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Work In Progress Ancient Rings of the Sangnir

Lili's Ring

  • Intent: To expand the lore of the Sangnir Species with ancients rings that can be utilized by sangnir players.
  • Image Source: Credit to Creator
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Narvardan Regenerator [Inspiration for Ancient Ring of Healing] Shapers of Kro Var [Inspiration for Ancient Rings of Elemental Projection and Protection]
  • Ancient Ring of Elements Protection: The Ancient Ring of Elements provides protection from the elements (Such as fire, water, wind, rain)
  • Ancient Ring of Elemental Projection: The Ancient Ring of Elemental Projection allows the user to control the elements (Such as fire, earth, water and air)
  • Ancient Ring of Fog: The Ancient Ring of Fog allows the user to create supernatural fog that can be used to attack or to shield from opponents.
  • Ancient Ring of Regeneration: The Ancient Ring of Regeneration allows the user to have incredible healing powers (healing from wounds and injuries in mere seconds)
  • Many Abilities: The Ancient Rings of the Sangnir come with many abilities that can help the user on the battlefield. Such has healing powers, creating supernatural fog that can shield and attack, provides protection from the elements, and allows the user to control the elements.
  • Alchemy: The Ancient Rings of the Sangnir were made with the Sangnir Version of Force Alchemy, better allowing them to survive if they are struck or attempting to be destroyed. It is extremely rare for the rings to be broken or shattered due to the durability enhancements made upon it.
  • Sangnir Ownership: The Ancient Rings of Sangnir can be worn by other people, but only a sangnir can access its effects due to Ancient Highblood Enhancements made upon it while they were being forged. This acts as a safeguard incase the ring is stolen from them and if an opponent attempts to use the power within against them.
  • Still Breakable: The Ancient Rings of the Sangnir might have become more durable with alchemy, but they can still be shattered and broken given enough damage taken to them. Which presents a weakness because an opponent might destroy the rings, thus robbing the sangnir of useful abilities that they can use on the battlefield. Even if one of the gemstones are broken, the power will be lost within the ring thus leaving it nothing more than a glorified piece of jewelry.
  • Conjuration Time: The Ancient Rings of the Sangnir have a conjuration time, for the abilities that are within. Meaning that a person who has casted elemental protection will be unable to conjure it again for a short amount of time. Although this conjuration time doesn't extend to if the user switches from one ring to another in the midst of combat. Which means that while one ring is down, they can still use the other rings abilities that have their own recharge rate. Although the user still has to concentrate to actually use the power, which might make them vulnerable in combat.
  • The Force: The Ancient Rings provide no protection from the force due to being made in an era where the force wasn't so well established as it is now and can be destroyed by either a highly powerful light side ability or a highly powerful dark side abilities. So the user must be careful when engaging with a powerful force user on the battlefield, because they have a chance of robbing them of a power source with a timed force ability.

The Ancient Rings of the Sangnir otherwise known as the Ancient Rings of the Highbloods are a set of rings that were crafted to have a variety of different abilities within them. The First Set of Rings were crafted by the Head Forgemaster Etherand Valenvo, a lowblood within the sangnir social structure that managed to climb up the ladder of the Hellmuth Artisans, an infamous guild of craftsman and merchants that provided servants and thralls, along with luxury goods to the Highblood of the Sangnirs. They had been made by a specialized forge that utilized anima and the force to provide the sangnir species more specifically the Highbloods with jewelry that could conjure different abilities on the battlefield which can prove useful if the sangnir is facing more than one opponent because he can conjure an ability, while also watching the battlefield ahead for a danger and better respond to his opponents movements. With the First Set of Ancient Rings being crafted and made into what they are now, the Head Forgemaster Valenvo would take his creations to the Adaghast Tower within the walled city of Tar Visari to present them personally to the Nine Seats of the Highblood Council, which established dominion over the Ancient Civilization of the Sangnirs. The Seats looked down upon him as he entered into their council chamber, as he was only a lowblood within a room of highbloods which was against the social structures established by the Ancient Sangnirs to control their lesser kin in there eyes. Forgemaster Valenvo wasn't bothered by their questions or accusations that he was doing this simply for personal gain, explaining his creations to each of the Nine Seats and reserving his judgement and final push for verification from the First Seat of the Highblood Council. The Councilors debated between themselves with arguments being thrown left and right across the chamber, but with a raised hand from the First Seat, these arguments would be ceased and they could focus on the matter at hand fully without judgement or bias.

The First Seat was by far the most ancient and powerful of the Sangnir Highbloods, having been the mightiest and strongest and thus held dominion over the Ancient Civilizations. Being the uncrowned King of the Sangnirs gave him a lot of weight to push the creation process forward after testing out the rings upon himself and a few unfortunate thralls. The First Seat sent away the Forgemaster Valenvo to produce more of the rings for the rest of the Nine Seats of the Highblood Council. Working day and night within his workshop, Valenvo had produced only 15 rings before succumbing to the red hunger and turning feral. The Highblood Council took the finished rings for themselves and when they were killed by the Second Seat Vestus Aldemaine the rings were buried with them within tombs and crypts. No more rings were made and they were the last of their kind as none was able to replicate the process that Valenvo used to create them. These rings would then pass on to galactic history, revealing stories of powerful sangnirs that had majestic rings of power that adorned their fingers. Many of these rings have been made into forgeries under the title of "Vampiric Rings" with the true rings being undiscovered, although you can tell a true ring from a fake ring by the adornments and figures upon its bands. Which date back to the Ancient Civilization of the Sangnirs.

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