Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Anima Divium

Anima Von Divium
-Love is the Key-
AGE; 13 galactic standard years.
SPECIES; Cyborg, originally human.
FACTION; Not Available.​
FORCE STATUS; Force Sensitive.
"I am an atheist because the worlds are beautiful enough by themselves. They flow with magic, science, and harmony. Everything is already interconnected. I need no religion to tell me this. Nature is more divine then any being ever will be. But I do not condone religion. If it makes the worlds more beautiful to you, then all is well. To me, the worlds' energies are all I need."
HEIGHT; 5 feet and 3 inches.
WEIGHT; 115 pounds.
EYE COLOR; Indigo.
HAIR COLOR; Raven/bluish black.
HAIR STYLE; Kept short and framed around face. Many often mistake the tendrils on her goggles as braided hair.
SKIN TYPE; Lightly tanned white, soft and smooth.
BODY STRUCTURE; Anima has a medium build, a decent amount of muscle, and long limbs.
"Politics are not for me. I am young, but not stupid. However the idea of discussing laws and economies over tea while thousands are in immediate need does not please me. I'd always prefer being at the front of the battle then leading it from behind."
PERSONALITY; Ms. Davium is a bright childe, and doesn't mind showing it off. To some she comes off as blunt and cold, when really she's just not aware of the tones she uses. Those that get used to the quirky kid realize she's very caring, loyal, and extremely protective of those she loves. However she does have a dark side. There are times where her emotions get the better of her, and she ends up doing something she regrets.
PERSONAL HISTORY; Born to two historians, the human girl was soon ushered into a simple life. Most days were spent quietly reading or watching lessons about the galaxy. Nothing really happened until they moved to the Coruscant undercity for a research project. For a while everything went fine, and Anima continued her studies as normal.
But shortly before her tenth birthday disaster struck. A minor gang kidnapped the girl while she was walking home, intending on holding her for ransom. Unfortunately her parents never got the notification, and eventually assumed she had died. Upset by not getting their money, the gang sold her into slavery, where she found herself heading to Nar Shaddaa. Two years passed as she went from master to master, acting as a maid or entertainment.
A Jedi once purchased her, and set her free soon after. Anima was now homeless, and considered following the Jedi in secret. Instead she ended up working as a slicer for a minor crimelord, trying to earn enough credits to get home.
Cybernetic Implants: When Anima was young her family outfitted her with tech that would later allow her to access the holonet with ease, be better at hacking, and automatically translate some of the more common languages. They also bought her the goggles she almost always wears, which allows the user to see in different types of light, along with helping the user target enemies/objects.
Sharp Mind: Having grown up the daughter of a historian, Anima learned plenty as a kid. Combined with her quick thinking, it makes her an excellent problem solver. Riddles are her favorite pastime, though there are only a few she hasn't figured out the answers to.
Reduced Endurance: Since the girl started smoking, her lungs have slowed down some. This had weakened her endurance, and she struggles to remain active for long periods of time.
Size: Anima happens to be a small person compared to most everyone else in the galaxy. This almost always gives someone else the height and weight advantage, along with preventing her from getting on the best rides at carnivals. (This does allow her to hide better, but it's mainly a weakness, as force users would still be able to sense her signature.)
HEALTH STATUS; Lungs are slightly deteriorated due to her smoking habits, eyesight is naturally off (which is why she has the goggles), and has a malfunctioning parietal lobe (meaning some of the signals her nerves tell her don't go through, and she doesn't always feel it when she's being touched). Besides these issues Anima is in good shape health wise.
"Hate me if you wish. For whatever reason you want, or for no reason at all. You are allowed your opinions, and I am allowed mine. But neither of us are supposed to take our opinions and shove them down someone's throat, for that would be quite rude. Whether or not you agree with me does not matter. You can stay on your side, and I shall stay on mine."
SHIP; She's 13, what do you think? (N/A)
HABITS; Thinking out loud, humming quietly, and giving everyone nicknames.
Not available at the moment.

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