Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another Character, Already? Need a Master!

Yup, I made another character! I figure that I wanted to have someone else other than Satyania when I am roleplaying so I can have two different perspectives at the same time!

So I'm looking for a Jedi Master whom can teach my Mandalorian in the ways of the force. She is a fast learner, so it might be easy to train her than others (of course it's not an overnight thing! Just the process of her training is sped up a bit) and well, yeah. Of course, she is on Wayland, and you know that planet. It's foresty and jungly, so it can be pretty dangerous n all. But why not? After all, I'm sure she'd probably be close to a nearby Mandalorian (from Mandalore) settlement or base or something like that. Either or, my character is force sensitive so yeah, master needed '-'. Sorry if her bio looks confusing and stuff, I was really tired when I was writing that and urgh. It just needs some minor repairs but yeah.

Her current age is when she is already an apprentice and all. Just need a startup story, master and all. :D

What I have planned for this character is to eventually have her drift off from the Jedi due to her ideal in her head, that Love is something that of the path to the True Light, or the pinnacle of the Light Side. I want a master whom shares a similar view, and share a strong bond with her, maybe help establish an order where it revolves around this idea? But this won't happen until much, much later where she has more established relations with other Jedi. This has to be some kind of experience growing up and such advancing in the Jedi order and all. So of course for now, she is loyal to the code of the Jedi. This is just what a future I really want with my character.

And yes... she's a little abnormal for a Mandelorian, since well... even though she's a brave warrior, she isn't... fierce n all. I'm sorry, I just wanted to try something new and refreshing.

But yes, if you are interested, just let me know! :3
Sereniama said:
So I'm looking for a Jedi Master


I've just always wanted to use that gif and this seemed appropriate. Best of luck, dear.


Disney's Princess

Wayland is located within Mandalorian Clan space. As such, I highly recommend you join the Mando Major Faction and get her active in all of their threads. Cheers! :D

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