Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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An Unexpected Inturruption (Scarlet Faith)

Puppet Kyrios

Asteria woke up to William whispering in her ear.

"Echuio, meleth-nin. It is a new day.

After a small breakfast and a few minutes of convincing William to stay in the hotel room to recover some more while she went out to find a ship back to the Libertalia, where she knew she and William would be safe while she worked somethings out with the Red Ravens.

As Asteria walked down the docking bays, her ears pricked up at the sound of someone following her.

[member="Scarlet Faith"]
Walking along the crowded streets of Coruscant, Scarlet was glad to be out of the undercity for a while. That place was so filthy... And completely not her style. the only reason she hung out there was because she knew what it was like. If she wasn't there, night after night, to watch after the little guy, then who would be. But today, she had to get away for a while. Cloak draper down over her back, scythe folded cleanly under, she walked around, looking for a place to eat. 'Oh, donuts!'

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Puppet Kyrios

'Oh, donuts!'

Asteria looked around and spotted the person who had made the exclamation, a young being in a cloak, and made her way over to her, standing a respectable distance away, and smiling.

What a darling young girl, Asteria thought and proceeded to observe.

[member="Scarlet Faith"]
(OOC: She said that in her head :p )

Walking into the donut shop, Scarlet had a small smile plastered on her face. She was a sucker for anything sweet, and this particular chain tended to add an extra layer of frosting on their donuts. Once she was at the counter, she peered at the sweets behind the counter, pondering which one to buy. Blueberry, chocolate filled, oh, they all looked so good... Then one caught her eye, and she nearly squealed with delight. "One red velvet, please."

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

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