Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Ancient Cults And Ruins


"If they could be anywhere, we'll have to follow what we can see. .. well I guess what I can see." Not sure exactly what they could and couldn't see in the Force, at least like she could. And that was deeper in, at that. The colors, the people deeper in. Time to see what that was about. Saber up in hand she motioned the way forward before.. Right. They couldn't see it. She lead the way forward.

"Let's see what these people are up to first, I guess."

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand


Deeper within they went. Maze or not, it was easy for Iris to keep track of where they needed to go. The colors deeper in guided her. People guided her. They were.. Celebrating? Probably celebrating, if the brightness were anything to go by. She paused outside the door just in the room, listening in as she could. They were full on celebrating. Just cracking open the door was enough to listen in.

Short of it, they thawed a couple of the original assassins. Found a process that worked. The couple being the ones they'd already run into. And now they were getting ready to thaw out the rest. Iris gripped her saber, glancing over to the two.

Yeah, that wasn't going to be alright. Six within. .. Kids? They seemed like kids. Well, around Iris's age but they clearly were college students so.. Kids.

"Alright, we clear out this place. Bring them in for questioning before they start waking up anyone else. Good?"

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand
Starlin grinned and nodded. "How about we just stun mine them all?"

As Miri (and presumably Iris) gave him a confused look, he explained, "I can make a stun mine. It's like a mine, but it stuns whoever steps on it."

"Wouldn't you have to lure them outside for that to work?" Miri asked. "They're in a much better tactical position as long as they stay inside."

"Yeah, well, they look like college students. They're probably not very bright. We could create some bait and lure them out, they step on the mine, and we either take them all out that way, or at least enough to make things more manageable."



Iris gave the confused look. Mostly because she didn't think they brought that kind of gear down with them. Why would they? But.. It was a good idea. By the colors they probably didn't even realize they were under attack. And what little gear they had on the nearby table, they probably didn't even know how to use. The first person who was shooting on them barely seemed to know how to handle that kind of rifle.

"Fine, do it. I'll just dress up in one of those outfits and tell them the systems are failing and they need to wake up the others now."

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand
"Oh." Starlin smiled sheepishly and shrugged it off. "Okay."

While Iris suited up, Starlin prepared his stun mines. Slicing open his palm, he let the blood drip near the entrance to the room, forming scarlet runes upon the floor. "My life is mine to keep... Ashla, put my enemies to sleep!" he whispered, imbuing the blood with his power. The runes glowed briefly before fading from view.

"All set. You do your thing."



Pull on the dark suit, fit on the mask, and everything was pretty much handled. The mask was primative for sure. Barely had any functions. At least compared to the one she used for her other activities. She frowned just a bit as she watched Starlin's trick. Blood magic was the only term that came to mind. The chant, the bloodletting. If not for the fact the colors weren't dark she'd of assumed Sith.

Something to ask about, later.

Mask on she threw open the door once the other two were in place.

"Oi! Containment's failing! Get to work on waking up the others!"

The college kids stared blankly for a moment, watching her. At first, Iris was about to scratch the whole planned trap and just strike out. Just for a moment that crossed her mind. Then, she realized why. Room smelled terrible. They were drinking. And spice. They were doing spice.

Kids these days.

The moment for it to settle in passed before they practically scrambled to their feet and started running for the door. Iris stepped to the side, letting them past and run towards the trap.

That worked.

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand
Taking cover along with Miri on either side of the door, Starlin got a big whiff of booze and spice as soon as Iris opened the door. He fought the urge to cough or inhale lest it alert the drugged-out college kids on the other side.

For a few moments, it seemed like their plan wasn't working. But then a stampede of footsteps headed for the door, and poof! The stun mine went off. Down they went, dropping like flies.

Starlin stepped in to wrangle anyone who might've escaped the mine's radius, using the Force to knock them out. Thus did he, Iris and Miri find themselves surrounded by the bodies of unconscious young adults.

"Well, that was surprisingly easy," he said, reaching down to pick one up in a fireman's carry. "Off we go, then."



"Sometimes all it takes is a well thought out plan."

Was it well thought out? Mostly. And it certainly worked. Iris glanced between those unconscious before letting out a sigh. Time for some leg work. She took up one of her own, fully intending to bring every one of them to the surface. There were questions to ask, arrests to file properly. A way to figure out what happened below and who exactly knew how to revive this cult.

Lots of Shadow business she wasn't going to talk about. At least not with Miri there.

"So.." She dropped the last of the bodies off, tied up, in the shuttle. "What's this about the party?"

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand

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