Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ANNOUNCEMENT] The "Glory to the Order" Contest!

skin, bone, and arrogance

The First Order’s war against the Galactic Alliance has had its ups and downs. The First Order’s citizens have supported the war with enthusiasm since Kaeshana by enlisting for service in the armed forces, serving in factories and other civilian war effort, buying war bonds, and attending rallies in support of the Supreme Leader and the war effort.

But as in all wars, there is a limit. The people of the First Order are beginning to tire of war. The stories of death and destruction, the interruptions to their peaceful and prosperous lives, have taken their toll, and there is the beginning of a war weariness. War bond sales are slowing down. Recruitment has leveled off.

If left unattended, the situation could get desperate. The Supreme Leader has directed that a new propaganda campaign take place to reinforce loyalty, adoration, and devotion to the Supreme Leader, his government, and the war. Minister Petyr Calinda has opened the doors to the First Order’s finest to create propaganda for the war effort -- the best of which will receive the Ministry of Culture & Heritage stamp of approval and be published.



Announcement: May 7
Team Setups: May 7 - May 12
Official Team Signups: May 12 - June 2
Entries Accepted: June 2 - June 16
Staff Judging: June 16 - June 23
Faction Vote: June 23 - June 30
Prize Presentation: TBD (After June 30)


P A R T I C I P A T I O N . R U L E S

Each member may be on one (1) team with one (1) submission.
Each team may consist of a maximum of two (2) members.
Contestants must have been active members of the First Order faction on or before May 4, 2017 (subject solely to Faction Staff discretion).
Plagiarism will disqualify members from this and all future Faction contests.
One entry per person, per contest.


C O N T E S T . C A T E G O R I E S

  • Graphical
  • Text/Written
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Other?

Submissions will be judged on the following criteria (Faction Staff will rank on a 1-10 level and scores will be averaged to determine a ‘Best in Category’ winner):

Patriotic Inspiration - How enthusiastic will this make people about serving the First Order?
Lore Friendliness - Does it agree with the already-established lore of the First Order faction?
Effort & Polish - How much effort is apparent in your submission? Note: this is not “skill” necessary - think of it as enthusiasm and effort!
Originality - Is this a new approach to propaganda?



Each category will have a winner, chosen by which has the highest aggregated admin scores. Ties will be allowed for the category winners, but NOT for the GRAND MYSTERY PRIZES. Each Category Winner can choose ONE of the following prizes:

  • A custom location Codex submission, for a residence or other small facility on any First Order world, created for you by First Order staff
  • A custom weapon Factory submission, created for you by First Order staff
  • A custom starship Factory submission, created for you by First Order staff
  • A custom technology Factory submission, created for you by First Order staff

The MYSTERY GRAND PRIZES will be awarded following a faction vote, consisting of the following contenders:

  • Each of the “Category Winners”
  • One “Staff Pick” (decided by a majority vote of the staff)
  • Two “Popular Picks” - determined by nomination of the members.

Currently, the MYSTERY GRAND PRIZES are undetermined.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Carlyle Rausgeber said:
[member="Natasi Fortan"]

So, quick question. Can we do a combination of the two? Like, write an article with some pictures? Make a music video? Stuff like that?
It'll be like a 50%+1 standard. For example, if the main thrust of your submission is "an article" it will be counted as text. A music video would be a video, so that would be a video. If there's a static image on screen and audio, that can count as audio even if it's in a youtube 'video' for ease of submission purposes.

Please keep your questions coming! :)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I'm signing up as a team of one. I'd love to take a swing at this in my spare time, but wouldn't want to drag anyone down if I wind up not having any spare time.

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