Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Another bar, another body (Daxton)

Another planet, another job, and another bar. It was a good day in the life of Gundark, or good for him at least. He'd arrived on Kessel with a bounty, some lout had thought he could get away with stealing a ton of product from a local crime lord, turns out he was wrong. It had only taken a few days to find an idiot selling glitterstem at half its value to anyone who'd buy. Now he was a few thousand credits richer, and with a nice bonus for bringing back some product.

Now he was ready for a good drink, and a small mountain of food. The only problem was his usual problem, finding a place he could rest his four hundred, sixty five kilogram body. Turning his eyes to a corner booth he found the only full sized bench sturdy enough, and just his luck it was already taken by a group of toughs. The Cragmoloid walked over to the table slowly, his shadow falling over the entire group. "Gundark requires this table, find another."

It wasn't the most tactful way of putting anything, but growing up in gladiator arenas wasn't a good place to learn tact. It became quickly apparent though that the group of quite drunk toughs weren't very high on tact either as they chuckled amongst themselves. "Listen here, we're Hazen's boys, and in case you don't know the score round here he's the boss. So why don't you take your dumb ugly hide outta our bar before you can't."

Now most people never dealt with Cramoloids, but most who did knew them as a peaceful people who despite their size disliked violence. The mercenary before them was no such creature though, he was a monster, and a killing machine. With a sudden swing of his head he speared the tallest local with his long tusks, and knocked over the table. With a sudden motion he spun his head the other direction splattering the wall with blood and throwing off the dying tough towards his companions.

Reaching out with his hand he pulled an incredibly drunk woman off her seat, and looking the table full of stunned locals he stepped down on her chest. The crunch sound was immediate as a well of blood rushed through the cavity his weight had created. "Grundark thinks you should have already started to run." In an instance the table started to clear, and the blood splattered mercenary simply sat the the oversize booth as it groaned beneath his mass.

@[member="Daxton Bane"]
Daxton was watching the display from his table across the room, he didn't need the Force to see the aura of death and violence in the large morass of flesh. He knew from the stance and demeanor this would be an interesting find. Besides his contact hadn't showed up and he had gotten bored. Walking to the booth, he slipped into the empty space and looked at the other sentient with a dangerous grin on his face.

"You seem to have potential. Would you care to harness your power even further? You method is crude but effective but with my help you can achieve so much more, they would quake in fear at the mere mention of your name. Would you like that?"

The Cragmoloid looked up at Daxton from his seat in the bar, and considered his words. The mercenary wasn't a barbarian by nature, but he also didn't allow for disrespect it set a bad precedence. "Gundark doesn't require the fear of such fools, they are as unworthy of respect, as they are of breath. Grundark will hear your words though, a strong reputation brings greater pay in the galaxy. Why would a Zabrak offer such training though to a Cragmoloid? What does the Zabrak hope to gain?"

Reaching down the massive creature selected a few uneaten morsels, and quietly ate as he observed the man before him. The food was cold already, but he'd order something new. Gesturing for the man offering him lesson to sit Grundark reached over to the nearby dead tough and removed his credits and IDs. The dead had no need for such things anymore, and an ID could sell for more values then the credits themselves.

@[member="Daxton Bane"]
With a snap of his fingers Daxton summoned a server to bring them bottles of the most expensive alcohol and fresh hot food until the table was groaning beneath its weight.

"Why you ask? Fair enough. I see potential in you. Potential that has for the most part I assume living off the scraps of dogs like these. What I offer is an exchange. Stay with me as my guest and enjoy the bounty of which I can offer, accept my training and learn to maximize your potential and in return, all you need to do is help me with a few tasks here and there. Once you have gained all you need to know you are free to explore the galaxy at your whim if that is your desire."

"But of course, you might be asking yourself right now. Why not kill this fool and get his money? Surely he isn't that tough. You can try, in fact, I hope you do. But first let us eat and drink our fill and after that if you desire battle why not?"


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