Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another Day, Another Credit

Anastacia Bootes

Denon was a heavily populated, ecumenopolis world with a robust economy that was growing faster every day. Anastacia herself had found herself employed by one of the many labs ran on the planet. A Xenobiologist at heart, and recently out of school, it was a perfect opportunity. A good job in the field she loved – it was perfect. The only downside was that it was far away from home, and while the reputation overall was fairly well, there were some black holonet memes and conspiracy theories about the organization as a whole.

Too bad the stories and conspiracies turned out true. Anastacia found that out the hard way – being tested, drugged, and then locked underground for the past 3 weeks along with several other people who had no idea why they got bagged in the middle of the night. Or even how they got their samples.
The media got paid off – no one on Denon really knew what was going on. But outside of that? Several journalists posted a variety of stories. Hear say and the like spread fast.

The lab was one of the few buildings that mostly went underground. Armored guards roam the facility with badges. Retina, thumb, and voice scanners litter. Really, the only areas that Anastacia had been in was level 1-20, where most of the ‘public’ work was. Levels 20-40? Heck, who knew.

Well, Anastacia knew now… But would she be able to get out?

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
A Jedi was suppose to do Jedi things right? Kahlil had taken far too long off for himself, meditating alone in a far corner of the galaxy to find himself peace once more. Times were constantly trying, and with the Silver's assault on the Mandalorians his own faith in the belief of the Jedi was shattered. He had left many behind, too many truly. But with this quest to do good once more came an opportunity to reconnect.

"Just follow my lead on this one, alright?" Kahlil glanced over to [member=Kafh-en-ma-nofre], offering an encouraging smile. "It's been too long since we last worked together, and I'd like to show you a new trick if you haven't learned it on your own yet."

[member="Anastacia Bootes"]
Kafh had been thoroughly surprised when his mentor contacted him. Kahlil had been away for quite some time. The Palawan used his time away from the Jedi Knight to hone his connection to the force and improve his lightsaber skills. Yet it felt as if he barely improved at all. A feeling of insecurity would wash over Kafh; for just a second. His teacher’s voice made the ex- slave shake out of his thoughts.

”I always try to.” Kafh said in reply to Kahlil. Returning his mentor’s smile.

The idea of Kahlil showing the Padawan a new trick made Kafh raise an eyebrow. ”This isn’t the blindfold thing again is it?” Kafh asked as he looked down to his lightsaber. He’d smirk.

”Because darkness isn’t my strong suit.” Kafh would say with a laugh.
[member="Anastacia Bootes"]
[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"Haa no. You're well past that stage of your training." Kahlil could already tell that [member="Kafh-en-ma-nofre"] was stronger. Perhaps the boy didn't think so of himself, but no matter. He would see soon enough. He'd lead the pair right up to the back door of the building, directly to a pair of guards. The two humans there raised blasters almost immediately, but before they could speak up Kahlil subtly waved his hand.

"We belong here. Forgot our cards though so you want to give us yours."

There was a pause, then both men lowered their guns. "That's right that's right. Big boss said you were comin. Here." Both men handed over their cards without any fuss. Kahlil winked to his padawan before leading the way inside and away from the gunmen. "Let's not keep Big boss waiting then."

Anastacia Bootes

Ana stared at the cell's door. Her ears picked up on boots - probably from the guard that delivered her meal every night. She pushed her hair back as she licked her cracked and dry lips. How people could treat people like this... She'd never know.

A loud bang on the cell as she jumped. A tray with a glass of water and a piece of stale bread slid in. She stared at it, sick of both. How good a burger would be... Or a soda. Or wine. Or tea. Or anything, really. She leaned her head against the wall as she stared at the ceiling.

In teh meantime, the two men let [member="Kahlil Zambrano"] and [member="Kafh-en-ma-nofre"] into the building. A woman in a formal suit appeared, with a smile. "Please come with me," she'd reply as she began to walk towards an elevator.
Kafh nodded as he followed Kahlil. Soon enough they were standing in front of two guards who raised their blasters. Before Kafh could reach for his lightsaber, his mentor waved his hand out to them. Kafh tilted his head and watched silently as Kahlil told the guards they belonged there. The padawan was sure this hair brained plan of Kahlil’s would backfire; surprisingly it didn’t and the guards ended up handing their cards over. Kahlil winked to Kafh who would only shoot him a confused glance as he followed the man into the building.

As soon as they entered a woman approached. She wore a suit and asked the two to follow her. Kafh eyed her, but ultimately followed her to the elevator. The teen glanced to Kahlil.

“What are you getting us into?” Kafh would whisper
[member="Anastacia Bootes"]
[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
"Jedi business of course." He whispers back to [member="Kafh-en-ma-nofre"] , giving a confident grin before nodding to the woman. He'd have to hide his panic for now. Getting through the door uninterrupted was the plan, but they were expected? Either confused with someone important, or the people within already knew. Either way, best to play it up for now. "I'm glad you were expecting us. Makes this easy for us both." Kahlil glanced around the room, mentally taking in the path they were walking.

"How long will we have to wait?"

Anastacia Bootes

The professional woman continued walking forward, pressing the down button on the elevator. Her boss, Mr. Henrich, would be delighted for his guests to arrive. He had been preparing his speech for them - having done extensive background of the company he hoped to partner with. Including, knowing exactly what they looked like.

Lucky for [member="Kahlil Zambrano"] and [member="Kafh-en-ma-nofre"], he was the only one that knew information. "How long to wait? There will be no wait," she said confidently with a smile. "Mr. Henrich is delighted to finally meet you and your organization in person, and I for one know he cannot wait to explain the amazing things we're doing here." She commented with a smile as the elevator rode down.

It wouldn't be long before they reached the executive's office on the floor -19, right smack in the middle of the entire organization.
Of course. Jedi business. Kafh sat quietly as the elevator slowly took them to the heart of organization. The woman answered Kahlil’s question, saying that they would not have to wait. Kathy-en-ma-nofre wasn’t sure if that put him at ease, or if it put him on edge. The Jedi Padawan tilted his head as he wondered what kind of “amazing things” the organization got up to, to Kafh that seemed shady. The teen decided to hold his tongue, only uttering a quick prayer to his gods quietly.

As the elevator stopped Kafh would follow the others out.

Soon enough they were outside Mr. Henrich’s office.

Kafh was uneasy to say the least. His hand kept wanting to grip his lightsaber for comfort. He shook his head slightly.

“Shall we?” Kathy mustered up the courage to say as evenly as he could.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
[member="Anastacia Bootes"]
Kahlil took in a breath as the elevator reached the floor. This was bad, actually. If they were going to meet whoever was expecting a meeting, they must know the pair were fakes. Or, if the woman didn't, the person they would meet would. Though, there was an advantage to meeting this Mr. Henrich. The Knight glanced to [member="Kafh-en-ma-nofre"] and gave the boy a single nod. "Be ready for anything." He muttered softly before opening the door himself to the room the leader was in. Before he did, he nodded once to the lady.

"We'll take it from here. Thanks for showing us the way. Please, don't let us keep you."

[member="Anastacia Bootes"]

Anastacia Bootes

Mr. Henrich fixed his tie as he waited for the two businessmen to come. If he could pull this off, it would cement his position as the organizations top huncho. CEO for life, if you will. The question, of course, was if he could convince them. Particularly of the need that the research required...

Nonetheless, several aides worked to set up the holographic presentation - and ensured it was the highest quality possible. With a deep breath, the man stood near the door as he waited for the guests. A beep came from the watch on his wrist. They were almost here.

He cleared his throat, took a shot of scotch, and waited for the door to open.

But when it did open, the two men at the front were not the people he expected. He stared for a second as the lady left them.

"Who in the kark are you two?" He snarled, stepping back to get to the computers terminal to turn on the security alert. "Security!" He yelled.

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"] [member="Kafh-en-ma-nofre"]
Of course the businessman didn’t expect them, instantly calling out for security. Stepping towards his computer. Kafh would briefly glance over to Kahlil before igniting his lightsaber.

“By the gods, why does every mission we go on turn into a complete mess? I’m surprised we got this far before getting caught.” Kafh said as he looked over to the boss.

It seemed that things were about to get a whole lot more complicated.

“So any ideas teacher?” Kafh asked as he readied himself.

[member="Anastacia Bootes"]
[member="Kahlil Zambrano"]
Crap. Well. At least they didn't realize they were impostors till they made it inside. He quickly raised a hand, sending one of the chairs into the terminal Mr. Henrich was going towards, then moved his hand to the door they had come in to close it. "Keep the door closed as long as you can, Padawan. I'll quickly chat with our Mr. Henrich here." The Knight didn't pull out his saber, instead calmly sitting in one of the chairs at the table across from where the Boss would be sitting.

He waved a hand, pulling out the chair for Henrich through the Force. Best to intimidate him into something more peaceful, especially a criminal like this. "Please, sit. We have much to discuss."

Anastacia Bootes

The woman who had walked away heard the noise - and a scream? She turned around just as she door shut and pondered if that was a normal thing from the executive? She knew he was excited, after all, but... A suspicious feeling gnawed in her guts.

But in the room, Mr. Henrich tried his best to call security - too bad the chair smashed into the terminal, forcing the older man to stop in his tracks. He stared at it for a moment. How could this have gone so wrong? Where was the real executives? And why were these people let in? They should have been screened, at the least.

The Force, though. He knew at least one of them had it. Probably the other one. Excellent subjects, too - much better than the weaker ones they had.

He nearly growled as he stood next to the chair that was suddenly pulled out. He hesitated, but eventually sat. "What do you want, freak?"

[member="Kahlil Zambrano"] [member="Kafh-en-ma-nofre"]

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