ship, R4 would jet atop. They had a lot of work ahead of them.

After a short while Race got an alert from the buzzer on his belt that someone had entered the shop, giving him a good excuse to take a break and clean off the coolant fluid that was up to his elbows. As the mechanic exited the ship and picked up a towel to wipe himself off, he quirked a brow at the newly arrived hunter. He appeared to be dressed in the uniform of a formal military rather than an independent hunter. Strange. As he asked about a 'rat' problem however Race smirked a bit.

"You could call it that," he said with a bit of humor to his voice. "Yeah, this is the place. I'm assuming your mentor gave you the basics. There's a gang that runs these docks and shakes us all down for 'protection' money." Race snorted at the thought. The only thing those scum were offering protection from was themselves. "They've been cutting into my profits, meaning I need to charge more for your repairs. So we've both got an incentive to see them move on." Race hesitated, averting his eyes as he mulled things over a bit. Was he really about to put a hit out on someone? He looked back at Takumi. "I'm not asking you to kill anyone. Just show a little force, make them think twice before trying to push the folks here around. There's about a dozen or so of them but they're not trained hunters, just common thugs." He would look out across the landing zone to the other side of the pit, gesturing towards a large abandoned warehouse. "That's where I've seen them hang around." He informed the bounty hunter. "You get it sorted and I'll only charge you half my usual rate. It'll be worth it to get those guys off my back. What do you say? Interested?" Race stood by nervously awaiting an answer. This wasn't exactly the type of business he typically involved himself in. Hopefully it wouldn't result in more trouble coming down on him.

Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas Takumi Tikotzki Takumi Tikotzki

Takumi Tikotzki

best looking bounty hunter at your service

Nar Shaddaa
Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas | Race Osroam Race Osroam
Planet: Nar Shaddaa
Location: //
Ambience: //
Clothes:/Armor Phase II Clone Trooper Armor
IB-94 blaster pistole | a few thermal detonators | force pike | EE-3 carabine rifle

Takumi took a closer look at the man who appeared out of the ship, taking a towel and wiping himself clean. "Well he wasn't very detailed with the job desciption, to be fair" Takumi replied with a short shuckle coming out of his helmet. "To be honest I'm quite surprised he actually asked me to do that. You've gotta know, that Cyran isn't exactly someone who takes on such jobs like that, therefore he usually doesn't get me involved in such jobs....He's kind of an 'We first need to sign a contract' kind of guy, if you know what I mean. But whatever, suits me just fine. The under the table jobs, are the most exiting ones, right?" With that being said, he listened to the mechanic until he was done explaining the situation. When he was done, Takumi took a few steps toward Race. "Well you're lucky mate. It just so happened, that I grew up in a similar area on a different planet. I know how to handle thugs very well, you'll see. There will be no dead people, I'm just gonna show'em that there's no place for them here" While saying this, Takumi patted his two force pikes, he had equipped on either side of his legs, one was right next to the holster of his blaster pistole. "These babies will come in handy for it. So yea, consider it done mate. I'll take the job." He took a last look around, before he turend around, to step out of the building. "Wanna join?" He asked kindly. Maybe he was interested in seing this, maybe take a look for himself and see for himself, that everything has been taken care of.

No matter what choice Race would take, Takumi would start walking towards the exit, mentally already preparing to stay calm and focused. Ready to use everything he had learned from Cyran. It was his moment to shine, after all he was experienced in such affairs, since he himself, was a so called 'thug' once, when he was younger and lived on the streets. Out there it was all about showing strength.


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