Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private An unforeseen meeting

Location: Dromund Kaas
Valery: Appearance
Ship: Factory link
Thousands of years ago, when Valery was first active in the Galaxy, she couldn't have imagined setting foot on this planet the way she was able to now. The former heart of the Sith Empire had gone through a lot during her time in stasis, and since the Sith Empire collapsed in the region, its dark history was largely left to forces of nature and the occasional visitors.
One such visitor was her reason for traveling to this corrupted world today. A Sith Lord known as Darth Vaestys had been one of her targets for some time now. He held a particular interest in ancient Sith relics, especially those able to help him grow his own power. With Dromund Kaas being an almost endless source of them, it was only a matter of time until his path would lead him there.
What he didn't know, however, was that a Jedi Shadow had been tracking him.
Chapter I: Target Neutralized
Valery looked down at the man as he crawled back over the rocky ground of the dark cavern, trying to get away from the orange-eyed woman whose twin blades were ignited, and drawn down at her sides. His own lightsaber lay shattered on the floor, his body was covered by smaller cuts Valery had landed to disable her opponent, and the woman's fiery gaze made it clear that she was going to end it. It was over, and while he likely realized this deep down, he refused to acknowledge it.
So in a final act of defiance, in tandem with a loud scream of hatred, the Sith unleashed a stream of lightning towards the woman. Valery immediately stopped walking and crossed her two blades in front of her to catch the lightning.
"It's over. May you find peace within the Force," she said before she quickly accelerated, pushing back the lightning until she reached the man's body. She stared down into his eyes one last time, and with a final sweep of purple plasma, the lights went out.
Standing beside the body, Valery sighed before she returned the lightsabers to the clips on each side of her belt. Her mission was largely accomplished now - only the artifact deeper within the cavern remained.
"I'll be out of here fairly soon," she said to herself as she began to walk forward.
The art of dancing in the light
"And once again you've led me into the ancient world of the Sith. I could give you a pat on the back and even a candy bar..."

Said the girl in a low voice, walking quietly around the ancient marshes filled with lichens and lance-like flowers. On the whole, the atmosphere of this planet
differed from the rest with it's mystical calm... A state of untimely slumber in which Kaas City and other forms of social structures resided...
Everything seemed to be frozen in a single moment and only the occasional glint of the ancient sun revealed pages of profound history long hidden in the shadows of the temples...

"This planet was part of the Old Sith Empire... So no need to thank me. You yourself said you liked the atmosphere, something akin to your lonely existencer lonely existence as a child. I don't like rummaging through other people's thoughts, but I know that something draws you through beautiful creations of mother nature towards something or someone.
But as always, don't say I didn't think of it or sorry you didn't tell me! Don't forget the power of your intellect and feelings and then you'll feel better...
Even without me..."

After many hours of travelling through the vile swamps of the planet, the girl finally felt warmth in her heart...It was as if she had discovered a kind of beating heart of force..
Whoever or whatever it was, her power sought there and forgetting all the rules of etiquette, self-defence and everything else that allowed to place Nerin in the category of
of highly cultured intelligent human beings accelerated her stride, which turned into a run.

The fumes emanated from the ground making running a rather difficult ode, for a body that had never been professionally trained in the arts of either the Sith or the Jedi... Sas on her own.
Burning with life and hope her fiery eyes looked into the distance...Where the vaults of the ancient temple began to appear...And then she was almost there...

And at that moment she hits with all her might against something warm and solid...

And falls down on the floor..

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Dromund Kaas
Valery: Appearance
Ship: Factory link
Stepping further into the ancient Sith structure, Valery eventually found the chamber with the relic that the Sith had been after. It was a mask, utterly corrupted by the Dark Side. She didn't know what would happen if one were to wear the mask, but she had no intentions of finding out. Instead, she shielded herself against the invasive ripples of darkness that radiated from the relic and stepped closer.
The Force within her began to grow stronger with each passing moment until she channeled it into the palm of her hand in its purest state - Light. After several blasts of this withering light-side energy, the corruption had been purged completely, and nothing remained of the ancient Sith relic.
Her mission was completed.
But as she began to move back through the structure, she sensed a strange presence in the Force. Whether it was Light or Dark remained to be seen, but she was going to be cautious. This world was more likely to attract Sith or other dangerous individuals.
Moving around a corner to get back towards the entrance, she suddenly felt someone knocking on her. Valery stumbled back a step and blinked while a woman fell to the ground. It was the source of the presence she had felt earlier.
"Who are you and why are you here?" Valery asked as she looked down at the woman.
"This is not a safe place to be."
The art of dancing in the light
Hitting the cold floor full of dirt and sand the girl clutched her head a little as it took the brunt of the blow and rubbed it with her hands she looked up in surprise at the figure of the Jedi master standing before her and still sittingshe replied in a slightly quieter voice...

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you... It's just that when I was walking through the swamps... For some reason unknown to me a force directed me here and I ran as fast as I could...and as a result you I stumbled upon you...and it became clear that you were the force that was pulling me."

Noticing that the colour of the Jedi's eyes was also fiery Neryn more confidently began to slowly stand up on her feet during which she said

"My name is Naivia Neryn. I travel the galaxy hoping to understand the force and love it in all its forms... And so I am... "

The girl hesitated as she was uncomfortable saying such things about herself...

"I.. I've been a total loner for over ten years and I still travel on my own..

The girl was completely unarmed...

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Dromund Kaas
Valery: Appearance
Ship: Factory link
Valery's orange gaze narrowed slightly while she looked down at the woman, who slowly began to rise up to her feet. She felt no intentions from her to cause harm, and she was unarmed. So similarly, Valery did not draw her weapons and simply nodded in response.
"I'm Jedi Master Valery Noble." the brunette began after Naivia introduced herself.
"But there is nothing to love about this place. It's corrupted by darkness to where life itself has been twisted into unnatural things. I don't know why the Force guided you towards me, but I highly suggest you depart from this planet. The usual visitors aren't so kind, and may try to harm you."
Valery then looked around and extended her senses, wanting to make sure that Naivia wasn't followed here. Or worse, that she was followed by someone.
"Since you got here, I assume you have a ship to get out as well?"
The art of dancing in the light
Neryn was surprised that her calculations were confirmed and that a true Jedi Master was standing in front of her.
Although by such a mighty body structure one could already tell at once who was in front of her.
When she heard the question about her arrival she tried to calm down and answered with more or less conviction.

"I was on a merchant ship which was as close as possible to the planet I needed. I was able to pay for an entire module before that and at the right moment I made my way into the airlock area and boarded one of the
evacuation modules that took me to the planet's surface. At most it can take off into orbit, but it's no good at travelling long distances even if I play with the technical stuffing."

After which Neryn looked around thoughtfully and said

"No one followed me, at least not until I sensed that the source of the power I was seeking was very near."

The girl stood next to Master Jedi waiting for her to go to the exit and started thinking out loud...

"Death is also a natural part of the evolution and evolution of matter throughout the cosmos. The power of darkness in one way or another can encompass matter as well as many other branches into which
intelligent life divides the cosmic force. In order to survive in the Sith world one must be able to sense things ahead of time..."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Dromund Kaas
Valery: Appearance
Ship: Factory link
Valery sighed softly at the explanation as to how the woman got here. There was a reason not many wanted to land on this world, so taking a ship that couldn't get back up to come down here was... dangerous to say the least. The brunette then raised a hand up through her hair and gave it some thought.
"Sensing danger or threats ahead of time is not the problem." she then finally said.
"But you seem to have another kind of problem - how do you plan to get out of here? It's unlikely you'll find a ship here, or someone willing to take you out. I would offer but my ship is a one-seater."
Valery walked out of the cavern and studied her surroundings for a moment, again to make sure no threats were in the area. Her orange gaze then returned to the woman, "I can try to arrange a way out of here for you, but it may take some time. Unless you had other plans for your stay here?"
she paused again.
"Why were you trying to find me anyway? I understand you felt drawn to me, but do you have any idea why?"
The art of dancing in the light
Neryn was aware of the situation she found herself in. She had no opportunity to leave the planet as she had come with the hope that the source of power that draw her so strongly would turn out to be something amazing... But she hadn't expected it to exceed her imagination..

The girl looked closely at Valery and answered in a somewhat quieter voice...

"I.. I can't exactly say, but I think there's something about your eyes..that's got me... I can't explain why, but it is what it is..."

And after a couple of seconds she added

"And please forgive me for making you worry. Surely there's a way to hook that module onto your ship... And I can do that... But I don't know if you want to have another failure like me with you"

The girl was confused, she was fighting very different forces: sentience and strange feelings that came from nowhere...
Which making her gaze into those fiery eyes as if they were the only stars in the whole galaxy for her.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Dromund Kaas
Valery: Appearance
Ship: Factory link
Valery listened to the girl and her expression slowly began to soften, "My eyes, hm?" she chuckled and looked around the area again, still not comfortable with the idea that she came to Dromund Kaas of all places without a ship or equipment to properly protect herself in case of hostilities.
After a moment, she looked back.
"Don't call yourself a failure. Mistakes are the catalysts of growth." she said with a soft smile, "If you can take me to where your module landed, I'll be able to take a better look and fly my ship over. Either I'll attach your module and fly you out of here, or I'll get help to do it."
"I'm not going to leave you behind on this planet, but I will need your help and trust. Only then, I can keep you safe while we work on getting out of here."
"Sound like a plan?"
The art of dancing in the light
Neryn blushed lightly in response and looked away embarrassed and said a little more quietly...

"W...well the body is...not bad either..."

"Ah...yeah....will try not to blame myself. Thank you very much...Yes of course I can show you where my unit is, it's about a twenty to thirty minute walk.
It's a bit boggy, but it's a pretty dry road in general."

Said Neryn, thus trying to let Valery know that the way is not difficult but rather safe and atmospheric.
Hearing that the girl was ready to help her her fiery eyes shone with stars and she jumped merrily on her place and said with excitement

"Yes, I'm ready to help in any way I can!"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Dromund Kaas
Valery: Appearance
Ship: Factory link
Valery blinked as the girl jumped up and down from excitement - it almost seemed strange given the planet they were on. But she figured that Naivia had been alone for quite some time, so she just smiled and gestured for the girl to lead the way. Valery would walk beside her, keeping her eyes and senses open for anything dangerous to appear.
But with a long walk ahead, she decided to make some conversation as well.
"You're not a Jedi or Sith, but I can feel your connection to the Force." Valery began as her orange eyes turned to the girl. "You mentioned that you're trying to learn more about the Force by traveling, but for what higher purpose?" she asked. "Jedi learn to use the Force to protect others, to serve its will and bring balance. Sith make use of it as a tool to gain power."
She turned her gaze forward again.
"What do you do with the knowledge you acquire?"
The art of dancing in the light

"I think the answer lies within ourselves... The basis of our harmonious existence is in the power... That's why I don't have a definite purpose... I'm something of a keeper of a valuable artifact... I don't fully understand it, but my heart's desire is to help others understand it... and spread his word around the world... I think that's the best explanation... To love the Force as yourself and become one with it as you and your body parts, everyone understands it differently. I through a journey across the galaxy... Some through finding the person he loves..."

At the last sentence Neryn blushed a little

" Anyway, there's power in everything! T.. That's what matters! "

Soon the arrived at the sight of the module which looked just fine, one seat with only few sides darkened by the quick fly down other then that the entire system was as perfect as new.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Dromund Kaas
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Ship: Factory link
Valery listened to the woman's words as they walked towards the module she had landed with. While she didn't fully understand this woman's purpose, she found herself more in the latter part of what she said - Valery had also learned much more about the Force through her boyfriend, who had now fallen to the Dark Side.
But he still gave her a greater purpose in many ways.
"I suppose so," she said in response to the last thing Naivia said.
Valery smiled softly and then turned her gaze to the module, "Hmm.."
she hummed to herself and decided to go for a walk around it, taking a better look. "Well, it's rather small so I think I can secure it to my ship and pull you along. But it's not going to be a very comfortable ride for you, I think."
She stepped back around and looked at Naivia, "Is there any planet or place I can take you to? I don't know if you have a home or place you often go back to?"
The art of dancing in the light
In response, Neryn silently ran her hand over the cockpit of the module and tried to calculate the possible parameters of how she would function and feel in the air and with a calm smile replied to Valery

"I don't have a home in the sense of a permanent residence. I'm always flying somewhere... But... "

Then the girl got a little quiet.

"I'd rather fly with you... "

Then she tried to explain her position in simple words, without going too deep into what was probably going on inside her heart

"It's just that you're a very interesting person: you have a beautiful appearance, sweet voice, you're a follower of many positive things and with you I am much safer and not so boring!"

Having said all that, though her face became a little more red, she was generally triumphant about their future together, completely forgetting that they had only just met in person.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Dromund Kaas
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Ship: Factory link
Valery stopped circling around the module and looked at Naivia as she spoke. She tilted her head lightly and let out a soft breath before she began to speak. "I can take you somewhere safe, but staying with me is going to be difficult. I have a dangerous job and in many cases, I must work alone," she said whilst studying the woman's reaction.
"If you want to be around people such as myself, I urge you to come with me to one of the Jedi Temples. Or at least, to Alliance or Silver Jedi territory. There are many more out there like me." she said with a soft smile.
"But first, let's get away from this planet. We can talk more elsewhere - this isn't a good place to be. If you stay here with the module, I'm going to get my ship and hook it up. We'll be out of here before you know it, alright?"
The art of dancing in the light
"Afraid something might happen to me?"
Neryn asked and with a sweet laugh examined the module more closely and imagining how it would all work nodded to herself as a
representation of the process in her mind and its high success rate.
After that she heard a couple of recommendations from Valery on how to find Jedi like her, she replied with a disgruntled face and replied.

"Only with you, no questions asked! I really like it with you, I really do!"
The girl, though blushing, looked happy. She took Valery's hand and stood by her hand for a while dreaming about something and then with a nod she added

"Come on! Be careful and don't be afraid of anything, I'm here for you!" And laughing she began to climb into the module, wearing special clothes for emergencies, which were left inside the small ship.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Dromund Kaas
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Ship: Factory link
Valery stepped away from the module but without taking the woman's hand - she wasn't one to do such things unless necessary. Being overly close and physical was reserved for the few people she developed greater bonds with. "Something bad will certainly happen if untrained Force-sensitives tag along on my assignments. But I also have to work alone often enough and bringing along others brings unnecessary responsibility." she said without adding too much detail to it.
She then waited for the woman to get inside the module. She performed a last check to make sure there were no visible fractures or signs of damage that could endanger the other. But finding nothing, she would begin the short walk back towards her X-wing.
After getting inside and firing up the engines, she flew over and landed just outside the module, allowing her to begin hooking it up to her ship. But one question still remained - where was she going to bring the woman to?
"Alright, I got your module hooked up." Valery called out after wrapping up.
"Unless you want to go elsewhere, I'm going to bring you along to the Jedi Praxeum on Ossus. It's the closest place I know is safe. You can take shuttles from there to travel wherever you wish to go on your journey. Does that sound acceptable?"
The art of dancing in the light
When the module was up in the air and Neryn was already in her suit she cautiously switched on the whole system and began to investigate possible points i.e. planets she would visit in the future. There were many options, but overall the chance of meeting interesting personalities was as always very high.

Afterwards the girl heard Valery's voice telling her where her module would take her. After thinking about all the alternative roads and ways, she still decided to follow the main option and calmly replied

"Yeah sure, whatever you feel most comfortable and relaxed about."

And turning on a higher supply of oxygen began to think about the wide range of problems that had arisen as a result of this encounter. One was the lack of a starship of my own to acquire. The second was the lack of a lightsaber, which by the way she had, but had been left somewhere on her home planet and it was a good idea to get one. And the last was to ask Singing Fire about other sources of power that would help Neryn adjust her itinerary for the next couple of weeks and reduce the cost of food, clothing and everything needed for a lonely girl's wanderings between ice and fire.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Dromund Kaas
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Ship: Factory link
Valery smiled softly at the girl's answer and tapped the side of the module, "Alright, sit tight then. The journey to Ossus won't be long but it might get a little bumpy getting through the storm and out of the atmosphere here." Valery said before walking over to her X-wing again.
She climbed aboard and booted up all her systems before she gradually increased the engine power. It was quite a heavy module to carry for a single starfighter, so she had to proceed slowly and carefully. But after a few moments, Naivia would feel the module tremble as it slowly came off the ground.
The path continued up into the sky, through the stormy cloud of Dromund Kaas and eventually, through the planet's atmosphere. It would be a little bumpy, as Valery mentioned earlier, but the relatively slow speed at which they moved made it bearable. Once they reached the vacuum of space, however, all bumps were gone, replaced by a smooth drifting.
"Alright, we're going to make the jump," Valery said through her communications device.
And with that, the two jumped into hyperspace, bound for Ossus where Naivia would hopefully be able to truly begin her path.
The art of dancing in the light
Neryn felt completely calm and confident in the hands of a fairly experienced Jedi and pilot too.
Her soul was clear of doubts and fears, she realised that perhaps amongst the dozens of different encounters and encounters she would always
find that little creed, that little island of truth on which she would gradually come closer to the understanding of the Force that
Singing Fire is trying to impart to her, and by which he can begin to do things with more confidence and joy than
blind service , and already as a true Guardian of the Force .

Her hands grew a little warmer with impatience and the girl smiled sweetly and said to Valery through her communications

"I will surely remember you and hope that Force will accompany every decision you make, good and bad."

Afterwards the girl covered her eyes to relax a little from the constant dance of life, thus letting her head once more plunge into the well of time and
in a trance-like state to start travelling through the planets that the girl would still need to visit in the future.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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