Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Unexpected Visitor: Tracking Talent Pt. 2 (Primeval)

Surprisingly, instead of going straight for his blaster to dispose of her, whether it was an attempt or a success, he asked her a simple question as that. Almost caught off guard by the simplicity of things Keira paused for a long moment, unsure of exactly how to answer his question. It was evident he didn't expect an easy answer, but she didn't intend to give him one. Instead she let her hand fall loosely to her side, speaking, "Someone who doesn't intend to let you walk out of here with her," she nodded towards the unconscious Zeltron, "Whether that involves you being able to leave here by yourself with or without assistance is up to you." The threat was more subtle, but spoken all the same.

With a quiet exhale she stretched out towards the man's presence with the ethereal tendrils of the Force, unsurprised as she touched on a dark presence, a part of her surprised at just how twisted it was. Nothing about it revealed his intentions per se, but from both his finger's position on the weapon she could tell he was halfway between taking her with him and aiming to kill. She didn't intend to let either option transpire. "How about you lower your weapon, and we talk things out? I'll go first, if it puts you at ease." Reaching down, she unhooked her lightsaber from her belt and set it down on the floor, kicking it behind her.

If necessary she could call the weapon back into her hand at a whim, and he most likely knew that. But if it dissuaded him from firing, then so be it. "Who is it you are, then?"

[member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Jorda Ulluto"]
Her diplomatic attitude was a bit of a surprise. He didn't expect her to react so lightly after he just stunned what he could only assume to be a compatriot. "I'm a concerned benefactor.", he spoke calmly whilst still remaining ready for a potential fight. His patience began to waver as time went by, the remote slicer could be activated at any moment but he would wonder if that'd concern her. Perhaps he could use it as a distraction and stun her as well; but carrying two people would be no easy feat.

[member="Jorda Ulluto"] [member="Keira Ticon"]
By his actions earlier she knew he was anything but, and had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes at the explanation. "Sure, sure. And I'm a Republic Jedi." While he might not have understood the irony in that comment, she knew it all too well, as evident by the wry smile that formed on her lips. If he really was who he said he was, well, then she might have just complicated things. But, thankfully, Keira was smarter than that, unfortunately for the one who stood before her, as he would soon learn.

"Let's cut past the small talk and get to what it is you really want. In case the thought never crossed your mind, you're on Antecedent, base of operations for the Red Ravens. Any 'concerned benefactor' usually ends up being a bounty hunter who's looking to make a few good credits, or an assassin sent to take out anyone involved in the operation. So, if you aren't going to tell me why it is you're really here, then I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Unless you want me to help you out, in which case stay right where you are." Her idea of diplomacy definitely wasn't what most considered typical, but it was better than what usually passed for it among the criminal underworld.

If she bought enough time, the stun effect would wear off, and then there would be two people he'd have to concern himself with. Provided she could keep him talking, and that was exactly what she intended to do, none of this would have to continue. "But if you're going to shoot me, get it over with. I don't like to be kept waiting."

[member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Jorda Ulluto"]
Catalys' personality changed the moment she mentioned 'Jedi', and immediately went to activate the remote slicer. An alarm sounded near the opposite end of the hall, alerting locals of a potential break-in. Taking the chance he fired his stun towards the Jedi. Despite not being fully charged, it would last three to five minutes at best. Hit or miss he had to take his chances and turned towards Jorda with the stock end of his rifle, knocking her out cold. The shrill sound of his boots scrapping on the floor was matched by the equally loud grunt he released in the motion as he turned back, hoping to see the Jedi stunned.

[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Jorda Ulluto"]
Apparently, the J word didn't sit well with him. But it rarely did with anyone, so that was no surprise. It seemed that no one would ever quite grasp the fact that she wasn't, indeed, a Jedi in the ordinary sense. Or at all, depending on what one's point of view was. Not many took the time to really scrutinize things, as they were usually too busy with their blasters pointed at her when she mentioned it. Oh, what the life of a rogue was like.

When the alarm went off, the thought of, "Well, it's about time," crossed her mind, and she didn't have time for anything else once the man fired. The alarm having momentarily distracted her, the lightsaber didn't quite make it into her palm, falling to the ground a few meters short once the stun bolt made contact. Whoever this man was, he was going to be sorry once she woke up, that much she'd make certain of. The only question was where exactly she would be, or who she would be en route to, when that occurred.

[member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Jorda Ulluto"]
The stun seems to be the only weapon in his arsenal to get anything done. It's Nar Shaddaa allover again; the only thing he could think about was when he had to carry a two-hundred plus pound lizard on his back. There wasn't any time to try and figure out his next move. He went to the unconscious [member="Jorda Ulluto"] and lifted her onto his back, Catalys had exceptional strength, even for his size. There really wasn't much choice he supposed, two options remained... He could attempt to carry the both of them on his back and get out of the place discreetly before Guards showed up or he could carry the one he has on him now and hope the Jedi follows.

Neither posed much success, but at the very least he had one. Aware that the Jedi was probably still conscious he walked by her. "If you want your friend to live, you'll come to the docking station alone. Fail to do so, and she will die." With his unkind words spoken he maneuvered himself towards the Elevator, heading down to walk past the still distracted doorman. Perhaps carrying people on your back wasn't much of a surprise. People seemed to have been celebrating something since he arrived and whether or not that would work with him was yet to be seen. Confidence is a double-edged sword. On one it creates arrogance and complacency, on the other it creates courage. Nonetheless his most important task was navigating the crowd and heading back to the small starship he arrived in, eager to complete his mission and be granted the insatiable praise he desires. The Primeval was not necessarily a place where personal ambition was prominent but one would be lying to say they never thought of using their religion as a tool for political gain. Not everyone was afraid of [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] and Catalys Maijora was one of them. The agents were given the luxury of personal freedom so that they were capable of operating alone.

The towering complexes of apartments, casinos, bars, and nightclubs lined the ever-expanding cityscape before him. The crowds were just as cheerful as before, not what he'd expected; usually one gets drunk and goes home. The strain of carrying an adult woman began to take a tool on his back. A few people gave an odd look but no one had tried to anything, yet. It was his guess that these weren't necessarily an unusual sight. Perhaps more likely with billions of people it becomes meaningless to think too much on a single's actions. His thoughts mattered not but they were spinning, revolving around ideas that manifested them into thoughts projected as alternate reality itself. Those brief reflections halted when he turned the corner to the docking bay, the Jedi was probably close behind him at this point and surely his captive would come too. The bay door on his ship protracted towards the steelcrete surface, a hissing sound of pressurized air escaping evaporated into the fumes of the city air. He laid her down on the slope before climbing into the ship momentarily and comign back out with a pair of metallic cuffs, the tight fit would constrict her wrists behind her back.

Catalys prepared his rifle.

"Ready when you are, Jedi."

[member="Keira Ticon"]
The stun bolt would have kept the average person unconscious for five minutes or more, even with the low charge. But Keira was anything but average. Through aid of the Force she was able to claw her way back to consciousness, muttering a string of curses in Old Corellian, standing after a moment and pulling her lightsaber into her palm through the same ethereal tendrils, flicking the hilt around her fingers. She only spent a moment deliberating before making her way down the halls to the docking bay, the man’s warning flashing briefly through her mind. Oh, she’d come alone. Even then she was sure she would be a match for him.

Once she was halfway down the hall she thumbed the ignition switch, the blade humming into existence. Normally, she wouldn’t have ignited it only once she reached the ship, in order to not alarm any bystanders, but this was no time for discrepancies. In most to all situations such as this her blade was her life, and she knew this would be no exception to the rule. Especially since the man was bold enough to abduct a member of the Red Ravens right in the middle of the casino, with hundreds present to bear witness to the act. But she was just as daring as he seemed to be, given the environment she had lived in.

Arriving at the ship, she stopped a few meters short, knowing full well what a well-trained soldier was capable of with a blaster rifle in their hands. “I’m a Jedi just as much as you are a concerned benefactor. Fight or leave, but know that whichever option you choose you won’t be walking out of here on your own. I’m already curious as to how well this blade of mine will cut through that armor of yours.” As if to emphasize the statement she twirled the blade with a flick of her wrist, shifting her feet in preparation for a fight. Shien had been one of the first lightsaber forms she was taught back when she still resided at the Temple, and it came in handy with deflecting blaster bolts. And she knew that this time, he would be shooting to kill.

A part of her was surprised that no one else had intervened just yet, but she supposed that similar occurrences weren’t exactly unusual on the city-world. Though they were known as many things, the Ravens were still a crime syndicate, and many most likely supposed that this was just someone else claiming a bounty. The only unusual thing about it was the fact that the pursuer, being herself, carried a lightsaber.

At least this time it wasn’t a sniper she had to deal with. She’d learned just how deadly they could be back on Barab I, and wasn’t too keen on reliving the same experience over again. Back then they had all narrowly escaped, and that was plenty enough for her. But this one seemed to be more of an upfront fighter, just as she was. So be it. That would be his first mistake. Even though her training in the art of saber combat wasn’t as good as it could have been, she still had an advantage over any opponent with a blaster.

Her only direct response to his last statement was a crooked grin as she spoke, “Catch me if you can.”

[member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Jorda Ulluto"]
Taking two steps back, Catalys' left foot brushed up against the sloping ramp leading into the ship's interior. On it laid [member="Jorda Ulluto"] who was surely coming to by this point. The influx of ships overheard blended into the unintelligible blather of city's people walking off in the distance. The epilogue was surely near, a Jedi with her lightsaber and an agent of The Primeval. Last time he faced a Jedi was on Nar Shaddaa, such memories began surging into his thoughts but this time he wouldn't have a concussion grenade to finish the job. Even if he did the sudden flash of light along with the loud and unmistakable explosion could trigger unwanted attention; he had already lucked out due to the portentous cheerfulness around the casino.

Threatening Jorda's life would have to be a fallback plan but even then his strategies only numbered a few. He did have a wildcard and given the chance it could be fruitful to his labours. Alas it was only a matter of time when she'd grow impatient of his stalling, however.

"Catch you? I suppose you really don't know who I am.'​, even if he wasn't intimidating he had enigmatic principal. Of course no one would be able to recognize his true nature lest they dug deep into his mind and witnessed the waning darkness that was soon to give light to the whole galaxy. "You're at a disadvantage.", he added on as he took a more proper stance. Ready to escape into his ship if need be or assault the Jedi when given a chance. "I know what you are, Jedi but you have no idea who you're dealing with.", his final reason extended in a raised voice that clung to the malodorous air.

[member="Keira Ticon"]
That thought had never really crossed her mind, when it came to who exactly she was facing in the docking bay of the Dragon Palace Casino. But as it were she didn't have a spare moment to spend deliberating who he was and what his purpose on the planet happened to be. At her best guess, which was, for her, proven right, his presence was malevolent and meant to be dealt with as such. Something she wouldn't exactly take pleasure in, but getting rid of him was one way to keep the peace, and that was what she intended to do. Traditional Jedi, or Jedi by any sense of the word, she still had her own moral compass that she followed, and it wasn't all that easily swayed. Especially not by people like this.

It was evident he'd pinned her as a Jedi, perhaps even one affiliated with the Republic, with how he kept referring to her. Much to his disappointment, she was anything but the peacekeepers many of the galaxy thought of when they heard the word. In fact, it was a label Keira loosely affiliated herself with on a sparse few occasions, if at all. She had left the Order for a good reason, and didn't intend to look back. The fact that he assumed her to belong was only to be expected, but that didn't mean she had to like the moniker. "You keep using that word. I don't think you know who you're dealing with. But please, do enlighten me. Who am I?" The question was accompanied by an easy smile, something she hoped would at least put him on edge, if not provoke him.

There were a few variables at play, she noted, having quickly assessed the situation. The most obvious option would be a hostage situation, but something told her that this one wouldn't be the type of individual to go for the most obvious ploy. Right now he seemed to be at the very least attempting to bide his time, but for what she wasn't sure. The only thing she was certain of was that it couldn't have been anything good, considering what events had already transpired. But at this point, any backup on either of their parts didn't seem likely.

"I've got a few ideas. Irritance comes to mind, and so does scum of the galaxy. Which is it you like better?"

[member="Catalys Maijora"]
The way she came across wasn't terribly different than the Jedi he faced on Nar Shaddaa but unlike him she wasn't caught off-guard. She knew that he was up to no good and well-prepared for a fight and although Catalys was trained close-quarters combat he had no intention to have a drawn out conflict. Despite this he was intrigued by her willpower, few people he's encountered gave off the impression of realized confidence. Surely Anja Aj'Rou and her pet, Vile, would be equally intrigued.

"There's nothing left for you, here.", his voice was unusually relaxed, releasing tendrils of serene words into her ear. "You have come to a greater purpose and not yet realized its meaning., as an Umbaran he was capable of reading --even influencing-- those around him. He didn't expect her -- a Jedi -- to fall into it but nonetheless he intended to sway her mind with unintended thoughts. "You do not know your true potential, your true power.", perhaps he was right but even then he didn't have to believe his own words for them to be believable. "Are you alone because you have no master? Or are you your own master?", he continued to ask inquisitively, "What do you want to achieve above all else?" His words were usually intoxicating to the weak-minded but he knew she was hardly the type to be considered as such. It was to the point where he'd leave a small truth amongst the enigmatic prophecy of hist tongue.

"I'm taking my captive off-world. For purposes you are unable to comprehend."

[member="Keira Ticon"]
Though she'd been informed of those who could impose their own will on others through use of the Force or just their species' natural ability, Keira had never witnessed any such techniques put into play. And as such, she was unprepared for the words he spoke or the tone he used while doing so. A part of her still remained that knew something was off, but the better part of her mind was swayed, at least partly, in his direction. There was nothing to really alert the man of this, except for one thing: her lightsaber disengaged, though the hilt still remained in her grasp. At least, for the time being. The less easily convinced aspect still remained on alert, however curious she was now. It may have been the Force, or it may have been just her nature, but she still wasn't completely convinced. It would take more than a few words and a sprinkling of suggestion to do that.

But his last statement brought her, at least partly, back to reality, and she attempted to shake the cobwebs of his influence from her mind. "I think I can comprehend them just fine. You aren't suggesting anything better than what I have in mind from the use of the word captive, either. Of course, I could just as easily call you a dead man walking." Even if she might not be inclined towards violence towards him at this point, for reasons she couldn't quite understand at the moment, her threats were still in perfect working order.

His questions still pricked at her mind, but she wasn't about to give him a straight answer, however influenced or not she might have been, her stubbornness still stood as strong as ever. Most called her headstrong, she called it a family virtue. "What I want to achieve right now is you leaving, without her," She nodded towards where [member="Jorda Ulluto"] lay, "On your ship. And maybe a few lost limbs on your part. I've not quite decided yet. But keep talking." That last statement was only half-sarcastic, as a part of her was still vaguely interested in what it was he had to say. But if she was to be his captive to, no part of her would go without a fight.

[member="Catalys Maijora"]
The fact her lightsaber disengaged gave him a rush of adrenaline, his own self-praise was irrelevant but nonetheless he had savored moment. "I'm leaving with her.", he spoke clearly as to reassure her of his position. "I think you're beginning to understand... You Jedi have such philosophy, a void to fill internally.", he continued to manipulate the presence he imposed to fuel his words. To him she was either cautious or stubborn, perhaps a bit of both. It didn't matter much, however, as he felt the nature of his words sink into her just before. He could do it again, even if she was catching on.

"Your dark and light sides. The nature of code and honour. It's meaningless when you begin to question the reality imposed on you.", his voice picked up through the amplifier in his helmet and throughout the entire debate his stance had not changed much.

"I think you're beginning to wonder not who I am, but who I'm with. You're also wondering about who you are and what you want to accomplish.", his snake-like tendency wasn't necessarily obscure. "You want strength, purpose, meaning."

Keeping her in check was no easy task and its measure of success would come to be realized all too soon. It was nearly time to leave, and whether or not she came with would be decided in the next few moments.
Slowly and with an agonizing pain in her head, Jorda's eyes fluttered open. The first thing she grimly noticed upon waking were the cuffs around her wrists. The second thing was the ramp on which she lay. It seemed like she was about to board a ship. The Zeltron lifted her head to try and get a look at her surroundings.

When she saw the man standing before her, the hazy memories from the last hour came flooding back. It was Dasha's bounty hunter. Maybe. Come to think of it she'd crossed more people than she could remembered so maybe it was someone else. He was talking to a vaguely familiar looking woman and Jorda thought she knew her from somewhere? But where? Maybe she saw her talking to Cryax at the casino?

They were carrying out what seemed like half a conversation with one another. Still concussed and unable to move more than a few muscles, the Zeltron infochant simply watched them to see how the scene would play out.

[member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Keira Ticon"]
However well he was doing at talking down her defenses, Keira had to admit that some of what he said was true, whether she wished it were or not. Just because that was so didn't mean he had to be completely aware of the fact. Letting one's enemy get a glimpse of any weakness was the first mistake, and something she'd already done, consciously or no. But continuing to allow them to exploit that weakness was something they would have to work for. Doubly so when it came to this particular encounter. Although she wasn't one to consider herself weak-minded, and no matter how stubborn or cocky she might have been, when it came down to the wire she knew the limits of her own skill. Admitting them, however, wasn't her strong point.

"Honor is meaningless, on that we can agree. As long as things transpire the way you intend them to, nothing else matters. The dark and the light mean even less to me." The rogue shook her head. "I've told you before, I'm not a fething Jedi. I just happen to carry a lightsaber and can ever so conveniently wield the Force." That much was the truth. Ever since her self-imposed exile she'd never considered herself one of them, and even before her ties had started to dwindle. Let the man talk all he wanted, but she still wouldn't be referred to as something she wasn't. The idea might have bothered her more than it should have, but so be it.

As she thought over all that had been said, her lightsaber returned to its place at her waist, she herself now empty handed. And as much as she hated to admit it, his words were beginning to give her pause. She really hadn't devoted much time to the philosophical side of things, but in the middle of a confrontation wasn't the time to do it. And why was her lightsaber on her belt? Taking it in hand once more, she spoke, "Right now I her back, you gone, and all of this to be over and done with."

Her mental defenses were slowly dwindling, but she was doing her best to keep them in check, knowing that if he gained the upper hand things wouldn't go nearly as well. But another part of her shrugged it off, dismissing her more rational side and deeming this one as no sort of threat, but rather an uneasy ally. Torn between these two sides she remained content in her silence, hazel green gaze still steadily on the man who stood in front of her.

[member="Jorda Ulluto"], [member="Catalys Maijora"]
The moment she put the lightsaber at her side he knew that her own willpower was beginning to shake. Tearing one to the very foundation was no easy task and perhaps for her it would be impossible, at least without Vile. Right now his greatest weapon happened to be words, a fact he was not so ready to accept.

"The truth is not at the forefront of our vision. Lies are easy to believe.", he added onto his discussion. Never directly responding to her words, it was rhetoric, discourse. The agent's stance changed slowly, he wasn't relaxed but he no longer gave off the impression of imminent combat. Time was running out. He could feel her closing but she was still strong, trying his patience. "You hold your weapon but why? Why do you use it, what purpose does it hold anymore?", he took a few steps back as he spoke; adjusting himself in a position that was more careful towards the now waking captive.

"Your identity is being shattered. Your emotions a burden. Can't you feel it? Can't you feel the need to put the weapon away?", pausing in-between words, "Don't you see it's meaningless to fight?"

[member="Jorda Ulluto"] [member="Keira Ticon"]
Some of his words struck home, that much was true. But Keira still had a problem with some of the words being spoken. One, she had been raised a fighter, despite residing in the Temple for the better part of her life. Two, she knew exactly who she was, and no amount of talking could cause her to forsake her identity. As long as she still had something to hinge on, a part of her would remain unconvinced. But at least he wasn’t calling her Jedi anymore. It was the little things, really. And something told her those would be the only rewards she would get.

For a moment she faltered nearly completely, the lightsaber in her grip returning to her side once more, not of her own accord. That was an irritation, but the blade wasn’t her only weapon. She still had the Force, something that would never leave her, and no amount of suggestion could change that. Whether she would utilize it against him was still up in the air, but it was definitely in the cards. The energy field was her last defense, no matter if she consciously meant it to be. And right then it was telling her to keep a wary eye on him, though he could be trusted…to a degree.

Slowly she took a few steps toward him, making as if to board the ship, before pausing and giving a shake of her head, attempting to clear the fog from her head. “Fighting is what keeps me alive. And as long as I live, I’ll fight. But whether I’ll decide to kill you remains to be seen.” The words came a bit difficultly for her, and while she knew it was his will being imposed on her, she still refused to submit completely. That was something she would never do.

A string of curses in Old Corellian, each expletive more colorful than the last, preceded her next statement, as the internal war against her better judgment was still being waged, “Lies are as much a part of life as breathing, something you should understand in your business. They aren’t anything more than what you’re speaking now.” Though she was swayed to believing at least some of what he spoke, she would still continue to give him a run for his money.

[member="Catalys Maijora"], [member="Jorda Ulluto"]
The woman before him was no longer going to comply to his ability. She had done enough but her words were spoken like someone who truly was with themselves; she was different from the Jedi who made home on Nar Shaddaa.

Even if it meant he alone who not be enough, Catalys knew that time was no longer a luxury. He had to leave the planet shortly. A small ship was orbiting the world, preparing to leave the system and if he didn't get his captive there then he would be left beyond, forsaken like other agents who fail their missions. Letting go of his grip over her he immediately pulls his barrel down on her and fires another stun blast. He had been stalling so that it could charge and he almost believed he wouldn't even need it anymore. The rifle he had found on his very first encounter in the galaxy would potentially become his most valued asset. It's been several times now that he needed to use it.

Whatever happens after would remain to be seen but one thing was certain. He was leaving this world with her or without her.

[member="Jorda Ulluto"] [member="Keira Ticon"]
It might have been the shock that accompanied the sudden release of her mind, or it might have been because she was still struggling to claw her way back to the reality she knew, but for whatever reason, Keira wasn't able to get her lightsaber up in time to deflect the bolt. Thankfully it was only a stun bolt, otherwise things would have turned out much less favorably. Or as less favorably as they could, with her now being a captive of whomever it was the man worked for, or so she assumed. If his intention wasn't to capture, he would have aimed to kill. As her, he wasn't one to do things without a purpose.

Once the bolt made contact she went limp instantly, collapsing to the floor of the docking bay mere steps from the ramp of the ship where [member="Jorda Ulluto"] lay. Only time would tell what she'd wake up to.

[member="Catalys Maijora"]
The world of Antecedent was far away from the heinous world of ruination known as Gulamendis. Two worlds most opposite from one another in scope and society alike; it brought about a sense of cruel irony. One filled with towering cityscapes, entertainment, and life. The other a twisted landscape of death and decay, bearing no sympathy. A galaxy between them. This would be the second Jedi captured by the Primeval, and like wise she was an unintended surprise. The Gods must truly wish this to be the final Host. The final pledge to find them, the one and only successful salvation.

The two captives were loaded onto his small starship, the old ship left the illuminate world behind them; a glowing marble containing billions of lifeforms and into the dark galaxy ahead of them. Of course along the way they'd pass through various systems that catered to active and bustling worlds, some much like Antecedent. The deeper they went the more busy the galaxy seemed. Fleets, worlds, asteroids, moons, stations, all made their mark like waystations. Few if any knew of The Primeval. Now four of the trillions of galactic souls have gone missing by their actions, even if odds were against them it wasn't as if four could bring a thousand to their doorstep. The cold and calculated sweeps of their strategy was beginning to payoff. Two Jedi, a shipwright, and an infochant; if it wasn't realized now then it soon would be, his mission had paid off far more than expected. For Catalys he could only think about awaiting glory, the eagerness they all felt for their prepared excursion into the known galaxy. The very place they were exiled from.

The Fleet....

Illuminated by Gulamendis' orbiting star, lied the crowning jewel of their movement. A fleet of starships lead by Anja Aj'Rou, aboard their flagship -- Order's End -- Salacious Vile was already hard at work with the first pair of prisoners. Two more would grace the twisted servant of the Gods. The two prisoners in stasis would soon wake up, in chains and on board the surprisingly hospitable warship of their enemy's leader. Hall of white, well lit, and accommodating to even the most fragile races.

This was the prologue to a long and drawn out conflict to be born of his efforts. Finally, the task at hand was complete. His mission a success. Endeavors were met.

Back on the world of Antecedent, few signs were left behind. Two people missing, an apartment empty and on the dock a single surveillance system which saw but could not act.

Objective: Capture the infochant
Status: Complete
[member="Jorda Ulluto"] [member="Keira Ticon"]

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